Because male society has told women that this is what men want. This is what is takes to get and keep a man. Be Julia Childs in the kitchen and Jenna Jamison in the bedroom.
There’s actually a very popular song by Usher that has a line in it that expresses that exact sentiment: “A lady in the street but a freak in the bed.” Listen to the radio for 30 minutes and you’ll get an idea of what men are telling women they want.
The same can be said for men. Though it is not true. I know a lot men and a lot of women from many different walks of life. I happen to know many good men who grew up in abusive situations and the last thing they would ever desire is to be promiscuous. In fact many of them have stated how there is no way they would be able to live with themself if they knew that one day when they got married they weren’t able to share the gift of virginity with their future spouse. Where is the lack of emotion there?
I have known personally a FEW young men who have had their hearts broken in similar manner, and it is something they completely regret and wish they could take back. If the emotional connection was absent, why would this be the case?
Again, no one has said that ALL men have sex without emotion.
Exactly. It is is appeals to women because, if they buy said car, it will make them appear sexy like the women on the hood of the car. Male model hanging over a washing machine doesn’t appeal to a woman’s innate desire of vanity. Typically, who would you say holds the most influence in what car a family will purchase? Advertisers know the answer.
What types of cars do you see most advertised with women over their hoods? Sports cars. Occasionally trucks. Yet, with women influencing the majority of car purchases, was there a single sports car on the 2007 top 10 selling cars list? No. (
Three (I think) were trucks with the rest being passenger cars. Which, yes, trucks sometimes do have advertising featuring a woman laying on it. But, come on, how many women do you see driving trucks compared to men? A truck is a more masculine vehicle, partly due to its design as a
work vehicle. Have you ever seen an ad with a scantily dressed woman draped over the hood of a Toyota Corolla? Probably not.
A widely-cited colege study found that when asked to report their thoughts into a recorder a random intervals (when a beeper sounded) men turned out to be thinking thoughts of sexual interest one-third of the time; women, just about one percent of the time. Of course, the subjects were mostly in their twenties. Maybe with age it evens out.
Men hit their sexual peak in their late-teens to twenties. Women hit theirs around 35 or so, when men’s is beginning to wane. Sucks, huh?
I, personally, think that MOST men want sex more often for physical pleasure while MOST women desire the emotional connection they get from sex more than sex just for the sake of sex. However, when you take the motivation away, I think the desire for sex is about equal for both genders. Have I made myself clear as mud yet?