And of course Catholics never do that either right?
It’s strange. Both sides do the same thing, I guess. I consider myself to be an authentic and real Catholic. As an authentic Catholic I cannot even conceive of an authentic, real Catholic “buggering” kids. It’s beyond my wildest imagination. I can imagine CINO catholics doing that. (“CINO” = Catholics In Name Only. As if you didn’t know!) But, not a real Catholic.
Likewise, I am sure that you believe the same thing about other Atheists, because you can’t conceive of you doing anything like that either. So, we’re left at an impasse. To tell the truth, I suspect that there must be degrees of Catholicism just as there are degrees of Atheism. The further one gets from one’s center of morality (for want of a better word) the easier it becomes to stray off the post, if you will.
I think name-calling is not going to ever bring us any closer, especially to the point of shaking hands. You have to admit, though, that the so-called Catholic who does do such heinous things has removed himself from any proximity to an authentic, Catholic moral compass. To some extent, I find it easier to navigate moral waters when I am given good directions and a sturdy boat. You must also admit - from your own personal experience - that most atheists you have known do not have good directions or a sturdy boat. That is not saying that You don’t.
I know that I can abstract my “Catholic” essence from myself, knowing me as a real Catholic, and re-materialize it into any “real” Catholic I meet and our two essences will combine like water into water. There will be no differences.
Can you really say that about you and some other atheist? Among your non-theist friends, are they all decent like you?
I’ll tell you a secret. When I was a practicing atheist, very few of my non-theist friends was like me. I was embarrassed to have them over to my house. Often, I was embarrassed to have them walk beside me. Later, when I checked my house, things might be missing.
I never had to worry about that with my Catholic friends. (If one of them wanted something of mine, they’d just outright tell me they were taking it!) No sneaking. No lying. So, I think you can agree that there is a difference.
Why is it that when a catholic builds something then all Catholics take credit for it? Look at us! We built something! Ok, good for you. Did you personally build those schools or homeless shelters or hospitals? How many people on the construction crew were catholics? All of them?
When we go to church, every Sunday, we put money into various collections. It is our money, from those collections that is used by the Church to build those “things”. Where Catholics can be used to do the work, often they are used. Where they can’t, such as in States that are heavily unionized, they can’t.
Teams of people came together, sometimes thousands of people, most likely of several differen races and belief systems, to build these types of things.
Yes, and they are paid by our
Then once it’s built it relies on tuition or funding from outside organizations and I know the catholic church isn’t funding every hospital or homeless shelter in the world either.
No one says we are. However, if it was not for the Catholic Church’s hospitals and homeless agencies, these United States would be an extraordinarily dismal place for a great many people.
If something has a St. Something in front of it that doesn’t mean that it’s because of the Catholics that it exists. I’m sure PLENTY of non-believers have had their hand in putting things together like this but they don’t put up signs saying “St. Nothing Hospital”.
I am afraid that if you spent the time to check out your assertion, you might be very saddened at what you might find. I’ll say no more, but, there are lots of resources for discovering who puts money into what.
Hospitals are typically funded by corporations, private foundations and individual donations.
The word I would remove is “typically”. You are herewith making an assertion that requires documentation or retraction.
Doctors make money from the insurance companies.
Doctors make money from their patients. Sometimes, insurance pays
part of the bill.
Many hospitals are “catholic” hospitals but that relates more to the belief system relating to health care more than anything else. The church is big but even it can’t afford to build that many hospitals unless it’s making a profit in which case the purpose of the hospital could be seen as a way to make more money rather than help people.
If I am not mistaken, many, if not most, are run as not for profit entities.
Health care is a for profit industry in this country, not a charity because everyone cares about the less fortunate.
Again, upon spending some time looking into this matter, you might have to change your ways and join us!!
The quality of a university has to do with the quality of teachers at that school and the students willingness to learn. They also weed out the people who can’t cut it which keeps the overall GPA up of the school. Harvard’s reputation has to do with it’s quality as a center for learning and if you’re not a top student you get kicked out. It doesn’t have much to do with religion.
True, except that the Church spent its money to build it.