Oh ok my apologies I assumed you believed in life begins later. That’s true that your not entitled to some your liberties, except at certain milestones. However life isn’t one of those liberties that may be revoked or removed.No, I also maintain that life begins at conception. But you’re not entitled to most of your liberties and freedoms until you’re born. And you’re entitled to more when you turn 18.
We know this because when my sister had a still-born, there was no investigation by police to ensure no wrong-doing. It wasn’t yet a “person” in the same way as the man found dead in his apartment - which does necessitate investigation.
But this is the difference between a God given right and a human determined right. As Catholics we believe life is a God given right, and as such cannot be removed.
I’m sorry to hear about your sister, my condolences, and a few prayers.
However this isnt the way to know something. The civil authority may or may not respect the God given rights of people, they enforce the law. But that is also the distinction between legal rights and God given rights. Legal rights are supposed to operate with respect to God given rights. That doesn’t always happen. African Americans always had rights, God given rights, even if the law didn’t recognize or respect those rights for a time. The rights still existed, but the legal authority wasn’t respecting them. German Jews did as well, despite a legal fiasco of authority. That’s how many view the unborn currently with abortion, a legal tragedy. But the child’s right is God given, not necessarily legally endowed.