Armed pro-Trump protesters gather outside Michigan elections chief's home

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Of course. And in light of the recent attempt to take over Michigan by force of arms, by kidnaping the Governor, anything is possible.
It’s not actually. It’s perfectly legal to drink and be in possession of firearms in many places.
I am glad we do not have that here. I looked it up and you are right. Four states allow guns in bars. Even the NRA knows better than that.
I guess you understood what I meant , yes, the use of a right. And the duties and responsibilities that come with them.
Civil behaviour
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There’s no reason not to be able to carry in a bar. If you’re not responsible enough to carry a gun and drink responsibly at the same time then you’re likely not responsible enough to do either separately.

Further more, it’s still perfectly legal to sit in a restaurant while carrying and drink several pitchers.
Disagree. It’s arguably a place you’re more likely to need one.
I’ve never been quite clear on how accurate those old westerns were; they seemed to be more about entertainment than history.
There’s no reason not to be able to carry in a bar.
And that concerns me. I know I will never live in those four states that permit such madness.
Sounds like the Wild West.
Amen! But then there is not a choice of how brains work when under the effect of alcohol. It is what alcohol does, and one’s politics do not affect one’s biology.
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I haven’t been in a bar for a few years, but I always just carried despite it being illegal in my state :man_shrugging:t2: Drank responsibly and didn’t act a fool, but I’ve seen enough people get jumped in parking lots that I wasn’t going to go out without some protection to what can be highly volatile situations.
And that concerns me. I know I will never live in those four states that permit such madness.
And this is the great thing about federalism. Each state enacts laws that suits their constituents, and we get to decide where we want to live.
It seems to me, however, that this should be a decision of the property owner, since he/she faces severe civil penalties and perhaps criminal charges if they serve a patron too much.
And this is the great thing about federalism. Each state enacts laws that suits their constituents, and we get to decide where we want to live.
Nothing like individuals serving two masters.
Nothing like individuals serving two masters.
Well, I see one of the differences between progressives and constitutional conservatives is progressives think government should be the masters while constitutional conservatives think the individual should be.

The old phrase, that government which governs best is the government that governs least, is almost always true.
Yes but it’s a meaningless phrase if one of your governments governs a lot.

Isn’t this why some want to break up the EU for example? Isn’t one government to have to serve better than two?
Why do they carry guns when they protest? I just don’t get the reason for that.

Just saying “they are allowed to.” isn’t enough.
Why do they carry guns when they protest? I just don’t get the reason for that.

Just saying “they are allowed to.” isn’t enough.
To intimidate. The only reason I can think of.
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