Are There Any Religious "Callings" Here?

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If I were to be called to be a nun it would be with the daughers of St. Paul, I feel strongly connected to the media, I love writing, drawing, singing, but I would also like to talk to God most of the day,

The only thing I feel would be lacking is I would like to have kids in my life, I could simply not be a person who has no or little contact with children…so I have alot to thing about…
I think I may have a calling to a religious vocation as a nun. I have started by taking the advice of web sites about vocations. My next step will include seeking a spiritual director.
i dont know, pray for me. i want to help people, but i would really, really, like to have a woman to share my life with. Women have been a big incentive in my lfe to remain chaste, because i have seen how people who look at porn and lust after every girl feel towards women, and really its a drug. When and if i have a wife, a want our marriage to last till death and our love to be true. i’m 14, and let me tell you, its not pretty. it starts very early and i ask you not to send your poor kids to an all boys or all girls school ( i feel sorry for them), but to explain to them the various sins against sex, and why it is so beautiful. eventually they will have to make their own choices, and it will happen fast, too. they will gain access to many new things, and if all you’ve ever done for them is set up an internet filter, i feel sorry for your family. we don’t have a family filter on our internet, we filter it with God. Sure, we all have weaknesses. but if you fight evil for your kids instead of helping them fight it, you could be making a big mistake. also, moms, please dont give kids an unecessary hard time with their girlfriends/ boyfriends. they already have enough pressure. i recomend to explain what needs to be explained, and respect their privacy. please dont think i am telling you how to raise your kids, think of it as my insight. i am young and have much to learn. sorry for the off topicness, but i just remembered this and its important.

Oh! and one more IMPORTANT thing! even if you’re married, God should come first. believe me, in my indirect family many marriages break down, and these couples don’t or didn’t exactly care too much for the sabbath. Your loved ones can be an obstacle in loving God, but God isn’t an obstacle in loving your loved ones.
I am working with my priest to discern a call to the sisterhood. I am particularly attracted to the Carmelite spirituality and I’m looking at a couple of really orthodox, traditional cloistered Carmels.

It is a scary prospect, but I am resigned to completely open myself to His will. If He wants me to enter the convent, He will give me the courage.
I am trying to discern a vocation too. I only have student loans as debt, but as I went to graduate school it is significant. I contacted orders when i was looking at colelges, and most of them said call back when you have an education and work experiece. I wish they offered more advice about loans.

I think I would be better off had I never attended school. I recieved some scholarships, but as my family had no money, I still needed loans. Most of my work experience has been with jobs I believe are fulfilling rather than financially rewarding, so it does not seem likely that I will be able to pay off my loans before I reach maximum entrance age of early 35, which is less than five years awy for me now. I have been told by more than one vocationaly director that the loans may be a sign that my vocation call is a misreading, which has been disheartening, because the more I read and pray, the more I feel the call is genuine.
It is so fifficutl to find out information about religious communites. Quite a few sites only have links for men. I have been very much inspired by Carmelite wirting and the Carmelites I have met, but personally feel that my talents woudl be able to serve God better through some sort fo active community, and have been attractedby Franciscan and Dominican spirituality because of their dedication to social justice issues and peace. I live in the Bible belt, where there are very few Catholics. I was looking for communities that help refugess and children in the Middle East, as I have heard such places always need help, but am having so much trouble finding contact information for any community. Still, I find this thread very encouraging and refreshing.
loyola rambler:
There’s no doubt that those orders with a formal habit and good sense of tradition are doing much better than those who have politicized themselves. Having worked with Franciscans, Dominicans, Resurrectionists and Daughters of Charity for many years, it is a very strong statement when a nun walks in dressed nicely and with a head covering of any sort. The more professional the nun appears, the more respect she receives. On the otherhand, the Sisters of St. Agnes with whom I’ve worked wear nothing but blue jeans, sweatshirts and sneakers. They don’t use the title “Sister” and they live in apartments in groups of 4-6. It’s a little sad because they don’t bear witness to their faith and they’re really nothing more than consecrated virgins working in a professional world IMHO. But they’re happy and that’s the way they want to run their order.

I agree totally !
I like the idea of wearing a traditional-type habit. I am not so much concerned with appearing professional, as much as I embrace the idea of let me be known for my works and my acts, and not my body or face. The type of habit would not be sufficient to lure me into a particular order, but when making my short list, it is something that I might consider between close calls among similar charisms.
I have discerned a call to consecrated life with the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy – Mercedarians.

I will be applying after the first of the year.
I am interested in the priesthood. However I am married and separated from wife for 20 years now. She lives in another country with another man. I don’t know whether I would be eligible.
Does any one know of any discussion forums dedicated to discenrment-related issues?
Serendipity, Yes, I know of one online for women. I will send you a PM. Anyone else interested, send me a message.

God bless,
I believe I am called to be a Monk. I have visited a couple monasteries, and I will be making a month long observership at Christ in the Desert sometime next summer. I have a financial impediment that hamstrings me from joining at the moment. So, at the moment, I am a “hermit with a roommate and a full time job” 😃

I was at Christ in the Desertthis last fall, and wrote about my experience here
I was at Christ in the Desertthis last fall, and wrote about my experience here
Hello Dunmoose,

Thanks for sharing your experience. The link you sent didn’t work, but I found it here:

Hopefully this time it will work 🙂 May God bless you in your vocational discernment time.
yes that will work. Thats what you get for handcoding things and not prufrieding your work.
Dear friend

Yes of course, there are callings here, God calls, it is our answering that matters!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I do think that I may be called but I need to find a spiritual director. Where could I start to look? Thanks for your advice,
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