This is worse because this taken as fact and combined with god in a creator capacity means that this god deliberately planned and created every vile thing in history. The holocaust. Every crime against a child you’ve ever heard about. Everything.What you are missing is that God may know of outcomes (owing to his omniscience) and have the power to bring them about in his own time (owing to his omnipotence) that far outweigh what we (owing to our limited knowledge and power of how the universe works) can conceive.
In fairness, this god deliberately planned and created all the good stuff too. But this means that while it’s the god of love, it’s also the god of rape.
Special pleading here, but historically tolerated. Just as a note.Ergo, what we as human beings “logically” determine (based upon limited knowledge, limited power and a limited conception of the good) does not constrain God because his knowledge, power and goodness are infinite.
That’s exactly what it means unless the agent is powerless to stop it - as is typically the case in humans.Allowing or permitting a loved one to suffer evil does not imply a tolerance (not minding) for evil.
But we can imply from a sovereign creator-god that it made the stuff to happen. Else is a violation of the power of that god.Being the “ultimate authority” implies that we — limited by time, space and capacity — are in no position (owing to our limited capacity) to LOGICALLY determine what God “minds” or doesn’t “mind” merely because stuff happens.