Are Males more Lustful than females? Why?

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think about Saudi Arabia. There are still rapists there even though women dress like ninja potatoes.
I said girls help it along, not that we are responsible. Besides men over there are much more violent.
It cant be that simple. try not to blame other people but look within yourself, your inner personality. there must be something about it that other girls find annoying.
I don’t know. They don’t really give me a chance. It is the same for all my sisters and my mom. My brothers don’t have a problem with other guys. My sister is in first grade and the girls and her class act the same way. None of us have a problem with boys. They are friendly, but girls don’t like us. Maybe it is the fact that I dress modestly, don’t wear make-up, don’t have a boyfriend, don’t care about anyone else’s boyfriend/girlfriend, don’t go see bad movies or read bad books, my parents trust me completly, I inform my parents what I can and cannot do:shrug: … Maybe they think I am stuck-up. I don’t know, but I do know that most girls won’t even give me a first chance. I am different because I am the eldest of 6, I have lived in six states, and was homeschooled for a while. I enjoy the company of adults because I enjoy talking deeply not talking fake or talking “Like OMG! I like, like him! Can you like believe it? Like OMG!” Besides that I don’t cuss.
So maybe it is me, but I am not going to change my high standards for fake friendships.
Hoggamous, loggamous, women are monogamous,
Higgledous, piggledous, men are polygamous.
With polygamy, for every man who lusts, there are several more women who lust. Correct?
Just a playful observation:

Q: When there is a nude male and nude female in a room, which one is “nuder”?
A: The male, because even his thoughts are visible.

In what way are his thoughts visible?
Testosterone is responsible for libido in both men and women. Men produce far more testosterone than do females, ergo men have a stronger libido to deal with than do women.
Libido is not lust.
Additionally, men are fertile 24/7 basically till the day they die.
not true. Source?
A woman’s hormone fluctuations will cause her sexual desire to wax and wane through the month, whereas a man is fairly consistent barring any other health considerations.
Also not true.
Men are more lustful than women, and this is their cross to bear.
Incorrect. Men have greater temptation to lust, and this is their cross to bear. Women don’t have this temptation, and therefore it is easier for them to get to heaven, since they are not tested as strong.
Having said this, I’d do not think the spectrums lay on top of each other but they do overlap with the male spectrum considerably more toward the higher side.
How do you know this? Only someone who is both a man and a woman can know this.
Of course, having said this it means there are many women who have a greater sexual desire then many men. But not generally speaking.
Why not?
I certainly do believe that for whatever reason, women do handle it much more appropriately.
I know a lot of women who do not handle it appropriately.
Whats this? I thought men and women were equal. I guess when it comes to negative things equality doesn’t apply.
Well no, they are not equal. And it is not a negative for men to be more tempted, rather an opportunity for greater sanctification.

I think that men are more lustful,
Based on what?
and I think that men wish that women were equally as lustful.
Why would you conclude this?
Obviously there are extremes for both genders, but generally speaking I think that men corner the market on lust.
Not true at all. Men have greater temptation, not the market on lust. Big difference.
Media, however, wants us to believe that women are just as lustful as men.
Media is not a reliable source of information.
Television shows “Sex and the City” comes to mind, tell us that women are out there just as desiring of sex as men. I have yet to meet “real woman” who genuinely desire this. Even those girls I knew in HS or college who were promiscuous, were not sleeping around because they just wanted the physical pleasure of sex, it was more about lack of self worth, or trying to “get” the guy thinking that this is what the guy wanted.
This is total baloney.
Society tells young woman to be sexual for the sake of being wanted, but I believe for most woman, this is not what they really want.
By this same reasoning, to say that men are lustful and all they want is sex is a ‘conditioning’ made by society, not something intrinsic to their nature.
The media has a lot to answer for in how it portrays sexuality. If they continually portray the idea that women must always be sexually attractive, a stick insect, and up on the latest fashions they can’t afford, is it any wonder men see them as sex objects and they feel they are worthless if they are not.
It is also the media that portrays men as players, and deep down, this is NOT what they really want.
I am an 18 year old girl. Most of my peers are “lustful.”
Though I voted that boys are more lustful, I think allot of girls help this along by the way they act and dress.
So they ARE or they ARE NOT more lustful? Are you saying it is dependent on how girls dress? Men are helpless?
One (during my sophomore year) followed me everywhere and was constantly pulling my hair even when I became angry with him.
Now, do most boys pull your hair or are you making a generalization? There are girls who have one night stands. Can this be generalized to all women?
This to me makes them more of the chasers (lustful is a strong word), but the fact that most girls won’t even talk to me because I dress nicely and because I don’t flirt
really makes me think that girls might have made boys become the way they are. 🤷
Now, are girls or boys more lustful? Men or women?
I believe men are more “sex driven” then women are. A lot of women want to tease men which drives men crazy but women don’t want to do anything with these guys just have them look at them for attition which I find wrong. The women are causing the men to sin because of what they are doing. There for making the man “lust” after them. I blame it on women to a point unless a women is dressed modestly then it’s the man’s problem.
Remember, vanity is the grand accomplice of lust
In what way are his thoughts visible?
It is a reference to the idea that men think only of naked women. Thus “his thoughts” - the naked woman - are also visible.

(I consider this line of thinking to be needlessly sexist, and demeaning towards men.)
It is a reference to the idea that men think only of naked women. Thus “his thoughts” - the naked woman - are also visible.

(I consider this line of thinking to be needlessly sexist, and demeaning towards men.)
Thanks for the clarification.
I think it is also demeaning towards women. 😦
What is the evidence of this statement?
Just my experience, not that I have ever dated such girls, but those that do tend (those that I have known as acquaintances) to go both ways. Pretty gross really, but when you look at the more decadent subcultures it ends up that way.
Based on NTOT quotes

Marci: I think that men are more lustful.
Based on what?

Look around you. Most of the advertizing we see is sexually targeted to men. Traditionally, (granted not so much today) infedelity has been mostly as issue for men. Men are much more likely to engage in sexual gratification without emotional conection. The two are not necessarily connected in order for men to receive satisfaction.

*I think that men wish that women were equally as lustful *

Why would you conclude this?

Because male society has told women that this is what men want. This is what is takes to get and keep a man. Be Julia Childs in the kitchen and Jenna Jamison in the bedroom.

Obviously there are extremes for both genders, but generally speaking I think that men corner the market on lust

Not true at all. Men have greater temptation, not the market on lust. Big difference.

Where’s the big difference? To lust is to be tempted. You see a women in a miniskirt, you think certain thoughts, you lust.

Media, however, wants us to believe that women are just as lustful as men

Media is not a reliable source of information.

I never said it was. Only that media (adveritizing, movies, TV) tell women that this is what men want. Have you ever heard the saying that “women don’t dress for men, they dress for other women”. Women are competitive with each other. Media, magazines, etc., tell them that if they are more provocative or sexual then the next women they will win the compotition. And they are right, at least in a strictly superficial way. This may be the way to a man’s libido, but it’s not the way to his heart. However, since women generally do not separate the two, most think that one is inseparable from the other, because they are thinking as a woman not as a man.

Televeision shows “Sex and the City” comes to mind, tell us that women are out there just as desiring of sex as men. I have yet to meet “real women” who genuinely desire this. Even those girls I knew in HS or college who were promiscuous, were not sleeping around because they just wanted the physical pleasure of sex, it was more about lack of self worth, or trying to “get the guy” thinking that this is what the guy wanted.

This is total baloney.

Psychologically speaking, promiscuity in women can be one indicator of some kind of emotional problem due to a variety of issues. Women who were sexually abused as children, women who have had an abortion, women who grew up without a possitive male influence. All of these can lead to a variety of “acting out” type behaviors; drug and alcohol abuse, depression, and yes promiscuity.

Promiscuity in men is, although morally wrong, considered normal to a point. Obviously there are extremes, but the rule. Men are biologically designed to “spread the seed”. In addition to higher levels of sexual hormones, they are, baring any physical problems, continually fertile.

Society tells young women to be sexual for the sake of being wanted, but I believe for most woman, this is not what they really want.

By this same reasoning, to say that men are lustful and all they want is sex is a “conditioning” made by society, not something intrinsic to their nature.

It is biologically IN their nature. Prostitution is said to be the oldest profession. It has been around long before, Media. Were there male brothels alongside the female ones? Modern society has not created male sexual desire. What I am saying is that modern society is telling women that they too must be lustful and wanting of sex as much as men in order to woo them. Believe me, I have seen enough young women get their hearts broken because they mistakenly believed that sleeping with the guy they “loved” would make him return that love, only to be brushed off after the fact. And yet they continue to fall into the same pattern, continuing to believe that love and sex are equally conected for most men as they are for most women. Women, when honest with themselves, want love not casual sexual encounters. It is what biolagically drives them. Stability, protection, and an environment which will provide viability to production and rearing of offspring.

Biologically the feelings of being “in love” can actually be seen in elevated levels of certain endorfines in the brain triggered by hormones. This initial serge can be seen for around 18 months to 2 years. In past society this period most probably would have produced offspring, so that by the time the endorphine levels stablilize the need for “staying together” is necessitated by care of children. So, long after feelings of “goo goo ga ga” have worn off parents remain together (strictly biologically speaking) for the primary purpose of caring for young, and production of further offspring, which in ancient and pre-modern times, was seen as the greatest gift one could receive. This, of course, is where societal norms come into play. We no longer have these norms. With the introduction of ABC, lack of societal bans on infedelity and desertion, and the feminist movement which changed the cultrual views of women in the home as caregivers, the biological design of womenhood and manhood is now directly assulted by current societal expectations. Hence, the reason for my statement that this is not what women truely want.

This biological “reliance” on one another for the sake of caring for young can be seen as absent in the animal kingdom (with few exceptions), based on the short stage of childhood among the different species.

Obviously, I have been leaving out of the discussion the religious aspect of things. But, biologically speaking we are wired to do certain things. It is up to the individual to temper our desires based upon religious principles.
It is a reference to the idea that men think only of naked women. Thus “his thoughts” - the naked woman - are also visible.

(I consider this line of thinking to be needlessly sexist, and demeaning towards men.)
Thanks for the clarification.
I think it is also demeaning towards women.
Sorry, you are BOTH wrong, waaay wrong… obviously neither of you got the joke… but I will not explain! (And no, it is not sexist, nor it is demeaning to either the males or the females.)

Lighten up. 😉
Sorry, you are BOTH wrong, waaay wrong… obviously neither of you got the joke… but I will not explain! (And no, it is not sexist, nor it is demeaning to either the males or the females.)

Lighten up. 😉
They just need to think about it a little

something is bound to come up
Look around you. Most of the advertizing we see is sexually targeted to men.
Hardly. If one looks over the department store inserts in the newspaper for instance, they will see advertisements alluring to the inate desire of vanity in women. It is rather foolish for an advertiser to advertise womens’ cloths to men as it costs a great deal of money. It would be a quick path to the companies financial ruin. Advertisements aren’t in the paper just for fun.
Traditionally, (granted not so much today) infedelity has been mostly as issue for men.
This is a baseless statement which I challange you to support. It has historically been equal.
Men are much more likely to engage in sexual gratification without emotional conection. The two are not necessarily connected in order for men to receive satisfaction.
I am sure men very much so have an emotional connection and, just as you claim that women today are the product of today’s society, so the same would have to also apply to the men of today. How can you honestly say that women are only the way they are because of today’s society, but men are the way they are because of their intrinsic nature. What criteria are using to differentiate between the two.
Because male society has told women that this is what men want. This is what is takes to get and keep a man. Be Julia Childs in the kitchen and Jenna Jamison in the bedroom.
I fail to see this in society. Forgive me, but since I don’t watch TV, I may not be as enlightened to the ways of the world and the way things “really” are as much you are.
Where’s the big difference? To lust is to be tempted.
Nope. To lust is to sin. To be tempted is not. Temptation does not equate to lust.
You see a women in a miniskirt, you think certain thoughts, you lust.

How do you know what is going to happen when I see a women in a miniskirt?
I never said it was. Only that media (adveritizing, movies, TV) tell women that this is what men want. Have you ever heard the saying that “women don’t dress for men, they dress for other women”. Women are competitive with each other.

Again, advertising obviously must be appealing to the intrinsic nature of something that is naturally a part of women. Women have the heavy weight of fighting the relentless desire to be vain (and competive in that regard). It is not something the media invented. The media only plays on women’s fallen nature.
Media, magazines, etc., tell them that if they are more provocative or sexual then the next women they will win the compotition.
And a text book definition of vanity.
Televeision shows “Sex and the City” comes to mind, tell us that women are out there just as desiring of sex as men. I have yet to meet “real women” who genuinely desire this.
There is a reason I don’t watch TV as stated before. If your view of what men and women are like are derived from what is portrayed on such shows, I would recommend getting to know real people.
Even those girls I knew in HS or college who were promiscuous, were not sleeping around because they just wanted the physical pleasure of sex, it was more about lack of self worth, or trying to “get the guy” thinking that this is what the guy wanted.
Did they tell you this? It is about vanity.
Psychologically speaking, promiscuity in women can be one indicator of some kind of emotional problem due to a variety of issues. Women who were sexually abused as children, women who have had an abortion, women who grew up without a possitive male influence. All of these can lead to a variety of “acting out” type behaviors; drug and alcohol abuse, depression, and yes promiscuity.
The same can be said for men. Though it is not true. I know a lot men and a lot of women from many different walks of life. I happen to know many good men who grew up in abusive situations and the last thing they would ever desire is to be promiscuous. In fact many of them have stated how there is no way they would be able to live with themself if they knew that one day when they got married they weren’t able to share the gift of virginity with their future spouse. Where is the lack of emotion there?
Promiscuity in men is, although morally wrong, considered normal to a point.
Promiscuity in men, although morally wrong, is considered to be a mortal sin. Far from normal.
Obviously there are extremes, but the rule. Men are biologically designed to “spread the seed”.
Which animal is this in comparison to. Biologically men were created to father children in his family and provide for them together with his WIFE. No spreading of seed around.
In addition to higher levels of sexual hormones, they are, baring any physical problems, continually fertile.
Still need to explain how hormones and fertility equal the sin of lust.
Believe me, I have seen enough young women get their hearts broken because they mistakenly believed that sleeping with the guy they “loved” would make him return that love, only to be brushed off after the fact.
I have known personally a FEW young men who have had their hearts broken in similar manner, and it is something they completely regret and wish they could take back. If the emotional connection was absent, why would this be the case? A product of societal conditioning perhaps? Media influence? Is male lust the product of the media as well. You have to support what you say when you say it is only women who were conditioned by society, and men are just that way because they just are.
Biologically the feelings of being “in love” can actually be seen in elevated levels of certain endorfines in the brain triggered by hormones.
This is a false view of true love. True love is not based on endorfines.
With the introduction of ABC, lack of societal bans on infedelity and desertion, and the feminist movement which changed the cultrual views of women in the home as caregivers, the biological design of womenhood and manhood is now directly assulted by current societal expectations. Hence, the reason for my statement that this is not what women truely want.
But you maintain that men are that way just because they are. Not because of the decline in societal norms. What is you basis? Why do you say that what men truly want is just a bunch of faceless sex? I maintain that this is baloney.
This biological “reliance” on one another for the sake of caring for young can be seen as absent in the animal kingdom (with few exceptions), based on the short stage of childhood among the different species.
Before we were comparing men to animals, but for women, nope can’t compare them to animals. Biologically speaking. Compulsive and driven by instict.
Sorry, you are BOTH wrong, waaay wrong… obviously neither of you got the joke… but I will not explain! (And no, it is not sexist, nor it is demeaning to either the males or the females.)
I was trying to give you more credit than for what is apparent. I still fail to see how his thoughts are visible unless as explained by jmcrae it being the false notion of naked women being men’s thoughts. Biologic functions are not thoughts nor an indication of thought. Also gutter jokes are not taken in humor. Sorry.
Hardly. If one looks over the department store inserts in the newspaper for instance, they will see advertisements alluring to the inate desire of vanity in women. It is rather foolish for an advertiser to advertise womens’ cloths to men as it costs a great deal of money. It would be a quick path to the companies financial ruin. Advertisements aren’t in the paper just for fun.

When is the last time you saw an ad with a male model in a speedo standing next to a washing machine?

Now how many half naked women have you seen spread over the hood of a car?
This is a baseless statement which I challange you to support. It has historically been equal.I am sure men very much so have an emotional connection and, just as you claim that women today are the product of today’s society, so the same would have to also apply to the men of today. How can you honestly say that women are only the way they are because of today’s society, but men are the way they are because of their intrinsic nature. What criteria are using to differentiate between the two.
I was trying to give you more credit than for what is apparent. I still fail to see how his thoughts are visible unless as explained by jmcrae it being the false notion of naked women being men’s thoughts.
Your loss, not mine…
Biologic functions are not thoughts nor an indication of thought.
Are they not? That is news to me. In humans they are accompanied by thoughts, and that is what makes us different from animals.
Also gutter jokes are not taken in humor. Sorry.
Beauty and ugliness, and (obviously) jokes are in the eyes of the beholder. I especially like those jokes, which use totally innocent words, and the mind of the recipient must make a proper substitution to create the punchline. They are usually very politically incorrect… (Pour epater les bourgeois - if you know what I mean)
I wouldn’t be so bold to say that men are simply more lustful, but just more simple. I’ve had a few interesting (and insightful) conversations with a friend who’s a girl and she talked about how women simply display their sexuality differently. (What she said, though I think it holds something to itself)

The guys I know seem to display their lustfulness in more open ways, and some girls I know display it more subtly. (As a general rule)

I don’t think there could be some way to measure it qualitatively. Quantitatively, it goes to men, because they just seem to display it more.
And a text book definition of vanity

What is this vanity thing? Yes, ok, women are vain. What does this have to do with sexually lusting after men.
If your view of what men and women are like are derived from what is portrayed on such shows, I would recommend getting to know real people.
It’s fascinating that almost nobody here thinks women are more prone to lust than men. This is probably because men are stereotyped as more lustful. I decided to vote that both genders are equally lustful (am male btw).

Nothing in my experience leads me to believe that men are *more lustful *than women. As with nearly everything, however, I think that those who are *most prone *to lust are men, as well as those who are *least *tempted by lust. The most perverse and the least perverse people are men, as well. Perverted men also tend to focus on a particular kind of perversion and express it in the most extreme ways, whereas perverted women seem to dabble in various kinds. But these extremes balance out and in general, men and women seem to be about on par with one another in dealing with the sin of lust.
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