Are Protestants afraid to discuss Theology of the Body?

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First and foremost, can we take a step back and use this opportunity to teach and learn about JPII’s Theology of the Body.

Please use charitable and respectful language towards one another or we’ll miss this opportunity.

TOB is a treasure trove of wisdom for those willing to open their hearts and minds to it. Christopher West and others have made very noble and helpful attempts to make TOB practical for Christian couples. None of the authors is perfect, so some people will find one author’s perspective better than another’s.

TOB is a challenge to a secular society that has filled our minds with GARBAGE about our own sexuality. Because it came from JPII doesn’t make it only acceptable for Catholics. It was written for all believers in Jesus Christ - and for those who don’t believe but respect His teachings.

Please take the time to investigate these teachings - one and all, old and young. Our young people need to hear these teachings before they make decisions that effect the rest of their lives. That’s where “Theology of the Body for Beginners” (West) comes in. It’s a little easier to follow.

I can’t emphasize this enough. This material is more valuable than gold.
Is it a book about converting to the CC? Or is it a book about Godly sexual humanity? Or is it both?:confused:

Is it a book just about sexual morality? I would have my daughter read it but someone said that it takes alot of studying to understand it.😦
There’s a version specifically for teens: God’s Plan For You: Life, Love, Marriage, and Sex…or something like that. Maybe give that a go. It’s good for adults, too, since it’s a simplified version relatable to most of us (uses some pop culture, classic lit, etc.)
does Pope JP2 have any first hand experence?
You didn’t answer my question. If you have never read TOB then how do you know that other writers are better? Without reading it you’re making statements about it in ignorance.

That’s just as reasonable as rejecting an oncologist’s treatment because he has never had cancer.
Or telling a Minister that he can’t minister to prisoners because he’s never broken the law or been in jail.
That’s just as reasonable as rejecting an oncologist’s treatment because he has never had cancer.
But would you go to an oncologists for a broken hip or to a dentist for an eye exam.
You didn’t answer my question. If you have never read TOB then how do you know that other writers are better? Without reading it you’re making statements about it in ignorance.

because they are written by Baptist M.D.'s
We’re all given the gift of free will so anyone can choose whom they turn to for information and education. If someone doesn’t have any respect for John Paul the Second, then that’s, sadly, your choice.

On this topic, I would urge everyone to put aside any prejudice and/or pre-conceived notions about the Catholic faith and John Paul II because this stuff is GOLD. Theology of the Body will challenge everyone to re-think what secular society and it’s lies has attempted to sell to God’s people, (name removed by moderator)articularly - artificial birth control, abortion, pre-marital and extra-marital sex and sterilization. JPII spent several years trying to unravel these twisted lies and take us back to the original purpose for sexuality that is inscribed in each of us.

John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is liberating.
because they are written by Baptist M.D.'s
That is immaterial to the question I asked you. There is no way for you to make a credible comparison between the works if you have never read them. That makes as much sense as my son claiming he doesn’t like a certain food even though he’s never tried it.

My husband and I are past child bearing age. We were fruitful and multiplied. We have a happy, loving 24-year marriage and a wonderful 23 year-old son. We have been completely faithful to each other and to our marriage vows. We have raised a good, Christian son. We have tried to follow the Lord to the best of our ability. Like everyone else, we are sinners and saved only by grace through faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ.

How are we “in error”? Just because we didn’t read “Theology of the Body”, have 10 kids, or use Natural Family Planning.

I guess Catholics like you are one of the reasons why I am no longer a Cathollic.
First of all congratulations to and your family.

If you didn’t use ABC, you are more Catholic than most Catholics. No insult intended.

I must admit that sometimes I make the assumption that most serious Protestants believe that life begins at conception and not at implantation and that they also believe that birth control pills are an acceptable form of birth control.

If this is not your belief, I’m sorry to assume.

Birth control pills can cause spontanious abortion.

People who fit the above description (and there are plenty of Catholics too) are living a double standard because they say that abortion for others is wrong, ru486 for others is wrong, but they take birth control pills, which can have an abortificient effect, for their own convenience.

Its a double standard. What will all our babies who were aborted by our own selfishness by taking birth control pills say to us at the general judgement?

We won’t all be able to claim ignorance.
does Pope JP2 have any first hand experence?
Who knows? His job is to tell the truth of the Church’s teachings.

And I ask you again, is your church teaching you the whole truth about artificial birth control, especially birth control pills?
hey, a protestant here. I’ve never heard of the book but I’m not afraid of the topic. I ve been reading up on catholocism lately. I hav’nt seen anything that makes me want to convert yet. there’s been some good and some that I cant force to make sense. but I think I can probably weigh in on theology of the body. although the average protestant may not realize it, it is precisely this topic that is a major point of difficulty for protestants to accept catholic teaching on the perpetual virginity of Mary. In Romans 7 the apostle paul forbids spousal neglect in the area of conjugal duty. in other words for mary to obstain indefinately from sex with joseph, would in the protestant mind be a matter of neglect and infidelity. not only that, it would be a direct disobedience of joseph to the angel who told him to take mary as his wife. as I understand it, in the culture of the day this would have meant nothing less than the breaking of the hymen through sex in a ritual wedding with both the families as whitnesses of the obvious sign on the bedclothes–Joseph waited until after Jesus was born to fulfil this command. of course, by then the sign of first-time sex would have been removed through the birthing process. in light of catholic teaching on the importance of sex and procreation in the definition of marriage and the theological significance of marriage, I don’t understand how the catholic church would believe mary obstained from sex without record of direct testimony to the effect from people who knew her–especially since marriage is holy and sex in marriage is holy in the sight of God. Her abstenence within marriage would seem to point to sin rather than otherwise. God is not her husband. the conception of Christ was not sexual. it would seem her fidelity to God would be complemented by a proper relationship with the human husband God provided her.

additionally, I don’t understand why artificial birth control and intentional fertility-cycle birth control are any different. both are the use of human intelect to intervene in God’s designed order of procreation.

is this stuff on the topic of theology of the body?
YES! I recently attended 2 seminars (each were 6 hrs long, so it was a pretty good intro to TOB). I’ve also read 2 books on it.
One speaker, Todd Lemieaux, teaches morality at a Catholic HS. He told us that (in Jesus’ time) the husband could stain the sheet with his own blood if there was no evidence otherwise. (It is possible for no blood to be there, even if the wife was a virgin; sometimes it just doesn’t happen.)
This is part of the sacrificial nature that true love is, exemplified by Jesus dying on the cross for us.

Forgive me if this was already covered, I haven’t read each post past the 2nd pg. JPII helps us understand what marriage is and how we can not only have better marriages, but how the marital union is a shadow of how God wants to be with us! He desires intimate union with each one of us – common union or co-mmunion – and we will experience that ultimate everlasting union with Him when we get to Heaven.

This is why our main job as a spouse is to help the other get to Heaven. Lots more at

TOB for Teens is very high quality material. The DVD’s are great, too, esp. if you don’t enjoy reading.

TOB is the counter sexual revolution!

does Pope JP2 have any first hand experence?
Been thinking about your statement above. If this is how you truly believe then you had better get out your scissors.

First, Jesus doesn’t have any “first hand experience" as you put it so what business does he have saying anything about marriage. So rip out any part of the bible where Jesus talks about marriage, divorce and adultery. But I guess many people just ignore those parts anyway.

Now what about Saint Paul? He wasn’t married! So get rid of everything he said about marriage too. By your standard, sections of his letters to the Corinthians, Ephesians and others have no bearing on married couples because Saint Paul has no “first hand experience”. Beyond that Saint Paul wasn’t a Baptist M.D.….he’s was Catholic Bishop! Since by your own standard there’s no way a celibate Catholic bishop could have anything meaningful to say about marriage you’d better just ignore Saint Paul on these matters.

Sir, you’re logic is flawed. I pray that you will prayerfully rethink your position on this and a good many other things.

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