Charles Darwin
Sweden, Japan, Norway etc and sure why not.*
You don’t have to worry about being hit with a baseball bat or a chain in Sweden or Norway. They just tax you to death. I know. I have relatives who live in Stockholm, and have visited there several times myself. Tightly controlled state from the top down, certainly more oppressive than the Catholic Church in modern times. From what I have read about Japan, you don’t want to live there unless you have won the lottery … or you’ll be worked to death.
Again, if you think crime can be controlled by an oppressive state, that’s not true. Instead, the criminals join the state machinery and make slaves of the people, robbing them blind. It’s happening in this country as well. As Chesterton once said, it’s downright amazing that more politicians aren’t hanged.
These countries I agree with you are dominantly atheist, but so was East Germany under the Soviet Union, and it had one of the highest crime rates in the world and was previously the part of Germany from which the Nazis got the most votes.
Under Hitler those same Nazis committed horrendous crimes against humanity (mainly against Jews, Catholics, and Protestants), crimes that would have been unthinkable a hundred years earlier when atheism was a blip on the cultural radar screen. By the 1930s, however, Hitler was hailing the atheist philosopher Nietzsche as a national hero. He can be viewed in a photograph where he posed beside a bust of Nietzsche when the Nietzsche Archives building was dedicated.