petra]… eternal progression is a central doctrine of the Mormon Church. Continuation of the family means the exhalted married couple will progress to godhood and produce spirit babies. Mormons believe in the pre-existance of our souls. These pre-existing souls were a result of a union between Elohim (Heavenly Father) and who . . . . ? Jesus was the first born of Elohim and Mrs. Elohim’s spirit children — no different than you or I except that he was chosen to be the Savior. …
Eternal Progression yes. In that we may progress and become deified. This is binding doctrine. It included the possibility of “eternal increase.” But what “eternal increase” actually is, we do not have binding doctrinal statements on.
God’s achieving Godhood through eternal progression however, is not binding. LDS must believe this though:
“There is a God in heaven who is
infinite and eternal, from
everlasting to everlasting the same unchangeable God…” (D&C 20:17).
Pre-existence of souls: Yes.
The pre-existent souls are literally the sons and daughters of Heavenly Father. The existence of a Heavenly Mother is possible (but not binding LDS doctrine). President Hinckley says that he generally believes that this makes sense(that is HM).
That Christ is no different than you and me is absolutely incorrect. Christ never sinned, never was not God. He was first born and pre-ordained to bring to pass the infinite atonement.
Real differences would be that we have a Social Trinity (we could not embrace an Augustinian Trinity). We believe that God created from eternal matter and eternal intelligences. We do not believe in the creator/creature dichotomy.
Eternal Progression: perhaps you would care to comment on my Catholic Deification thread:
Mormon rhetoric has apparently evolved to sound more trinitarian. But reader beware, the Mormon god only rules over planet Earth. There are millions of such gods throughout the universe. And Mormons work diligently to attain godhood, as well.
Oh that sounds so ominous. If you do not think Catholics have evolved to sound more Trinitarian, you should read the Ante-Nicean Fathers. Subordinationalism was pre-Nicea orthodoxy.
Tom, I concede that you may not be aware of this. There are many doctrines of the LDS church that are slowly revealed to members as they become more deeply involved. And some of the most secret doctrines are only revealed in temple ceremonies.
While I am certain there are many things I am not aware of, I have been surprised by next to nothing written here. I do not present a false read on the CoJCoLDS. I present my read which is the one that I think best meshes with the 4 standard works. I am confident that I could share all I say with my Bishop and not have my membership questioned.
I am also confident that I would not be in total agreement with all those who sit in the pews each day. The spectrum of LDS beliefs is rather large. This comes from not being creedal IMO. My beliefs are solidly in line with the teachings of the church, and I can back up what I put forth with Scripture, General Authorities, and/or BYU Scholars. You as a former Calvinist and someone who has studied their religion will most certainly differ in your beliefs as compared to the little old Italian lady who attends mass 3x per week. But both of you are Catholics in communion with Rome.
Charity, TOm