Are We a Nation of Liars?

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But Obama wasn’t president the last four years.
No, but the biggest liar in modern US history has been President. He has told more lies than all the Presidents in modern history combined.
Very easy to fact check his tweets and on camera clips.
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Oh. I got the impression from your post that all the other presidents were perfectly truthful
Nope. Every President, probably every politician, has told lies. Trump as a compulsive liar is the world record holder though.
What I find troubling is that you seem to think that a large number of Americans fall for all the “lies.” Do you really think most of us are that ignorant and naive?

A lot of us recognized from the beginning that Pres. Trump often speaks in hyperbole–he’s always done that (e.g., his TV show, The Apprentice). It’s part of his personality to say things like, “It’s gonna be huuuuge!” No one takes him seriously, but we do appreciate his optimism.
I see no value in a President telling everyone that “Millions of us will die if we don’t wear masks!” That’s just as hyperbolic as “We’re rounding a corner with COVID—we’re beating it!”

Hyperbole is not the same as lying.

And as far as I’m concerned, Pres-Elect Biden is lying to tell everyone that he gives a d–mn about people’s health when he also supports access to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, and expects the taxpayers to foot the bill.

RIght now, my parents-in-law are both in the hospital with COVID, and my husband also has COVID. So far, I’m COVID free. I keep telling my husband, “I’m sure your parents will be fine.”

Obviously, I’m not sure at all. So am I lying? Would it be better for me to tell my husband the grim truth and say, “They’re probably gonna die, and considering how overweight and out-of-shape you are, you might die too.”

I think not. I’m willing to be a little over-optimistic to keep up his hopes.
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Biden may be feeble or incapable of making a distinction at this point in his life. The man can not say a complete sentence. There is something going on within him.
He stuttered as a child. He has overcome it, but it’s the reason he sometimes hesitates. That’s “what’s going on with him.”
For the past 4 years the US has become a nation led by liars!
No, it continued on the path of being led by liars that it’s been on most of my life on earth, the exception being the Carter administration.

Presidents don’t see lying as lying, they see it as strategy.
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No but medical science tells us as people who have previously had strokes age, there memory problems and speech often come an issue.

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Yep. What are we exceptional, better than other peoples, cultures, countries? Did we not spread our malady as soon as we landed on these shores and spoke with forked tongue to the indigenous, or later brought our slaves etc… We be bad to the bone?

Ironic that the left teaches our kids these things (really) opposing any undo pride or nationalism…wear a flag pin never) and yet today deny any possibility of any fraud in the elections. Like whaaat, us ? Now we are exceptional? Come on man.

We have manipulated other governments and elections ( I am thinking as an example of 1954 and Guatemala), why not ours? There were the 1960 election quips of, “they stole the election fair and square” or “what is solen stays stolen” as in untraceable, unprovable. After all, the ends justify the means. Wouldn’t you condone any method that would take down a Hitler type early on ? What does the bible say of the unaided human nature, it’s natural default?

As to leaders, and even parties why not they be carriers of our maladies? In particular one party has been more egregious than the other, the worst offender with the native americans, with slavery, with the unborn, with the sanctity of marriage and sex, choking on the words of “Divine Providence” or " God" in any of their party platforms. Should we expect them to he morally restrained when expediency calls for manipulation of the truth? Are we so nieve, even from a Christian perspective? Come on man…get with it.
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That is not “my world view” - those are facts.
It is an excellent example of worldview. You chose the facts to produce: anecdotes about violence when replacing police; riot control; and impulsivity. They are all facts which are based on, and contribute to, an image of police as a controlling force. It is that image of police that needs to be changed in order to address many of the problems.

Your next note moves past that, to recognize that family matters have to be addressed. How do we responsibly address disruption of the family? How do controlling, authoritarian structures work? What happens if we look at how many children attend religious services instead of how many join gangs? Are there other metrics we can support instead of just disrupting gangs?

This is not easy. Some measure of control will always be part of police work. The object of “defunding” is not to abandon all control, but to make sure it is administered like a father rather than like a tyrant. I am not convinced it is workable in every case, or any case, but I can hope it will work in Portland and Seattle.

What is needed is conversion, stepping away from violent worldviews and turning toward mercy. We cannot limit our facts just to the immediate crisis, to the gangs and guns on the street. Police should be about resolving conflict, not living it out.
His problem is now with his thought pattern, can’t express his thoughts properly.
You obviously haven’t been watching his speeches and interviews. He’s been completely coherent. And it’s so nice to listen to someone who’s talking about what the country needs, instead of name-calling, and whining about how badly he’s supposedly been treated. In other words, acting like an adult.
What I find troubling is that you seem to think that a large number of Americans fall for all the “lies.” Do you really think most of us are that ignorant and naive?
It would seem Republicans are ignorant and naive. Poll shows 70% of Republicans have been duped by Trump’s lies about widespread election fraud and they think it was rigged.
That itself answers your question!
I’m a Dem and I think it was rigged for the same reasons I think a good many past elections were rigged.

As someone else said, when it’s a ton of mail-in ballots, you can always find a few more bins of ballots with the name of the preferred candidate.

I’m not all up in a lather over the result though. Trump had his 15 minutes and now Joe will get his 15 before he expires. The country will continue to lurch along same as it always does.

The Repubs are exploiting this situation to fill their coffers. Nobody expects the result to change. If Team Trump would sell a more interesting t-shirt, I’d throw down for one as a souvenir, but it’s boring looking, so no deal.
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Trump’s lies about widespread election
See, even here is a manipulation of words. Widespread?

You only need 0.3 percent of a 150 million votes to sway this election. In 1960, you only needed fraud in one county to sway the the election. That was 0.03% of all reporting counties. You don’t need widespread tampering, just selective .
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See, even here is a manipulation of words. Widespread?

You only need 0.3 percent of a 150 million votes to sway this election. In 1960, you only needed fraud in one county to sway the the election. You don’t need widespread tampering, just selective .
Trump and his cronies used the words “widespread fraud” and applied them to the battleground states he lost.
It’s complete nonsense of course. 35 cases dismissed or thrown out now including appeals because no facts or evidence has been presented.
Trump is just a cry baby sore loser.
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deny any possibility of any fraud in the elections.
If you listen, they deny the possibility of any fraud sufficient to alter the outcome, not the possibility of any fraud.

Elections are run by fallible human beings. They make mistakes, get defrauded, etc. No count or recount is ever going to be guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

The systems in place today can count the votes with 95% accuracy guaranteed. That is good enough for most elections. In most places the accuracy is higher.

True fraud that could change the election is rare. It would take a network of people to accomplish it on the scale of any of the contended states.

While the size of such fraud has been suggested by Giuliani et al., there has been no evidence of it. There has been evidence that it could be done, but none that it actually was done. The audits would probably catch anything large enough to matter.
Yes but Biden also had two strokes. His problem is now with his thought pattern, can’t express his thoughts properly.
Yes, you’re right–he had two strokes. In 1988. That’s 32 years ago. Are you really implying that he has somehow faked his way through the last 32 years in the Senate and Vice Presidency? Really?

I don’t think anyone can accuse Biden of being eloquent, but he expresses himself just fine. I invite you to watch a Youtube video of Trump vs. Biden. How about “United Shatshes”? How about “Yo-semite” for “Yosemite”? There is a whole compilation of this sort of thing on Youtube. Enjoy.
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