Are you a dog person? or a cat owner?

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St. Martin de Porres of Lima, Peru is another saint you can pray to for your animals. He’s often pictured with a dog, cat, rabbit, bird and rodent (mouse?) who are eating from a bowl. I first heard about him from a non-Catholic New Agey type who told me she admired him and prayed to him for healing for her cats! So I looked him up and found out he’s one of those very humble, inspiring saints who you can’t help but love and admire. It’s puzzling why he isn’t better known.
Thanks for sharing that information with us. 🙂 ❤️

I never would have known about him, either, if you hadn’t mentioned him here!
St. Martin de Porres of Lima, Peru is another saint you can pray to for your animals. He’s often pictured with a dog, cat, rabbit, bird and rodent (mouse?) who are eating from a bowl. I first heard about him from a non-Catholic New Agey type who told me she admired him and prayed to him for healing for her cats! So I looked him up and found out he’s one of those very humble, inspiring saints who you can’t help but love and admire. It’s puzzling why he isn’t better known.
In high school, my Spanish teacher was Sr. Martin de Porres. I learned about the saint from her, but had I not, I don’t think I would know who he is. I will pray to these saints for all animals, especially the poor dogs and cats who must live outdoors.
I like dogs and cats, although I have a preference for cats. My husband and I have one 2.5 year old cat, Luna, who I got about a month before I met my husband. I got her before meeting my husband, and of course, at that time, I didn’t know I would marry him, so by then it was too late…the cat and I were a package deal. 😉

I do like dogs as well, but we live in a small apartment and just do not have the space or the ability to take care of the dogs that my husband likes. His favorites are German Shepherds and Siberian Huskies/Alaskan Malamutes. Big dogs, so we have to put the dogs on hold for now!

I grew up with dogs and cats as pets, so I’ve always been around them. My parents still have three cats and also a Maltese. I do have allergies, and they can be aggravated by animals, but it seems that once I get used to them, they don’t bother me. My cat rarely gives me any allergy issues. I did spend a few days with a college friend and her aunt and uncle for Thanksgiving one year, and they raised golden retrievers. Beautiful dogs, but man, they really drove my allergies crazy (and I had forgotten my allergy medicine, making it worse!).
I have a Boston Terrier, named Abbott. He was named after the comedian Bud Abbott
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I am more a kitty person than a dog person altho I adore all the doggies we’ve had. I’ve also become a chicken person since the day a young rooster entered our yard and stole our hearts.
Definitely a dog person…it took me two years to talk my wife into getting a dog, but now, 38 years later, she wouldn’t be without one…we’re on our fourth dog now…all rescues…the first three have taken up permanent residence in the back yard, under the apple trees…
Growing up [many years ago…], we lived close to my paternal grandparents…my grandfather raised homing pigeons,so a dislike for cats went with the territory…after moving to ‘the sticks’, I learned to tolerate cats, but they still keep their distance…
Growing up we always had dogs and cats.

We had a nice large kennel for the dogs and the cats all hung out in the barn.

Some of my fondest memories are going hunting with the dogs.
In the present I have two cats, I found one of them in the streets and the other in the terrace of my house. In the past I had other two cats, I remember that one of them lived approximately 16 years.
We had ferrets for hunting sometime back,they were really quiet and playful…very cute 🙂
I am lucky enough to be on the staff of a beautiful Siberian kitten named Sasha. She’s rules with an iron paw, but she is fluffy and purrs so it’s okay. lol

Love all animals, think dogs are great but I LOOOOVE cats.
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