I know, it is really sad. I started going to a Byzantine Church. That is probably more reflective of what they are looking for.I have been finding a common theme among some of the Catholic blogs I read.
It seems there are more than a few people who have explored the Catholic faith and fallen in love with it, and all its rich traditions, beauty and mystery, only to be turned off and away by what they actually receive in the way of indoctrination when they enroll at their local parish.
They write about how they decided to become Catholic, and have been mystified at the vastly different experience they encounter from what their expectations were, at the parishes they enrol in. Some of them leave the faith, and others suspend their initiation out of disappointment with the Catholic education they are receiving, while they contemplate the SSPX or the Eastern Orthodox Churches.
Here is one story
Here is another who sought the SSPX to avoid the innovations
Here is another who speaks of many such people and his experiences with them
Why is this happening to these new converts? Their disappointment is evident in what they feel they are not receiving at the hands of the Church they came to believe in. The tradition they were seeking and expecting was replaced with innovation. If there were more indult parishes available to the Catholic faithful, this would not be such an issue.