@grantklentzman1Although I don’t like to limit myself to a denomination, I would say that I align closest to Southern Baptist Theology and those beliefs are explained in the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.
Thank you for your reply. I have 2 close friends who are Baptist. They do not accept very well that I am Catholic (I converted 12 years ago from the Episcopal
church). They are both very judgmental and not very compassionate or
empathetic regarding people who have committed sins in their lives. I have
found this very confusing. They seem to be gleeful that someone has fallen into sin and are eager to blame them and judge them. I find it unhealthy and try to
overlook that in our friendships, but sometimes it is hard. It seems a “cold” demeanor for a Christian to have.
Could you explain what it is in Baptist theology that makes them so judgmental
and self-righteous? I love my friends and have known them for over 40 years.
But I didn’t notice these characteristics until I became Catholic. I was a non-practicing Christian for many years before becoming Catholic.
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