Based on NTOT quotes
Marci: I think that men are more lustful.
Based on what?
Look around you. Most of the advertizing we see is sexually targeted to men. Traditionally, (granted not so much today) infedelity has been mostly as issue for men. Men are much more likely to engage in sexual gratification without emotional conection. The two are not necessarily connected in order for men to receive satisfaction.
*I think that men wish that women were equally as lustful *
Why would you conclude this?
Because male society has told women that this is what men want. This is what is takes to get and keep a man. Be Julia Childs in the kitchen and Jenna Jamison in the bedroom.
Obviously there are extremes for both genders, but generally speaking I think that men corner the market on lust
Not true at all. Men have greater temptation, not the market on lust. Big difference.
Where’s the big difference? To lust is to be tempted. You see a women in a miniskirt, you think certain thoughts, you lust.
Media, however, wants us to believe that women are just as lustful as men
Media is not a reliable source of information.
I never said it was. Only that media (adveritizing, movies, TV) tell women that this is what men want. Have you ever heard the saying that “women don’t dress for men, they dress for other women”. Women are competitive with each other. Media, magazines, etc., tell them that if they are more provocative or sexual then the next women they will win the compotition. And they are right, at least in a strictly superficial way. This may be the way to a man’s libido, but it’s not the way to his heart. However, since women generally do not separate the two, most think that one is inseparable from the other, because they are thinking as a woman not as a man.
Televeision shows “Sex and the City” comes to mind, tell us that women are out there just as desiring of sex as men. I have yet to meet “real women” who genuinely desire this. Even those girls I knew in HS or college who were promiscuous, were not sleeping around because they just wanted the physical pleasure of sex, it was more about lack of self worth, or trying to “get the guy” thinking that this is what the guy wanted.
This is total baloney.
Psychologically speaking, promiscuity in women can be one indicator of some kind of emotional problem due to a variety of issues. Women who were sexually abused as children, women who have had an abortion, women who grew up without a possitive male influence. All of these can lead to a variety of “acting out” type behaviors; drug and alcohol abuse, depression, and yes promiscuity.
Promiscuity in men is, although morally wrong, considered normal to a point. Obviously there are extremes, but the rule. Men are biologically designed to “spread the seed”. In addition to higher levels of sexual hormones, they are, baring any physical problems, continually fertile.
Society tells young women to be sexual for the sake of being wanted, but I believe for most woman, this is not what they really want.
By this same reasoning, to say that men are lustful and all they want is sex is a “conditioning” made by society, not something intrinsic to their nature.
It is biologically IN their nature. Prostitution is said to be the oldest profession. It has been around long before, Media. Were there male brothels alongside the female ones? Modern society has not created male sexual desire. What I am saying is that modern society is telling women that they too must be lustful and wanting of sex as much as men in order to woo them. Believe me, I have seen enough young women get their hearts broken because they mistakenly believed that sleeping with the guy they “loved” would make him return that love, only to be brushed off after the fact. And yet they continue to fall into the same pattern, continuing to believe that love and sex are equally conected for most men as they are for most women. Women, when honest with themselves, want love not casual sexual encounters. It is what biolagically drives them. Stability, protection, and an environment which will provide viability to production and rearing of offspring.