I was raised secular, and as a teen we were told to be sexual but marrying was something you shouldn’t even consider until you were out of college and had a career. So here you are 16 years old, and naturally you are interested in young boys but since you aren’t looking for Mr. Right to hold you down, you end up dating or should I say allowing young men to just use you up emotionally in long term relationships that will go no where.
I met my husband when I was 19. I wasn’t looking for a husband, I was looking for a nice guy. I’m now 28 years old, and I don’t understand how grown woman are looking for a perfect man to have their child with. Remember that childrens mocking song in elementry school? “First comes LOVE, then comes marriage, then comes a a baby in a baby carriage”.There is a lot of truth in that.
I fell in love at 19, married at 23. I wish we were married sooner, but no one would let us think of marriage until we had our undergraduate degrees. But we were talking about marriage atleast since we were 20/21. I wasn’t going to sit in a relationship for years on end, if it didn’t have marriage as the goal.
A lot of young people 18-23 want to live as husband and wife, but because marriage is frowned upon they just hook up with whoever and cohabitate. 86% of all cohabiating relationships don’t last three years! (Stephen Rhoads “Taking Sex Differences Seriously”)Imagine being a thrity year old man or women who have been througha few serial partners, talk abot emotional baggage.
Young men and women never get to form a true identity of themselves and then fall in love with one another as mature individuals. Instead we just throw anything in our lives by “trying it out” living together and see if it sticks or not. All you have to watch are these Judge Judy type shows, and ex-boyfriends and girl friends fighting over joint bills and property, cell phones, video game consoles, and foutons.
Women move in with men thinking they can change them by being the coolest live-in girlfriend, by not nagging and allowing him to go out with his friends and do whatever he wants. Men will never change from being bad boys, if they never have the chance to sweep you off your feet and wisk you away to happily ever after, when so many women are groveling to play happy homemaker without the commitment of marriage… Eventually if they do stay together and get married, the woman more or less just become his mother and not his wife, as he comes and goes as he pleases.
I met my husband when I was 19. I wasn’t looking for a husband, I was looking for a nice guy. I’m now 28 years old, and I don’t understand how grown woman are looking for a perfect man to have their child with. Remember that childrens mocking song in elementry school? “First comes LOVE, then comes marriage, then comes a a baby in a baby carriage”.There is a lot of truth in that.
I fell in love at 19, married at 23. I wish we were married sooner, but no one would let us think of marriage until we had our undergraduate degrees. But we were talking about marriage atleast since we were 20/21. I wasn’t going to sit in a relationship for years on end, if it didn’t have marriage as the goal.
A lot of young people 18-23 want to live as husband and wife, but because marriage is frowned upon they just hook up with whoever and cohabitate. 86% of all cohabiating relationships don’t last three years! (Stephen Rhoads “Taking Sex Differences Seriously”)Imagine being a thrity year old man or women who have been througha few serial partners, talk abot emotional baggage.
Young men and women never get to form a true identity of themselves and then fall in love with one another as mature individuals. Instead we just throw anything in our lives by “trying it out” living together and see if it sticks or not. All you have to watch are these Judge Judy type shows, and ex-boyfriends and girl friends fighting over joint bills and property, cell phones, video game consoles, and foutons.
Women move in with men thinking they can change them by being the coolest live-in girlfriend, by not nagging and allowing him to go out with his friends and do whatever he wants. Men will never change from being bad boys, if they never have the chance to sweep you off your feet and wisk you away to happily ever after, when so many women are groveling to play happy homemaker without the commitment of marriage… Eventually if they do stay together and get married, the woman more or less just become his mother and not his wife, as he comes and goes as he pleases.