I thought they were just saying people know where sex leads and to proceed is to accept the potential outcome. [Which is to say nothing of what one might do should that outcome arise!]
Or are u suggesting we’d need a written contract before we can draw that “deep”


Well, yeah. If someone wants to make the argument that there’s some sort of contractual obligation to see pregnancy through - especially given the dangers of it - then yeah. Like any other claim, the claimant must present their proof.
Of this claim I’ve never seen any. Leads me to think it likely does not exist, but I’m open minded.
I suppose you can prove it?
The behavior of animals is not an argument.
It’s precedent. We can observe it, which gives it a certain strength over arguments based on notions we can’t observe.
That doesn’t mean you are free from obligation when something happens otherwise a reckless driver can just say they didn’t consent to hitting someone.
There are consequences to everything. The idea that a woman who had an abortion is somehow free from consequence is a little childish and hard to take seriously. Virtually no one is happy they had one, trolls aside.
Perhaps my brothers and sisters disagree with me here but I observe the wise saying “you can not fix stupid” as fact.
Stupid isn’t the issue.
For many of these women, pregnancy is a statistically insignificant outcome just like the car crash. When it occurs, it was unexpected and we want the ill effects to go away as quickly as possible.
95% of abortions are not deserved for the sake of liberty change my mind.
Oh I agree, they never consented to pregnancy in the first place. There is no mind-changing going on.
My views are not dependent on the existence of God they are merely logical deductions given certain assumptions
But they are dependent on ideals similar to god. They die by the same lance.
As such, liberty is the only real recourse when consensus cannot be commonly reached. The individual must choose for themselves as the fetus is not the only object worthy of consideration - the great blunder of most pro-life arguments that win me most of my growing support.
Your views differ vastly from mine.
They do!
So in the name of liberty, she shall have hers, you shall have yours.
If ever you get pregnant, deliver the child in accordance with your views. Afford @MamaJewel the same, please.
How about we steralize her too. In fact if I wasn’t Catholic I’d be OK with that.
Goodness me, I think sterilization ought to be a government-provided service. Unwanted children are
such a cultural blight - upon individuals, families
and society at large.
Especially for males. Much less invasive than sterilizing females.