Are Males more Lustful than females? Why?

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Men tend to be far more visually stimulated, too. Women are more kinesthetic.

It’s not that hard to figure out. Does Madison avenue use mostly half-naked men to sell products or half-naked women?
OK, I have a very frequent desires and have no fertile times. That ship sailed quite a few years a go.😊 What might be your explanation for that?
A woman’s strongest sexual desire, not any and all sexual desire will wax and wane depending on her fertility cycle. Just like a new moon, you may not see it lit up as bright, but it’s still there, and it is just as much responsible for the tides as it is when it’s full. The point I was making about fertility was in addition to the physiological fact that testosterone is responsible for libido in both men and women. Men make more testosterone under normal healthy circumstances comparatively speaking, so it’s only natural they would be more prone to lust.

This is in no way an excuse for men to give in to lust, nor does it mean they are less capable of controlling their lust. It means that they are faced with controlling it more often. I believe most men are more than capable of controlling inordinate desires, but they’re encouraged by society to not control inordinate desire, as if it’s beyond their power to do so. That’s a lie told to them by the father of lies.
Both men and women are equally able and likely to be “lustful”. However, the stimulation required and manner in which it firsts manifests itself as well as the pattern of arousal are completely different.

Men are certainly more readily visually and sensually (that is of the senses, e.g. touch) than women. Women are more readily stimulated by feelings of emotional connection and security.

We can see that this makes sense when we consider the traditional roles that the different genders hold in raising children. Men have in the past, been the principal providers of shelter, food and other raw materials of family life. Women are all about caring for children and taking those raw survival materials and making something useful from them. Obviously there is some shared responsibility and overlap as well.

Women need to feel safe to ensure their children are safe. Men need to provide this safety because they care for their wife and children. The wife needs to take care of the husband (feed him) to support his efforts.

This is basic human psychology at a very low level. We see these patterns in every human community, no matter what culture.

These patterns directly relate to who is more “lustful”. Men are visual, women are emotional.
I saw an interesting documentary about a woman who had a sex change to become male. When she started receiving testosterone was amazed at how strong the male sexual urge was, and had trouble controlling it and acting civil. She came away with a new appreciation for how hard men have to work to control themselves to act civil and polite (and morally I guess, although she didn’t say that).
I am not certain that the testimony of someone who is deep in the throes of a major sexual disorder and engaging in doctor-assisted self mutilation would be a reliable source for information about sexuality.
Are Males more Lustful than females? Why?
Yes. Theoretically due to primitive instinct to initiate mating. Probably at one time it was also assisted by a pheromone component common now in nature, but our genetic link to the primate genus long gone, and the wearing of clothing or bathing and whatever else may be the cause, it probably is no longer expressive, albeit still present.

Regardless of the accuracy of the above, this is what I feel is unjust about sexual sins.vs.the others. It assumes all man enters the test environment with the same level of sexual deficiency vulnerable to the same susceptibility to the rest.

The decalogue does not factor in the imbalance. For instance.

Assume there are only 100 children in the world when the decalogue is presented directly to them. We find after a month no sexual sins committed by them. Now at the age of puberty 5 teens are now sexually mature. We find 3 commit sexual sins.

At an instant of time, of the 95, 10 die and go to heaven and rewarded for the job well done in keeping away from sexual mortal sins.(remember, the rule is still applicable to them) In reality the decalogue was for them a subset of the main list. This is immediately unfair for those judged for hades because of sexual sins, timing being the variable in this case, a variable that should never be a factor.

Of the 5 mature, 3 die and go to hell for sexual sins.

We find those who die early enough will never be judged for sexual sins, and those mature will inherit the propensity to sexual sin. That makes the 5 candidates for the probability of mortal sins exempt for the 95.

What can be an appropriate remedy?

There could be many. As it is, for our argument if we can assign a severity figure to mortal sins of every category, we can assign an 8. What is called for is, in consideration of the advantage of the programming aspect not experienced by the immature in their mortal sins, then it is obvious the degree should be downgraded to a 7.

Moses I feel should have been made aware of the mechanism of sex in the human experience,(ie:testosterone,libido,etc) and not simply panned off as no different than the others. Even small print would have been a gesture.

Given the lack of sensitivity and interest by the Church in spite of the glaring statistics, it makes me wonder how man is really considered.

The Church could exercise much more in appeals for it’s flock. Many times in the OT the Jews implemented rules that God allowed, because of their hardened hearts. Ironically, this implementation wouldn’t be a liberty from moral rule as was then, but simply a balancing of judicial dysfunction. It could decree a dispensation in recognition of their predicament for all mature people to be applied to any sins they commit sexually.

I don’t know about that - I find myself daydreaming in inappropriate ways, even at times of the month when I’m not fertile. 😊

(I also don’t usually need much in the way of external stimulation; looking at or reading about members of the opposite sex isn’t necessary to bring on an episode - I thought better of explaining that to a recent confessor, who advised me to avoid the company of men, other than my husband - I didn’t think it would be good for him to know that I could probably have this same difficulty, even if I were cloistered into the deepest recesses of the world’s strictest convent.)
I suspect, with both men and women, there are varying degrees of libido amongst individuals. There are both men and women on either end of thier respective spectrums.

Having said this, I’d do not think the spectrums lay on top of each other but they do overlap with the male spectrum considerably more toward the higher side.

Of course, having said this it means there are many women who have a greater sexual desire then many men. But not generally speaking.

I certainly do believe that for whatever reason, women do handle it much more appropriately.

Men tend to be far more visually stimulated, too. Women are more kinesthetic.

It’s not that hard to figure out. Does Madison avenue use mostly half-naked men to sell products or half-naked women?
That’s because men have more money; not because they have more lust. 😉

For products that are intended for women, yes, they do use male attraction to sell (would “Mr. Clean” be nearly as popular, if “Mr. Clean” were “Miss Clean,” or if he weren’t wearing that tight shirt? And when they sell perfume, there is always a handsome young man in the background looking like he’s just about to say something nice. 😉 )
Just a playful observation:

Q: When there is a nude male and nude female in a room, which one is “nuder”?
A: The male, because even his thoughts are visible.

Ohhhhhhh it took me a moment to get that and then I wish I hadn’t. >_<

I think… that I don’t know. As I see it, the issue is a rat’s nest of possible half-causes and diverse sources of difference. I think society certainly says that women are less lustful than men, but whether this is because they are, they are because this is, or possible this was merely a slight tendency that has been blown out of proportion, I can’t say. And let’s not get into whether or not women are as lustful as men but show it differently; that’s such a complicated and difficult question in itself.
Whats this? I thought men and women were equal. I guess when it comes to negative things equality doesn’t apply.
Whats this? I thought men and women were equal. I guess when it comes to negative things equality doesn’t apply.
Now, now, now. You will notice there are differing opinions, and it’s a discussion, not an accusation. 🙂
I think that men are more lustful, and I think that men wish that women were equally as lustful. Obviously there are extremes for both genders, but generally speaking I think that men corner the market on lust.

Media, however, wants us to believe that women are just as lustful as men. Television shows “Sex and the City” comes to mind, tell us that women are out there just as desiring of sex as men. I have yet to meet “real woman” who genuinely desire this. Even those girls I knew in HS or college who were promiscuous, were not sleeping around because they just wanted the physical pleasure of sex, it was more about lack of self worth, or trying to “get” the guy thinking that this is what the guy wanted. Society tells young woman to be sexual for the sake of being wanted, but I believe for most woman, this is not what they really want.
I think that men are more lustful, and I think that men wish that women were equally as lustful. Obviously there are extremes for both genders, but generally speaking I think that men corner the market on lust.

Media, however, wants us to believe that women are just as lustful as men. Television shows “Sex and the City” comes to mind, tell us that women are out there just as desiring of sex as men. I have yet to meet “real woman” who genuinely desire this. Even those girls I knew in HS or college who were promiscuous, were not sleeping around because they just wanted the physical pleasure of sex, it was more about lack of self worth, or trying to “get” the guy thinking that this is what the guy wanted. Society tells young woman to be sexual for the sake of being wanted, but I believe for most woman, this is not what they really want.
This is an interesting comment. I may have mentioned I was reading some moronic magazines in a hairdressers recently, (nothing else to do) and I was appalled. Every page of every magazine I had in the collection, was filled with diets, fashion,(that most people can’t afford), stick insect celebraties that look like something liberated from Belsen and how they keep their size zero figure with diet and exercise, and advertizements for plastic surgery, and sympathetic articles about celebraties who unfortunately have not got down to a size zero a week after having a baby. I saw a programme recently on promoting sport in teenage girls all the girls interviewed said if they had a choice between being healthy and being attractive, they would pick being attractive. Is it any wonder! The media has a lot to answer for in how it portrays sexuality. If they continually portray the idea that women must always be sexually attractive, a stick insect, and up on the latest fashions they can’t afford, is it any wonder men see them as sex objects and they feel they are worthless if they are not. Of course, most top management jobs in Media are held by middle aged men.😃 Sorry, had to get that in!
Sorry, just wanted to add to my above post. I have been watching a history series about European Kings. (Yes some women are interested in things apart from fashion and diets which the media should take on board) A lot of European Queens only kept their head, LITERALLY, if they could produce a son and keep the King happy in the bedroom. If he took a fancy to a younger model, they got rid of the older one. Therefore, it was a matter of survival.
Sorry, just wanted to add to my above post. I have been watching a history series about European Kings. (Yes some women are interested in things apart from fashion and diets which the media should take on board) A lot of European Queens only kept their head, LITERALLY, if they could produce a son and keep the King happy in the bedroom. If he took a fancy to a younger model, they got rid of the older one. Therefore, it was a matter of survival.
Thinking of Henry VIII? A poor excuse for a king or a man.
I am an 18 year old girl. Most of my peers are “lustful.”
Though I voted that boys are more lustful, I think allot of girls help this along by the way they act and dress.

I personally dress modestly and don’t flirt, but in the four years I was in high school I had 4 boys who really liked me. I like most of them as friends or people I knew at school, but not boyfriends.
One (during my sophomore year) followed me everywhere and was constantly pulling my hair even when I became angry with him. The second was during my junior year and he followed me and asked me out on a few dates. I said no because he was too posessive and I was not interested in him in that way. He was irritating too. We had class together right before lunch and he constantly asked me to sit with him. I gave in one time. He sat at a table with about 12 other guys who all were total geeks speaking in binary (I went to a computer charter school), there was not one other girl at the table. So I told him ever after that I had to study during lunch. (Most girls don’t like me because I have morals and dress modestly so I did not have anyone else to eat lunch with). Senior year that same boy still liked me. Another boy joined the group though and he asked me to homecoming. I told him I would go as a friend because he did not seem to like me too much at the time. We had fun,but he would not dance so we just sat and watched other people dance:( (I love dancing), and ever after he was weird to me. We had a class together that lasted 2 hours every day. Sometimes there was not very much work to do so he would come and kneel next to my desk. 😛 The fourth boy was nice. I liked him best because he was the only Catholic boy I had met at this school who actually stood up for his faith. He asked me to go with him to a show (we live in Vegas so going to a show on the strip is normal) because his date had been grounded and he had some expensive tickets. He asked me the day of so I said yes. Prom was horrible the boy who liked me junior year and the boy who took me to homecoming both asked me so I said no to both and went with a group of friends to the prom at a different school. That was FUN.
I was not at all provacative towards these boys, but they chased me. This to me makes them more of the chasers (lustful is a strong word), but the fact that most girls won’t even talk to me because I dress nicely and because I don’t flirt really makes me think that girls might have made boys become the way they are. 🤷
I believe men are more “sex driven” then women are. A lot of women want to tease men which drives men crazy but women don’t want to do anything with these guys just have them look at them for attition which I find wrong. The women are causing the men to sin because of what they are doing. There for making the man “lust” after them. I blame it on women to a point unless a women is dressed modestly then it’s the man’s problem.
Though I voted that boys are more lustful, I think allot of girls help this along by the way they act and dress.
think about Saudi Arabia. There are still rapists there even though women dress like ninja potatoes.
most girls won’t even talk to me because I dress nicely and because I don’t flirt
it cant be that simple. try not to blame other people but look within yourself, your inner personality. there must be something about it that other girls find annoying.
I believe men are more “sex driven” then women are. A lot of women want to tease men which drives men crazy but women don’t want to do anything with these guys just have them look at them for attition which I find wrong.
Yeah. My wife loves to tease me every night- get me all pumped up. But in the end she doesnt really want to have sex. She just enjoys the way i react before we sleep. Well I enjoy it too. 😃
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