Are We a Nation of Liars?

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I just read a devastating article from Crisis magazine:

The author argues that “media platforms that make up the MSM have embraced lies and deceptions as a means to political power. In the past four years, we witnessed their obsession with the “truth” of Russian interference in the 2016 election, and even more pointedly, the public crucifixion of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.”

In a nation led by lies and liars, there can be no public trust. Do you think we have reached the point that public trust in the media and public figures has been greatly eroded?
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We’ve always expected politicians to lie-that’s just an extension of the normal (fallen) human proclivity to do so to begin with. Maybe it’s just gotten more extreme in the recent past.
In a nation led by lies and liars, there can be no public trust
Which is exactly why Trump lost the election.
That the former president is lying is obvious
The only thing “devastating” about this article is that Crisis decided to destroy any credibility they had by accusing Obama if “lying” for not buying into a bunch of unproven conspiracy theories.
To quote the soon-to-be-former President, " SAD!"
Yeah because Biden is clearly going to be an honest, do-no-wrong saint of a president :roll_eyes:
Almost all politicians lie, and the media can slant the “facts” any way they want when they’re not outright lying.

This isn’t anything new.

The only recent Presidents who I thought even tried to be honest were Carter and Truman. Neither one was very popular in the end.
Democracy is a system which makes lying particularly advantageous.

That’s why I’m a monarchist. Kings don’t have to lie.
The irony of a writer including exaggerations and falsehoods in an article about lying would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
In a nation led by lies and liars, there can be no public trust. Do you think we have reached the point that public trust in the media and public figures has been greatly eroded?
How can you even ask this question? Our nation has been led by a liar who repeatedly has said we cannot trust the media and public figures. How can anyone who trusts Trump possibly trust anyone else? Public trust has been bulldozed away intentionally, not eroded.

The response must be to turn away from Trump’s lies. As long as we trust Trump, we cannot trust anyone else.

Mr Hudson shows this by his bewilderment over the absence of public trust. He repeats the lies Trump tells, only to be confronted by the distrust within them.

The only way to rebuild trust is to reconstruct the truth. Truth and trust go together, and the absence of trust has come from the absence of truth.
Democracy is a system which makes lying particularly advantageous.

That’s why I’m a monarchist. Kings don’t have to lie.
Kings, by their very position as King, don’t have to lie or tell the truth. Whatever they say tends be become the truth. A king declaring the sky green would merely be changing the definition of blue to green.

Yes, politicians often lie and massage the truth. Sometimes telling themselves it’s best for our country or for political gains. This is nothing new and recent. Trust in authoritarian positions underwent a radical change in the 60’s especially with Nixon and the Vietnam war…the loss of trust hasn’t returned since for politicians. It merely bounces around on the floor a bit.
I just read a devastating article from Crisis magazine:
Are We a Nation of Liars? - Crisis Magazine

The author argues that “media platforms that make up the MSM have embraced lies and deceptions as a means to political power. In the past four years, we witnessed their obsession with the “truth” of Russian interference in the 2016 election, and even more pointedly, the public crucifixion of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.”

In a nation led by lies and liars, there can be no public trust. Do you think we have reached the point that public trust in the media and public figures has been greatly eroded?
That boat of media distrust has sailed long ago. They (mainstream leftist newspaper, tv, and associated websites) have been losing massive ground for a long time, and might be the only institution with lower ratings even than congress. And good riddance. You can tell they are lying when their mouths are open.

It is truly sad when our disposition toward “news” must be distrust.
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I look at a variety of sources and try to keep that source’s bias in mind.
ABC for instance will put out a particular set of facts on a subject… but the choice of those facts and the context they are presented in is wildly skewed. You have to wade through it to discern what is happening.
I know Fox News is skewed conservative, but among mainstream national media, they are almost alone on that side.
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Our nation has been led by a liar who repeatedly has said we cannot trust the media and public figures
Trump is hardly the first or even worst liar we’ve had in office.

I remember being told if I liked my doctor I could keep my doctor. That there were WMD’s in Iraq, that he did not have sexual relations with that woman, no new taxes, etc. etc.
Liars have lied since Satan questioned God. We lie because it’s convenient. Everyone does it to some degree, if we are really going to be honest with ourselves.
However as an institution, modern media like the WAPOs of the world have raised deception to an art form.
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