If eventually those who are saved will be perfect beings in heaven, why didn’t He just create us there in the first place? What’s the point of earth?
I’ve asked this very question. And lately I’ve been asked the question by an agnostic and somewhat angry friend.
What does God want from us? Jesus told us that the most important commandment was to love God with all our heart and soul and mind. And the second was to love our neighbor as ourself. But the most interesting point He made there is in the Gospel of Matthew account. On those two commandments hang all the law and prophets.
That tells us what it was like before the fall, and it tells us the
purpose for which we were created. To love God.
When we think about love and loving for a moment we see that love is not possible, that is love for the other’s own sake, without free will. Thus, in order for man to truly love God, he had to be created with the possibility of turning away from God. It was the risk that God took in order to create physical beings with a spiritual nature that would love Him.
And, of course, that is also the way back to Him. What is the ultimate expression of love? Self-sacrifice. Jesus said it, there’s is no greater love than giving up one’s life for a friend. Well, He did that too. The Second Person of the Trinity gave up His life, for us.
Astonishing when you think about it.
In some ways that doesn’t answer the question, without the experience of the love of God. When you truly love Him for His own sake, and seek Him out, through Christ, God overflows His love back upon you. That’s Grace and its a foretaste, if you will, of that state we will find ourselves in after this world is over.
What was Christ’s question to Peter? Three times, “do you love me?”
God keeps asking human beings the same question throughout history, “do you love me?” Until each individual dies He keeps asking, and sadly, there are many who die without saying yes.
But there are also those who say yes! Yes Lord, and they experience His love. That’s the whole purpose, the meaning of life, right there.