Atheists delusional?

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Okay, so banning homosexuals from having sex under penalty of eternal hell is all jolly good and fun, as long as the “delusion” of atheism doesn’t grip humanity with its evil tentacles. That’s the priority, ladies and gentlemen. Not distributing condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS,no, the atheism delusion.

Are you seriously writing these words?
It’s perfectly natural for me to want objective moral value, meaning, and purpose. In other-words IWantGod.

In the absence of any possible evidence for Metaphysical Naturalism or Theism, i would choose God, because God reflects my dignity as a personal being. If its a choice between theism and nihilism why would i commit myself to existential oblivion if there is a possibility that such is not true? That’s madness and its abnormal. Even If all religions were wiped off the face of the planet i would still choose God.

As for evidence. There is a couple of metaphysical arguments for God’s existence that are irrefutable. They are not proof of any religion, but they are proof of theism.

I am not discussing religion. If it’s truly immoral to be gay, then without repentance or invincible ignorance they cannot enter communion with God because they know they have done wrong. As a Catholic i have to agree with that. If they don’t know that its wrong, that they are acting against the dignity of their nature as men and women, then that is a different story. I imagine they may well be a large number of gay men and women in heaven because they didn’t know any better. But as i said before, you are not God, so why should i value the moral opinion of someone that has rejected the very foundation of true objective moral law. I am not interested in what you like or dislike. I want moral-truth, not moral-like.
It’s perfectly natural for me to want objective moral value, meaning, and purpose. In other-words IWantGod.
Atheists want God. Who wouldn’t want an all-good all-powerful God? If that proves god exists, I’m Peter Pan
would choose God, because God reflects my dignity as a personal being. If its a choice between theism and nihilism why would i commit myself to existential oblivion if there is a possibility that such is not true? That’s madness and its abnormal. Even If all religions were wiped off the face of the planet i would still choose God.
Believing in God to give yourself and others an importance we don’t have is wishful thinking. Not proof. You believe because you want to sleep better at night, you’re afraid the truth might contradict your beliefs. That’s not real faith, nor is it, by any measure of the word, proof.
As for evidence. There is a couple of metaphysical arguments for God’s existence that are irrefutable
I wouldn’t say irrefutable.
For most of them, symmetry breaking Quantum mechanics easily does that refuting.

The trouble with them is that they assume homogeneity of the Universe and that our local and limited experiences represent all the Universe, under all the conditions that it may have gone through.

Our known physics breaks at black holes and, most importantly for the metaphysical, at the supposed start of the Universe - the big bang. Such breaking may mean that causality breaks, may mean that symmetry breaks, may mean that thermodynamics breaks… and if all these break all metaphysical arguments are meaningless.

Even if they don’t break, the substrate of all physics, space-time, can account for all the features attributed to the philosopher’s god. That classical philosophers are unaware of this is forgivable.

Now that your potential basis for any belief is not so untouchable, you may carry on.
Believing in God to give yourself and others an importance we don’t have is wishful thinking.
If having hope to escape nihilism is just wishful thinking then i’d gladly be proven the fool. Because in the end we are just going to cease to exist, and all these things, including your ego , is not going to mean anything at all, not that it’s worth anything now.
Your assertions here say otherwise. If you want truth, then seek it with a critical mind, don’t settle for what makes you feel good
It’s not simply about what makes me feel good, since there are plenty sacrifices being made for God. It’s about what is necessary; becuase if existence has no true value i am not interested.
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Such an interesting thread! My 2cents as a devout practicing Roman Catholic, God gave each of us free will! Christ tells me He has placed before me life and death. Therefore I have a choice. Just as every other human has a choice. I do not consider an atheist delusional, I have friends who are very intelligent atheists. I know that at whatever level I judge I will also be judged. I try to lead by example and love the least of these as Christ has taught me. Very slim chance of conversion when we call people who believe differently than we do delusional.
For most of them, symmetry breaking Quantum mechanics easily does that refuting.
If you think that, then you don’t understand the argument. The mere fact that you have brought quantum physics into the discussion proves to me that you don’t understand what you are talking about.
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That’s a very narrow definition of true value. Happiness, kindness, hope and everything is possible without God.
It’s possible;e to act in a manner that is consistent with what somebody likes. But to say it’s possible to be truly good without God’s existence is delusional. Only physical things would exist. Good does not exist.
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Ideas and emotions don’t exist?

Are you saying an atheist who sacrifices his life for others can’t be good? That’s amazingly arrogant and incredibly hateful.
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Such an interesting thread! My 2cents as a devout practicing Roman Catholic, God gave each of us free will! Christ tells me He has placed before me life and death. Therefore I have a choice. Just as every other human has a choice. I do not consider an atheist delusional, I have friends who are very intelligent atheists. I know that at whatever level I judge I will also be judged. I try to lead by example and love the least of these as Christ has taught me. Very slim chance of conversion when we call people who believe differently than we do delusional.

I appreciate that, but if someone tells you that a square triangle is real, then whether i say it or not, they are being delusional. I know that the word delusion has taken on negative connotations, but the truth is the truth is it not. If i am wrong, then i will cease using the word, but only if i am truly wrong.
OMG, comparing this to a square triangle is, once again, very wishful thinking, as if God was as falsifiable as a square triangle. Nice try, but no
I sure you have emotions like me, but if your emotions don’t actually reflect objective reality, and you follow them anyway, well… so much for rational atheism. I won’t be attending the recruitment program.
What emotions reflect objective reality? What are you even talking about?
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