Are Males more Lustful than females? Why?

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When is the last time you saw an ad with a male model in a speedo standing next to a washing machine?

Now how many half naked women have you seen spread over the hood of a car?
Exactly. It is is appeals to women because, if they buy said car, it will make them appear sexy like the women on the hood of the car. Male model hanging over a washing machine doesn’t appeal to a woman’s innate desire of vanity. Typically, who would you say holds the most influence in what car a family will purchase? Advertisers know the answer.
It took about a month into marriage for me to realize that men are just as vain. What sexually charged ads featuring men are directed to women?
You see, ads featuring men do not appeal to women’s sexual desires because of the difference in nature between what women versus men respond to. Read through the countless other threads on these forums and you will find that the majority of folks believe that men are tempted more by such visual cues whereas women are tempted to lust in other ways, not any less tempted however. You will see the majority of advertisements featuring women since it appeals to both the visual nature of how men respond to them (which can provoke lust) as well as the underlying desire of women to want to appear like the women in the ad. It appeals to both genders. Ads featuring men obviously don’t have the same effect on either men or women. Obviously it would be foolish for a company to spend its money to market its products to only one gender, now wouldn’t it?
I’m sure they are out there, but I haven’t seen them. Competition for men between women is not about vanity,
That is exactly what vanity is. It is the inordinate desire to be attractive especially in sexual ways.
it’s about getting the guy, not necessarily to spite the other women.
Vanity and seduction go hand and hand. Vanity is a very evil and vile thing and it is sadly not given the attention that it should.
Women are programed to want motherhood.
Men are programmed to want fatherhood. Media tells them otherwise against their nature.
Your loss, not mine…

Okay then…
Are they not? That is news to me. In humans they are accompanied by thoughts, and that is what makes us different from animals.
Vanity and lust are intimately related. It is one of the subtle ways that women display their lust.
First of all, God made us biological beings in His image. God made us to be sexually desiring of one another. He made sex “feel good” so that we would reproduce.
So do you still deny that it is in women’s biological nature to sexually desire another because sex “feels good”? Or are you contradicting what you said earlier?
How many generations do you think we would have attained had sex been like taking out the trash.
Obviously there would be no problem with lust if it sex was like taking out the trash. What reason would a women give herself up for a one night stand, knowing full well (or do not give women enough credit for being smart enough to know full well?) that they could get pregnant and be abandoned if not because there is lust involved. An inordinate desire for emotional security is a form of lust as well.
It is our spiritual self that needs to temper the desires of the flesh. We do not have to give in to our biological natures. Unlike animals, we have a mind and a soul. We also have free will. God gave us many gifts to enjoy on this earth it is up to us to use those gifts in ways that are pleasing to Him. There are many situations in which our basal desires must be reigned in for the sake of our spiritual wellness.
This is in response to what? Where was the argument that was against this?
As far as modern society and media CAUSING male lust. I guess all of the women in brothels and harums since the dawn of time just sat around and played tidlywinks.
And I guess all of the seduction that took place since the very beginning of time was just a fun pasttime.
It’s fascinating that almost nobody here thinks women are more prone to lust than men. This is probably because men are stereotyped as more lustful. I decided to vote that both genders are equally lustful (am male btw).

Nothing in my experience leads me to believe that men are *more lustful *than women. As with nearly everything, however, I think that those who are *most prone *to lust are men, as well as those who are *least *tempted by lust. The most perverse and the least perverse people are men, as well. Perverted men also tend to focus on a particular kind of perversion and express it in the most extreme ways, whereas perverted women seem to dabble in various kinds. But these extremes balance out and in general, men and women seem to be about on par with one another in dealing with the sin of lust.
I think you hit the nail on the head. (I am female btw).
And the intent is what? To incite lust in others. To bring other’s minds to the gutter level as well?
The intent is two-fold.

First, to amuse. That of course presupposes that the recipient has a sense of humor, which is frequently not the case.

Second, to give an opportunity to the listener to look into a mental mirror and face the reality, that their mind is also “of rank and putrid nature” they just like to lie to themselves about it - in other words to strip them of the thin veneer of their hypocrisy… which is the most amusing of all.
Men have greater temptation to lust, and this is their cross to bear. Women don’t have this temptation, and therefore it is easier for them to get to heaven, since they are not tested as strong.

Easier for women to get to heaven! Whaaayyyyyy!:extrahappy: I would say that what we are discussing here are opinions, nothing more and nothing less. While there may be certain psychological opinions and various other opinions, I don’t think anyone has yet identified a lust gene or it can be scientifically proven in any way that men or women are more lustful, so I don’t think there’s any point in going down the road of conclusive evidence. What we do know is our view of sexuality is influenced by society, media, social background, gender and so on. Therefore, it is a pretty complex issue and all the opinions here can be said to be right and all can be said to be wrong in some context. There is however a gender trend that has been with us for a long time. Women are the seducers and men are the player/power figure. Of course it doesn’t apply to all individuals. but it has been the generalized status quo for a long time.
I answered this poll as: “Neither. I am a Female and I think both genders are equally lustful.”

I have no idea how this idea that men are more lustful came about, but I do not believe it at all. I think it is something akin to a myth or old wive’s tale, if that could be an accurate comparison. It just makes no sense to me.

I guess I could see why someone would think that, though: males have more testosterone, which encourages sex drive, but I think lust is not just physical, it is partly psychological as well.
Lustful for what?

People can lust after many things, so in that regard both men and women are equally lustful.

But sexually? Men are more so. It only takes a quick conversation with a male friend to realize, that they think about sex, and would prefer to have sex a lot more often than women do(excepts to the rule exist of course)

Is this a bad thing? No. Women have needs, as do men. Women have highly developed emotional needs. We try and fullfill each other’s needs as best we can, while taking care of our families and our own needs. And we share these needs(emotional and physical) but experience them differently.

I don’t know why this is such an issue to be honest, but I suspect it is due to this belief that “sexual” need is a terrible thing, while “emotional” need is alway’s good.

Simply not true. But you may agree to disagree and that’s okay. 🙂

Incidently, studies on primates have also shown that male primates desire sexual encounters more than double the rate of females, and that females use a form of currency(grooming) to make their male suitors “pay” for the privaledge.

I suspect the urges(sexual and emotional) are primal. The choices we make, are human.
A widely-cited colege study found that when asked to report their thoughts into a recorder a random intervals (when a beeper sounded) men turned out to be thinking thoughts of sexual interest one-third of the time; women, just about one percent of the time. Of course, the subjects were mostly in their twenties. Maybe with age it evens out.
Are Males more Lustful than females? Why?

Lets discuss the religious & scientific causes of lust, and how they cover the genders.
Men are naturally more lustful - sexually - than females. Scientifically this is logical as the male has the “active”/aggressive role sexually while the female has a “receptive”/passive role.
A widely-cited colege study found that when asked to report their thoughts into a recorder a random intervals (when a beeper sounded) men turned out to be thinking thoughts of sexual interest one-third of the time; women, just about one percent of the time. Of course, the subjects were mostly in their twenties. Maybe with age it evens out.
Honestly, I would never admit how often that I think about sex, especially when I was in my early twenties. I would have purposely under stated the number of times I thought about sex or just out and out fibbed.:eek:

I remember one time an aunt asked me what I was thinking about. I was 16 and involved in a rather imaginative fantasy about a male friend. When she refused to take , nothing, for an answer, I told a rather elaborate lie. Girls just don’t admit their problems with mental chastity like guys are allowed to do.🤷
Whats this? I thought men and women were equal. I guess when it comes to negative things equality doesn’t apply.
Men also have more upper body strength than women. Equal does not mean “same”.
it cant be that simple. try not to blame other people but look within yourself, your inner personality. there must be something about it that other girls find annoying.
I don’t know. They don’t really give me a chance. …
So maybe it is me, but I am not going to change my high standards for fake friendships.
You sound just like me when I was in school. Don’t change that! Unfortunately, having been on both sides of it, I see Margarite’s point. In young women (and possibly past that, but being only 23, I’m not sure), there is always the “popular” group. Generally, those are the “pretty” girls who (again, generally) dress and act in a more provocative way and participate in activities that are usually at least somewhat sexual in nature (if you’ve ever been to a high school or college party, or out to a club, you know what I mean) in order to be attractive to what is viewed as the most desirable type of male. Many girls who are not in that group are trying their best to get into it or imitate it. Therefore, the few who are not interested in being a part of that group and who do not act and dress in the same manner are viewed with suspicion and hostility. “You’re one of those Jesus freaks, aren’t you?” “You think you’re so much better than we are.” Etc.
Margarite–ignore it. After school, it starts to change. I don’t know if it ever goes away completely, but there are a good number of those girls who will get out of the school environment and into real life and realize the drama is ridiculous. This, too, shall pass.
**…I am sure men very much so have an emotional connection **and, just as you claim that women today are the product of today’s society, so the same would have to also apply to the men of today…
No one is saying all men have sex without emotion. Men are just more likely to do so than women based on how they are hardwired. Women are wired to associate sex with bonding, sometimes regardless of a prior emotional attachment. It doesn’t mean that all do, just that I think it’s easier for women. Men are not. Again, that doesn’t mean that men don’t view sex as a bonding experience, just that usually it requires a prior emotional attachment for it to be that way.
Because male society has told women that this is what men want. This is what is takes to get and keep a man. Be Julia Childs in the kitchen and Jenna Jamison in the bedroom.
There’s actually a very popular song by Usher that has a line in it that expresses that exact sentiment: “A lady in the street but a freak in the bed.” Listen to the radio for 30 minutes and you’ll get an idea of what men are telling women they want.
The same can be said for men. Though it is not true. I know a lot men and a lot of women from many different walks of life. I happen to know many good men who grew up in abusive situations and the last thing they would ever desire is to be promiscuous. In fact many of them have stated how there is no way they would be able to live with themself if they knew that one day when they got married they weren’t able to share the gift of virginity with their future spouse. Where is the lack of emotion there?

I have known personally a FEW young men who have had their hearts broken in similar manner, and it is something they completely regret and wish they could take back. If the emotional connection was absent, why would this be the case?
Again, no one has said that ALL men have sex without emotion.
Exactly. It is is appeals to women because, if they buy said car, it will make them appear sexy like the women on the hood of the car. Male model hanging over a washing machine doesn’t appeal to a woman’s innate desire of vanity. Typically, who would you say holds the most influence in what car a family will purchase? Advertisers know the answer.
What types of cars do you see most advertised with women over their hoods? Sports cars. Occasionally trucks. Yet, with women influencing the majority of car purchases, was there a single sports car on the 2007 top 10 selling cars list? No. (
Three (I think) were trucks with the rest being passenger cars. Which, yes, trucks sometimes do have advertising featuring a woman laying on it. But, come on, how many women do you see driving trucks compared to men? A truck is a more masculine vehicle, partly due to its design as a work vehicle. Have you ever seen an ad with a scantily dressed woman draped over the hood of a Toyota Corolla? Probably not.
A widely-cited colege study found that when asked to report their thoughts into a recorder a random intervals (when a beeper sounded) men turned out to be thinking thoughts of sexual interest one-third of the time; women, just about one percent of the time. Of course, the subjects were mostly in their twenties. Maybe with age it evens out.
Men hit their sexual peak in their late-teens to twenties. Women hit theirs around 35 or so, when men’s is beginning to wane. Sucks, huh? 😉

I, personally, think that MOST men want sex more often for physical pleasure while MOST women desire the emotional connection they get from sex more than sex just for the sake of sex. However, when you take the motivation away, I think the desire for sex is about equal for both genders. Have I made myself clear as mud yet? 👍
I think that it depends on the person. I am not the most lustfull person. I cant say whether boys or girls are more or less than the other. I cant truethfully say either because I cant speake for others.
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