This is the only reason women need to have sex.
You don’t speak for me.
You haven’t walked in my shoes or shared my lived experiences.
Trust me, there were times I needed to have sex with my ex. My existence depended on it.
He knew how to make my life a living hell if I did/didn’t do something he wanted. Still does, but I don’t have to “be” with him anymore.
Are you saying that the lived experiences of the women whose reasons I gave and their “need” to have sex were bogus? I hate to tell you this, but society still backs the men.
Daddy bonus, mommy penalty in the workforce.
Now, I’ve answered your question.
Please answer mine.
Why do men need to have sex, especially when they are fertile 24/7?
The church does allow and expect sexual relations will occur outside of the wife’s fertile period, when it knows she absolutely cannot get pregnant., so “to have a baby” is not a woman’s only need to have sex.
Why does a man,(Christian, atheist, Hindu, Jewish, etc) need to have sex?
Why does a God-fearing Christian man have the need, especially when his wife isn’t fertile and is in a part of her cycle where she isn’t interested in sex because her hormones and cervix aren’t going for baby launch?
And why did St. Paul place the expectation on a wife to be available for her husband, when she didn’t have a need (according to your logic on “need”).
Sorry the need for sex is not only about having babies for women.
Many times, it’s not about babies at all.
It isn’t for God-fearing Christian men either.
So imagine what it is for people who don’t believe in a God, who are atheist, or agnostic, or Hindu, Buddhist, etc?
We are arguing about the abortion argument which covers people with a wide variety of beliefs, many which do not even consider a human embryo or fetus as anything other than human tissue.
If we’re going to change people’s perspectives of human beings and abortion/euthanasia/CRISPR manipulation, we have got to show the humanity of human beings from their earliest moments until their final moment of life (and then some… because even dead human bodies deserve respect).
Food for thought:
“I just want to remind survivors you are strong and courageous”… the interviewee on national news currently speaking to domestic violence survivors to persevere through Covid19.