Can’t give the baby boomers (I am one) a pass. I think the buck stops with the boomers.
LOL - believe me I’m not!Can’t give the baby boomers (I am one) a pass. I think the buck stops with the boomers.
No matter how difficult it might be, I doubt that most married folk would want to trade their married life for a life in which they had never experienced sex or any physical or emotional intimacy with another person. Being in an intimate relationship with someone that they can share their lives with is something that I think most people yearn for, and friendships are not a substitute. Genesis 2: 18 says, "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.” So, I don’t think that God thinks that being alone is just as good as being in a relationship with someone who can be your “partner” in life.I think the bigger problem is that people think marriage is the better option. It’s not. It’s just a different vocation. It is arguable far more work too. Remember: we Catholics are called to be married for life. Divorce and remarriage (unless there no real marriage) is a mortal sin. It’s just as damning as homosexual acts. So for a practicing Catholic, you marry the wrong person - you’re stuck!
I think today’s culture says “marriage is all about feeling loved.” It’s not. It’s about dying to oneself, sacrificing yourself for your spouse and children. And frankly, that’s not easy. Sometimes you just want to take a vacation from your family. But guess what, you can’t.
No matter how difficult it might be, I doubt that most married folk would want to trade their married life for a life in which they had never experienced sex or any physical or emotional intimacy with another person. Being in an intimate relationship with someone that they can share their lives with is something that I think most people yearn for, and friendships are not a substitute. Genesis 2: 18 says, "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.” So, I don’t think that God thinks that being alone is just as good as being in a relationship with someone who can be your “partner” in life.I think the bigger problem is that people think marriage is the better option. It’s not. It’s just a different vocation. It is arguable far more work too. Remember: we Catholics are called to be married for life. Divorce and remarriage (unless there no real marriage) is a mortal sin. It’s just as damning as homosexual acts. So for a practicing Catholic, you marry the wrong person - you’re stuck!
I think today’s culture says “marriage is all about feeling loved.” It’s not. It’s about dying to oneself, sacrificing yourself for your spouse and children. And frankly, that’s not easy. Sometimes you just want to take a vacation from your family. But guess what, you can’t.
What do you suggest?If you think that the Church has lots of resources for same-sex attracted people, I don’t know what world you’re living in.
Yes. It goes to show there is actually a wide range of groups out there.Idk what New Ways Ministry is. Are they pro gay movement? Gay sex is ok?
Last time I checked, Church Militant is going after corruption in the hierarchy, not after individual Catholics.Should they go after you, remember this act could be compared to you being martyred
I’ve often wondered this. For gay Catholics, what resources would you like to see that don’t exist? Does Courage not help?If it’s not satisfactory, why not start one’s own group? It’s not hard to do this at the parish level.
I think Courage helps many same-sex attracted people – though not all that many women. But Courage does not have an approach that’s going to be effective in our society. Much of what Courage does resembles a 12-step-group for sex addicts. And sure, we need to provide Catholic help for sex addicts, straight or gay. But there’s a lot more to this topic.I’ve often wondered this. For gay Catholics, what resources would you like to see that don’t exist? Does Courage not help?
I wonder if having a group of openly gay but chaste people would be counterproductive. If the goal is to get to a place where gay Catholics just feel integrated into the rest of the Church and not viewed as some kind of weird group that needs to be quarantined, maybe forming a special group would actually be the wrong move.Increasingly, gay Catholics aren’t going to be willing to be “anonymous sufferers” of “same-sex attraction”. They’re going to be gay people who want to find a way to be open and casual about their sexuality without violating Church teaching. I’m not even defending that – I’m just saying it’s a fact.
I somewhat agree. I don’t think that there should be some group (a la Dignity) that ciphons people off into “gay Catholicism” – as if that were a thing! No, but I do think there should be a lot more people being CHILL about the whole thing, and having the attitude, “Gosh, that seems like a challenge. Just know that we’re praying for you, and come on over Tuesday for some stir fry.”I wonder if having a group of openly gay but chaste people would be counterproductive. If the goal is to get to a place where gay Catholics just feel integrated into the rest of the Church and not viewed as some kind of weird group that needs to be quarantined, maybe forming a special group would actually be the wrong move.
Would this apply to calling oneself a “Republican”, or a “Marxist”, or a “pro-lifer”, too?A man can call himself anything he wants; he can even call himself a lady and demand that others call him a she ; but what I’m saying is that it’s a rotten idea to label one’s self by worldly definitions, as it goes completely against the gospel.
It’s helpful for some. But for someone like myself it wouldn’t be. I don’t need constant reminding of chastity in the form of a 12 step program. I understand it’s not the intent of the Church but It can be a little insulting and tone deaf. Courage doesn’t want people to be open about their sexuality at all under any circumstances, that to me seems like going down a path of lying to people I will come to know and meet. I’m not saying I’d announce it to everyone I meet, but if I start becoming friends with someone and the question of relationships come up I’m going to have to explain why I’m single. And I wouldn’t want this person to start trying to set me up with women when I know that I can’t have a romantic relationship with a woman.I’ve often wondered this. For gay Catholics, what resources would you like to see that don’t exist? Does Courage not help?
I wonder if this is going to diminish as time goes on. For most people, even people who agree that sex between people of the same gender is wrong, don’t really find homosexuality to be a particularly awkward or taboo topic. It’s pretty mundane really. If someone tells me they’re gay, I don’t immediately get all awkward or uncomfortable, and I would find someone who is uneasy around gay people kind of weird.because it is a very uncomfortable one to discuss.