Your “preferred god” objection is irrelevant.HarryStotle:
How many times are we going to circle this, Harry?Well, no, actually. You rely on “liberty” as the benchmark for tyranny, but fail to provide any moral grounds for distinguishing between liberty that is permissible and liberty that is an abuse.
Liberty is the default. The null. The beginning place. There is no rule that says we can’t constrain it for good reason - and we do. It’s just that “my preferred god” is not a sufficient reason for anyone other than the people who affirm that god.
Everyone’s value system is dependent upon their metaphysic, so in effect, by creating a hierarchy of values you are raising up in effigy something to the highest order in value — that is your “preferred god” whether or not you acknowledge it as such.
Where your assessment becomes twisted is that you appear to be willing to allow something like will or intention only at the level of the human person and not beyond. That would be by a kind of willful presumption that the universe is not ordered by moral purpose towards the good, but by human choice towards preferences. So if there is no purpose to the reality underpinning the universe, then human will (preference) is the final arbiter of morality.
Human will then becomes your “preferred god” from which you hammer “from nothing” — i.e. ex nihilo — your moral contract.
Again, my point being that the various conceptions of “preferred god” whether it be yours (human liberty) or mine (Being Itself) is what underpins our various versions of morality. So, the question is not “Which ‘preferred god’ do I subscribe to?”, but rather “Which is true?” Ultimately that is the determiner.
However, you aren’t interested in which one or the other is true, you are only interested in starting from the presumption that yours IS true — despite that it (the human will) functions as your “preferred god” in the same instance that you want to disparage the “preferred god” of others.
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