Arrogance & Hypocrisy of "Traditionalists"

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This is correct but they were at one time in schism. You just can’t be born into a schism so at the end of 50 years of schism you are just cease to be Catholic in nature. You’ll see, in another 30 or so years SSPX will no longer be considered in schism either.
They still are in schisim. Catholics are still not allowed to recieve communion in any Eastren Orthdox church, nor do they let their members recieve communion in a Catholic church. Just because of some meetings between the Pope and various Patriarchs does not mean that the Orthodox churches are no longer in schism.
The Orthodox certainly are in schism and the schism of the SSPX is in doubt.

This thread was opened to inflame and create disharmony and the moderators, if there are any, should have closed it after the OP.

This is the most disappointing catholic forum I’ve ever participated in. The anger and resentment of those who have no tolerance for nothing but innovations and excuses is remarkable.

So long folks. Enjoy your little love fest.
There is something else that seems to distinguish “traditionalists” from “liberals/modernists.” Liberals/modernists seem far less apt to make patently false statements. Not debatible statements, but false statements whose answers can simply be looked-up in Church documents.

Many “traditionalists” don’t seem to have a grasp as what the Church actually directs, and they seem quite eager to make this known to anyone who will listen.

Take a look at the emboldened statement above. It’s false and it can be looked-up with a quick Google search. I’m not sure why so many “traditionalists” are so quick to make themselves look so questionable.

No, I don’t think it’s necessarily a lack of education or smarts. I think it’s that twisted belief that they must know what is “better”, because after all, the are “traditionalists.”
They still are in schisim. Catholics are still not allowed to recieve communion in any Eastren Orthdox church, nor do they let their members recieve communion in a Catholic church. Just because of some meetings between the Pope and various Patriarchs does not mean that the Orthodox churches are no longer in schism.
Here we go again. It’s certainly OK from a Catholic Church standpoint to receive Holy Communion in an Orthodox Church. However as Catholics, we are required (by the Catholic Church) to follow THEIR rules and THEY say Catholics cannot receive. They ARE INDEED allowed to receive in the Catholic Church, but again, they are encouraged to follow the directions of their Church and their Church says they cannot receive in the Catholic Church.

Are they in perfect communion with the Catholic Church? NOPE. Are they in schism? NOPE.
Thanks for the generalization and the flaming…I hope you feel better. As a person that considers themself a “traditional” Catholic, I don’t believe I fall under any of the accusations you have labled me with. After reading this all out assault on your fellow Catholics, a thought came to mind…when I was praying my Stations of The Cross Chaplet today, I came across a line in there that says “My Jesus, I fear I do the same when I strain gnats and then swallow camels–when I take out the splinter in my brother’s eye and forget the beam in my own” Read that sentence and let it sink in…I will pray for you.
Dumspiro: I think the OP was overly frustrated with a general atmosphere on a lot of the threads that seems to posit the opinion that some “rad trads” (as opposed to orthodox, yet traditional Catholics such as yourself) have of themselves compared to the orthodox, yet Mass of Paul VI Catholic such as me. It would be a mistake to conclude, as I beleive Fix so ably posted, that all NO Catholics were heterodox liberals on the part of traditional Catholics, and it would be equally egregious for a NO Catholic to think that all traditionalists were rabid schismatics. I confess, myself, that I get fed up with hearing about how “all evil” the post Vatican Church is. I realize, however, that this is not a view promoted by orthodox traditional Catholics.
Thanks for the generalization and the flaming…I hope you feel better. As a person that considers themself a “traditional” Catholic, I don’t believe I fall under any of the accusations you have labled me with. After reading this all out assault on your fellow Catholics, a thought came to mind…when I was praying my Stations of The Cross Chaplet today, I came across a line in there that says “My Jesus, I fear I do the same when I strain gnats and then swallow camels–when I take out the splinter in my brother’s eye and forget the beam in my own” Read that sentence and let it sink in…I will pray for you.
Did it make you feel better when you judged me? DId it make you feel better when you patted yourself on the back? Pride is a killer…
They still are in schisim. Catholics are still not allowed to recieve communion in any Eastren Orthdox church, nor do they let their members recieve communion in a Catholic church. Just because of some meetings between the Pope and various Patriarchs does not mean that the Orthodox churches are no longer in schism.
This is totally false, Orthodox may recieve communion in a Catholic Church but they are instructed to follow the teachings of thier Churches on this matter. I have actually witinessed an Orthodox priest recieveing communion at a Byzantine Catholic Pascha Liturgy.

Also there are a couple of Orthodox who recieve communion at the parish I attend.

Catholics can recieve communion at an Orthodox Church, again I know of some who do. And once again, we are instructed to follow the teachings of those Churches, if they say no then we are not to present ourselves.
Nota Bene said:
Here we go again. It’s certainly OK from a Catholic Church standpoint to receive Holy Communion in an Orthodox Church. However as Catholics, we are required (by the Catholic Church) to follow THEIR rules and THEY say Catholics cannot receive. They ARE INDEED allowed to receive in the Catholic Church, but again, they are encouraged to follow the directions of their Church and their Church says they cannot receive in the Catholic Church.

Are they in perfect communion with the Catholic Church? NOPE. Are they in schism? NOPE.
 The fact you lack any understanding of what schism is makes it difficult to debate with you. The Eastren Orthdox are in schism with the Catholic church. From the fact that they ""baptise" even Catholics who "convert" to their church, the fact  they do not accept any councils after the first 7 councils, the fact they in no way recognise the Pope authority certainly shows they are indeed in schism. 

The fact the Catholic church recognises they have valid sacraments(this is also the case with the schismatic Polish National Catholic Church) does not mean they are not in schism.
This is totally false, Orthodox may recieve communion in a Catholic Church but they are instructed to follow the teachings of thier Churches on this matter. I have actually witinessed an Orthodox priest recieveing communion at a Byzantine Catholic Pascha Liturgy.

Also there are a couple of Orthodox who recieve communion at the parish I attend.

Catholics can recieve communion at an Orthodox Church, again I know of some who do. And once again, we are instructed to follow the teachings of those Churches, if they say no then we are not to present ourselves.
The Eastren Orthdox that I know of, the Greek and American Orthdox churches(OCA), do not allow their members to recieve communion at a Catholic chhurch.

In fact here is the text
Further, Orthodox Christianity does not permit its faithful to receive Holy Communion in non-Orthodox communities, whether they be Roman Catholic, Protestant, or whatever. Hence, while Roman Catholicism may extend Eucharistic hospitality to Orthodox Christians, it does not mean that Orthodox Christians are permitted to accept such hospitality.
And here is the direct link
The fact you lack any understanding of what schism is makes it difficult to debate with you. The Eastren Orthdox are in schism with the Catholic church. From the fact that they "“baptise” even Catholics who “convert” to their church, the fact they do not accept any councils after the first 7 councils, the fact they in no way recognise the Pope authority certainly shows they are indeed in schism.
The fact the Catholic church recognises they have valid sacraments(this is also the case with the schismatic Polish National Catholic Church) does not mean they are not in schism.
Actually it seems you not only lack understanding of schism but you seem to ignore what the Church Teaches on this matter.

Please, read this paragraph from the Catechism of the Catholic Church one more time and then explain how your view does not go against this…
818 “However, one cannot charge with the sin of the separation those who at present are born into these communities [that resulted from such separation] and in them are brought up in the faith of Christ, and the Catholic Church accepts them with respect and affection as brothers . . . . All who have been justified by faith in Baptism are incorporated into Christ; they therefore have a right to be called Christians, and with good reason are accepted as brothers in the Lord by the children of the Catholic Church.”
Here is another good passage explaing how the Eastren orthdox view things

*While Orthodoxy is not in communion with Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy rejects the notion that Roman Catholicism is the “other half” of the Church, this, coupled with the fact that Orthodox doctrine rejects certain teachings unique to Roman Catholicism - papal supremacy and infallibility, the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, to name a few – does not mean that the Orthodox Church is “anti-Catholic.”
The Eastren Orthdox that I know of, the Greek and American Orthdox churches(OCA), do not allow their members to recieve communion at a Catholic chhurch.

In fact here is the text
Further, Orthodox Christianity does not permit its faithful to receive Holy Communion in non-Orthodox communities, whether they be Roman Catholic, Protestant, or whatever. Hence, while Roman Catholicism may extend Eucharistic hospitality to Orthodox Christians, it does not mean that Orthodox Christians are permitted to accept such hospitality.
And here is the direct link
Something you must understand, the Orthodox while in communion with one another are not like the Catholic Church and its communion.

Yes, what you post is the teaching of the Orthodox Church of America, or OCA.

I know for a fact that intercommunion occurs between the Antiochian Orthodox Church and the Melkite Greek Catholic Church in the “old country” of the Middle East.

I know in the Pittsburgh area that intercommunion is occuring between the various Orthodox Churches and Catholic Churches there.

Most of this is done with the knowledge of the priests and bishops. They allow it and do not make an issue. Yes various Orthodox Churches do have statements against it but in Orthodoxy there is something called oekonomia where for pastoral reasons somethings are allow to happen.

As long as these things occur without fanfare it is allowed.

I would add, in the world of the Orthodox, you can not take a statement from one Church as a blanket statement for all of Orthodoxy.
Actually it seems you not only lack understanding of schism but you seem to ignore what the Church Teaches on this matter.

Please, read this paragraph from the Catechism of the Catholic Church one more time and then explain how your view does not go against this…
I do not mean to be rude, but I do not think you get what I am trying to say. While the Eastren orthodox have the core beliefs and the sacraments, they are still in schism, the Eastren orthdox themselves say they are not in communion with the Catholic church. Now do you say that those not in communion with the Catholic church are not in schism?
There are still MAJOR differences between the Catholic faith and Orthodox chuches as I have allready mentioned.
Pope Pius XII stated…

"A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God, that His Son is merely a symbol, a philosophy held by so many others, and in the churches Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them, like Magdalen weeping before the empty tomb, “Where have they taken Him?”

Pope Paul VI

"We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation… We thought that after the Council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties."

We do follow our Popes

So, you do not claim, as some in the SSPX do, that the current Latin rite of Mass in invalid? That is very refreshing. 🙂
I do not mean to be rude, but I do not think you get what I am trying to say. While the Eastren orthodox have the core beliefs and the sacraments, they are still in schism, the Eastren orthdox themselves say they are not in communion with the Catholic church. Now do you say that those not in communion with the Catholic church are not in schism?
There are still MAJOR differences between the Catholic faith and Orthodox chuches as I have allready mentioned.
It is easy, I say they are not in schism becuase the Catholic Church says that one can not be born into schism.

Just as a child born to atheists who grows up as an atheist is not in schism. Just as a child born to a protestant and grows up as a protestant is not in schism.

I get this from the paragraph of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Please, not to be rude myself, provide a Church document that supports your claim. I have been nice enough to take the time and find what the Church Teaches.

I say the Orthodox are not in schism not becuase that is what I want but beacuse that is what the Church Teaches.
Something you must understand, the Orthodox while in communion with one another are not like the Catholic Church and its communion.

Yes, what you post is the teaching of the Orthodox Church of America, or OCA.

I know for a fact that intercommunion occurs between the Antiochian Orthodox Church and the Melkite Greek Catholic Church in the “old country” of the Middle East.

I know in the Pittsburgh area that intercommunion is occuring between the various Orthodox Churches and Catholic Churches there.

Most of this is done with the knowledge of the priests and bishops. They allow it and do not make an issue. Yes various Orthodox Churches do have statements against it but in Orthodoxy there is something called oekonomia where for pastoral reasons somethings are allow to happen.

As long as these things occur without fanfare it is allowed.

I would add, in the world of the Orthodox, you can not take a statement from one Church as a blanket statement for all of Orthodoxy.
The biggest Orthdox church in the world, the Russian Orthdox church has less than stellar relations with the Vatican, Alexi II, Patriarch of Russia, has not allowed Pope John Paul II to come to Russia. The Greek Orthdox church in the US certainly does not allow Catholics to recieve communion at their parishes either.
Look, I have no intrest in picking a fight, but I do have an intrest in correcting error. To say the Eastren Orthdox churches are not in schism is a lie, no more, no less.
Do you know what I have noticed on my short time on this board-that nothing stirs up the well, **hate **in the posters here more than the SSPX-.
While I too would hesitate to use the word hate, I think you are right. I can only speak for myself when I say I notice more prosylizing from SSPX people than those others you mentioned. Also, notice that most Protestants show more respect toward our Holy Father (and his bishops and priests) than some of the SSPX posters.

These church leaders are also family members to me and deserving of more respect from those who disagree with them.

Finally I have seen the holy Mass, in which my Lord is present, called a mess. This is a sacrilege to me and inappropriate behavior.
It is easy, I say they are not in schism becuase the Catholic Church says that one can not be born into schism.

Just as a child born to atheists who grows up as an atheist is not in schism. Just as a child born to a protestant and grows up as a protestant is not in schism.

I get this from the paragraph of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Please, not to be rude myself, provide a Church document that supports your claim. I have been nice enough to take the time and find what the Church Teaches.

I say the Orthodox are not in schism not becuase that is what I want but beacuse that is what the Church Teaches.
Does the church say the Eastren churches are in communion with Rome? You are either in communion with Rome or you are not. I can accept that the SSPX is not in communion with Rome, has in irregualr status at best if one does a canon law workout that confuses the issue, and are most likely in schism, but again, that places them in the same league as the Eastren churches.

One is or is not in communion with Rome, auther the authority of the Pope, where do the Eastren Orthdox stand?
Look, I have no intrest in picking a fight, but I do have an intrest in correcting error. To say the Eastren Orthdox churches are not in schism is a lie, no more, no less.
You still have yet to address paragraph 818 of the Catechism.

Again, it does not matter about the relations of the Orthodox.

As the Catechism states, one can not be born into schism.

To do as you are, which is totally ignore what the Church teaches and state your own opinion as fact and to call the Church teaching a lie is very wrong and I think I will leave it at that as you seem to not want to know what the Church teaches.

I will give you one suggestion. Next time you are in church, look at the front of the pew missal where it says who is welcome to recieve the Eucharist. You will see that the Orthodox are welcome.
I’ve always understood that individually we would not consider an Orthodox believer a schismatic properly so-called which is why we say that they cannot be charged with the sin of schism. The relation of their church to that of the Catholic Church remains one of schism because they fail to give obedience to the Supreme Pontiff. St. Thomas says that schism is the failure of such. Now as to how morally culpable a person born into a schismatic community is that is another question.

To put it another way, I wouldn’t call a life-long Baptist a heretic, even though they are a material heretic just not one properly so-called. I can’t charge them for the sin of heresy personally, but their religious community is heretical because the tenets of their faith is heretical.

You still have yet to address paragraph 818 of the Catechism.

Again, it does not matter about the relations of the Orthodox.

As the Catechism states, one can not be born into schism.

To do as you are, which is totally ignore what the Church teaches and state your own opinion as fact and to call the Church teaching a lie is very wrong and I think I will leave it at that as you seem to not want to know what the Church teaches.

I will give you one suggestion. Next time you are in church, look at the front of the pew missal where it says who is welcome to recieve the Eucharist. You will see that the Orthodox are welcome.
Yes I have read it many times, it says that in certain circumstances those who are Eastren Orthdox, Oriental Orthdox and members of the Polish National Catholic church(old Catholic) can recieve communion in accord with their churches teachings.

And yes, those who are mambers of theses churches do not need to go though RICA to convert, all they need to do is go to a priest to regularise their status, since they allready accept the Eucharist and the other sacraments. But that said, their churches are still not in communion with Rome. What do you call a church that has the sacraments but is not in communion with Rome?
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