Are you ready for the "Jesus Papers"?

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Michael Baigent was born in New Zealand in 1948 and obtained a degree in psychology from Canterbury University, Christchurch. Since 1976 he has lived in England. He is the author of Ancient Traces and From The Omens Of Babylon and, with Richard Leigh, he has co-authored a number of books, including the international best-sellers The** Holy Blood And The Holy Grail (with Henry Lincoln), The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, Secret Germany and, The Elixir And The Stone**. His latest book, co-written as always with Richard Leigh, is entitled THE INQUISITION, which reveals the darker side of this infamous Catholic institution both in the past and in the present day.’
That’s all I need to know that this is another bunk book made to ride on the hype of “The Da Vinci Code”. In other words, garbage in, garbage out.
What gets me are people who normally read very carefully and very cynically, especially if the writer disagrees with a political belief they hold.

They don’t read the Code cynically, however. They take it for granted that the Code must be right because it disagrees with Catholic doctrine, and for them Catholic doctrine is ALWAYS wrong. So that the kind of shoddy, far fetched stuff they would never except as evidence under ordinary circumstances turns into reliable evidence because it is attacking the Catholic church.

It’s sad. I don’t know if I’ll be able to sit through the movie. The book was bad enough :mad:
What gets me are people who normally read very carefully and very cynically, especially if the writer disagrees with a political belief they hold.
They don’t read the Code cynically, however. They take it for granted that the Code must be right because it disagrees with Catholic doctrine, and for them Catholic doctrine is ALWAYS wrong. So that the kind of shoddy, far fetched stuff they would never except as evidence under ordinary circumstances turns into reliable evidence because it is attacking the Catholic church.
The operand here is that many want to lead a life that includes some particular kind(s) of sin. If Jesus and the Church can be placed in a light where they no longer threaten these desires all is good. It becomes very important to be able to disbelieve and feel good about it. Authors love it because it makes them lots of bucksand may get their name in lights (their areas of weakness).
A friend of mine called me about an hour ago to tell me out about this book that was on TV and asked me what my opinion was of it. My answer to him was that this author is a follower of Satan because after going up on Google and looking it over(which is how I found your forum), a verse popped into my mind which was, “Did God really say that?”

As in the Garden of Eden, Satan has been trying to mislead people down through the years - here is just another example. I feel sorry for Michael Baigent if he had been a believer in Christ and now continues on this unbelieving stance – we know what the end will be. On the other hand, if he has never believed and turns from this idiotic rant and places his faith in Christ, goodwhoops.

Remember what it says in Peter’s epistle – “Be watchful, be wary for the devil thy adversary prowls about seeking whom he may devour.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us to be wary of false prophets.

In Christ,
I am listening to a priest right now who says we should look on this as a opportunity and I think he is right. Many non-Christians are going to read the book and see the movie.

When they talk about it we need to be ready to do what St Peter told us. ***Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame. ***1 Peter 3:15-16

Youth groups should be tackling this right now so that our young people are not led astray. Remember the warning given in 2 Tim. 4:3-5

***For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but, following their own desires, will surround themselves with teachers who tickle their ears. They will stop listening to the truth and will wander off to fables. As for you, be steady and self-possessed; put up with hardship, perform your work as an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. ***

No-one can say we weren’t warned.
The author of these outragous “stories” are merely trying to get the reader to “think” and “question”, so they say. What fun they are having at the expense of the gullible. Making money on the “fantasy”, laughing all the way to the bank.

Love and peace,
Mom of 5
Eileen T:
I am listening to a priest right now who says we should look on this as a opportunity and I think he is right. Many non-Christians are going to read the book and see the movie.

When they talk about it we need to be ready to do what St Peter told us. ***Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame. ***1 Peter 3:15-16

Youth groups should be tackling this right now so that our young people are not led astray. Remember the warning given in 2 Tim. 4:3-5

***For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but, following their own desires, will surround themselves with teachers who tickle their ears. They will stop listening to the truth and will wander off to fables. As for you, be steady and self-possessed; put up with hardship, perform your work as an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. ***

No-one can say we weren’t warned.

I agree with you wholeheartedly that this would be a golden opportunity for believers to follow what the apostle Peter wrote in his first epistle. Also to pray for them and for Michael Baigent to see the error of his ways and turn to Christ.

God bless,
On another thread someone remarked that the fact that these guys are all still alive debunks the idea of a secret organisation or they would have all been assassinated by those guarding the “secret.” 😛
Not a bad idea actually. Unfortunately people do buy into pop culture. One girl I work with left the faith after reading the Da Vinci code. She now does tarot (she calls them angel cards) card readings for people. 😦

Peace and God Bless
So sad: I pray for her soul!
What is this? sheesh :cool: :rolleyes: Where do I get a masters in “arcane knowlege”?
Send in two box tops and a SASE 😃

Seriously, all the whoop-te-doo over The DaVinci Code and now The Jesus Papers reminds me of Irving Wallace’s novel The Word from about 30 years ago, but the novel was at least labelled as such – and more credible.
Well gang, we are dealing with more modern-day gnostics. How they come to these conclusions is -in my mind- far less interesting than the “why” they seek these conclusions.

It is as if some feel they can avoid judgment by disavowing it, or trying to argue against it. Its not hard to see that Baigent is hell-bent on striking out at Christian values. Just about every book he’s ever written has struck at that theme. His agenda is clear. If he’s not a member of the poorly named “Jesus Seminar”, he should be. (Although he is the editor of “Freemasonry Today”- which tells us quite a bit unto itself.)

I don’t doubt that he hopes what he presents is true. This guy is an artist at bending context to support his findings while completely ingnoring the preponderance of historical evidence that totally discredits his findings.

Folks, we are living in an age where man will stop at nothing to disavow and disprove God. Man has rationalized himself as the sum of all things- the “humanistic” view- and as a higher, evolved life form that sprang from chance and rose to great heights …on our own. The current worldview is that the Christian way is an old, dated, archaic way of thinking that is no longer needed for man. They want the old thinking destroyed so that its easier to justify that which they want to do.

The end goal of these people - If sin is “proven” to not exist, judgment is irrelevant. If the redeemer was not the sacrifice we believe Him to be, then we don’t need Him and were wrong all along. (Besides, if sin doesn’t exist, what do we need redeemed from anyway.)

St. John told us of the coming of this type of mindset. Its frustrating for us to witness, but I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised. What these Neo-Gnostic clowns don’t realize is that the prophecy given to St. John is only more fulfilled by their proclamations and indoctrinations. It should only strengthen our faith.
I’ve heard stupider things, here’s what was in our Sunday buletin,

"Visitors to Jerusalem ask his disciples to introduce them to him. Jesus’ reply is completely “off the wall.” “A grain of wheat must fall to earth and die…” This is just like many of his other “teachings”.

He qouted the following
“Why search? I had to be in my Father’s house. (To Mom and Dad).”

Jesus didn’t say anything of that sort. We are to be in search of Him are we not? This is like telling Mary not to search for Jesus. That is totally contradictory.

“Come. I’ll make you fishers of men.
Let the dead bury the dead. Come with me to life.”

“Be passerby (Gospel of Thomas)”,

(folks when I saw this statement in the bulletin, I about had panic attack.)

“Fortunate for you if you’re hungry, poor and weeping.
Give to anyone who asks.
Worry not about clothes, food, body or life.
Hate father and mother or you cannot learn from me.
Save your life? You’ll loose it. Loose it? You’ll find it.”

And then at the end said “So; Holy Week is a downer. Unless you catch on.”

What I don’t understand is why on earth would you put a statement from a Gnostic gospel in a buletin for? To me, that’s like saying that 2+2=5. It left me scratching my head.:confused:
Bones IV,
That’s unbeleiveable. And this is an RC Church, right?
Bones IV,
That’s unbeleiveable. And this is an RC Church, right?
Yes, I’m afraid it’s true. I gonna email and complain about this.
I’ve heard stupider things, here’s what was in our Sunday buletin,

"Visitors to Jerusalem ask his disciples to introduce them to him. Jesus’ reply is completely “off the wall.” “A grain of wheat must fall to earth and die…” This is just like many of his other “teachings”.

He qouted the following
“Why search? I had to be in my Father’s house. (To Mom and Dad).”

Jesus didn’t say anything of that sort. We are to be in search of Him are we not? This is like telling Mary not to search for Jesus. That is totally contradictory.

“Come. I’ll make you fishers of men.
Let the dead bury the dead. Come with me to life.”

“Be passerby (Gospel of Thomas)”,

(folks when I saw this statement in the bulletin, I about had panic attack.)

“Fortunate for you if you’re hungry, poor and weeping.
Give to anyone who asks.
Worry not about clothes, food, body or life.
Hate father and mother or you cannot learn from me.
Save your life? You’ll loose it. Loose it? You’ll find it.”

And then at the end said “So; Holy Week is a downer. Unless you catch on.”

What I don’t understand is why on earth would you put a statement from a Gnostic gospel in a buletin for? To me, that’s like saying that 2+2=5. It left me scratching my head.:confused:
statement from a Gnostic gospel
When I was at Costco a week ago I looked at the book section and counted at least five books that in their description seemed like add-ons or spin-offs from The Da Vinci Code, which is itself a spinoff from this guy who writes the “Jesus Papers”, who merely re-hatches old heresies that have been proven false and attatches a feel of paranoia and intrigue to them. I predict The Da Vinci Code movie is going to be one of the most popular movies in recent history, and a lot of people will be lead astray. It’s like the devil waited until people became ignorant of history and now he is calling together all his old tricks for one last offensive. Very scary friends. Love will conquer though.
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