He’s pretty easygoing as far as feline overlords go, but yeah, that’s his “Less sleep, more pat” face. That pic was taken after he walked across my head a few times to wake me up.
He is most of the time.He’s rather regal-looking, ain’t he?
We lost three beagles over the last ten years, Buster, Sally, and Charlie. There’s a big hole in my heart only they can fill. Previously, we lost a Lhasa Apso, a little mixed breed, a beautiful Cocker Spaniel, and a gorgeous Flame Point cat. All but Buster, the Spaniel, and the Lhasa Apso had lived long lives, thank goodness. Our Spaniel had autoimmune hemolytic anemia. He died alone (the only one who didn’t have us there with him) because he was in surgery as vets tried to save his life. I will never forgive myself for not being with him. He was so sweet and loving. One beagle and the Flame Point had cancer. We don’t consider them pets; they are true family members.My beagle, Buddy, passed away a few days ago. He was just shy of 12.