Are Orthodox considered protestants? If not, why not?

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In their eyes, all bishops are equal and they don’t need a Pope to keep the bishops orderly
Not exactly my understanding.
Both the Oriental and Eastern Ortodox groups have patriarchs.

If you’re saying that they have a role equivalent to that of the Catholic Pope, what is the title? Who fills that role? How did he get into that position? Who will succeed him? How will succession take place?
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If you’re saying that they have a role equivalent to that of the Catbolic Pope, what is the title?
That’s not what he said.

He said they have patriarchs.

Patriarchs do have authority, as do metropolitan bishops over their suffrage dioceses (although the latter has been almost entirely lost in the RCC).
They have patriarchs but not a pope.
The Catholic Church has Patriarchs and those are more than just a Bishop of a diocease.
Yes, and many of them do not recognize our sacraments or valid orders.
It seems, while there have been mistakes made by both sides historically, the Eastern Orthodox are much less interested in unity than we are.
Yes, and many of them do not recognize our sacraments or valid orders.
It seems, while there have been mistakes made by both sides historically, the Eastern Orthodox are much less interested in unity than we are.
In recent years, we have bent over backwards and then some, to accommodate and ameliorate as many people “outside the Church” as we possibly can. The Orthodox have not.

I am not saying that our approach is wrong or incorrect, I am just stating the fact. Seeking to “be all things to all men” isn’t a bad thing.
I think the way it may have happened, relative to the first millennium would have the Poor interceding 9nly if one side would have requested it.
I’d say it could have been reconciled up to 1870.
The dogma that the Pope can be infallible made reunification all but impossible. They had issues with what the Bishop of Romes place was before the schism and to think they would come back with the teaching of the infallibility is now official makes it very very unlikely. I actually think that may have been a mistake for the Church to declare.
Divine Truth is never a mistake to proclaim.
My Greek Orthodox Church recognizes Roman Catholic sacraments.

the Eastern Orthodox are much less interested in unity than we are.
Orthodox wish communion with Rome and Rome in communion with the Orthodox but what does communion with Rome look like? That is the question.

The Eastern Orthodox will never yield their position.

The Catholic Church is the Universal Church. That means there is always a tendency to remove any schism.

The Orthodox Church is the Right-believing Church. That means there is always a tendency to stand against any compromise.

So yes, the Catholics have a better reason to be interested in unity. The Orthodox are more interested in being correct. It’s not a definite statement, but you see tendencies like this all the time.
The Eastern Orthodox will never yield their position.
The Orthodox have nothing to yield.

According to Cardinal Ratzinger,

“Rome must not require more from the East with respect to the doctrine of primacy than what had been formulated and was lived in the first millennium . . . Rome need not ask for more. Reunion could take place in this context if, on the one hand, the East would cease to oppose as heretical the developments that took place in the West in the second millennium and would accept the Catholic Church as legitimate and orthodox in the form she had acquired in the course of that development, while, on the other hand, the West would recognize the Church of the East as orthodox and legitimate in the form she has always had.”

“Principles of Catholic Theology” (San Francisco), Ignatius, 1987, p. 199.

Orthodox wish communion with Rome and Rome in communion with the Orthodox but what does communion with Rome look like? That is the question.
It looks like you provided an answer that I believe the Catholic Church would accept in Cardinal Ratzinger’s statement. I doubt that would be acceptable to all Orthodox, as some of them truly believe we are heretics.
I doubt that would be acceptable to all Orthodox, as some of them truly believe we are heretics.
True, just as some Roman Catholics believe Eastern Christian theology to be wrong. There are zealots on both sides.

My Orthodox cousin who is currently discerning monastic life also recognizes Catholic sacraments. A second cousin (well my grandmother’s cousin’s son- whatever that is), who is an Orthodox priest, seems to not have a definitive answer. Other Orthodox will insist on rebaptizing Catholics… mileage varies.
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