Ave Maria at the White House

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Very pretty. Listening is a nice end to a long day.

Good for him, our President.
Actually this is not quite right. A Lutheran corrected me and told me Catholics don’t pray TO Mary but ask for her intercession. Had to clear that up.
And Lutherans are free to pray to God, asking Him to hear the Blessed Virgin’s prayers on our behalf.
Yes, it is always good to get angry and people saying Catholic prayers or singing traditionally Catholic music. We wouldn’t want the possibility that someone would be moved or curious about the beautiful mysticism of the Catholic faith.
Yes, it is always good to get angry and people saying Catholic prayers or singing traditionally Catholic music. We wouldn’t want the possibility that someone would be moved or curious about the beautiful mysticism of the Catholic faith.
I’m not a fan of promoting faith through exploitation. I get very angry with Madonna using the crucifix and rosary beads in her ‘brand’ as well. It’s exploitation and doesn’t lead anyone to the faith.
I thought Melania might have had something to do with choosing this song to be sung at some point in the convention. I love the Ave Maria.
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You perceive it as exploitation. Many do not. I could argue any prayer to the Christian God at a convention is exploitation, the loose way you seem to see it.

To assume it is exploitation is to assume to read their hearts or intentions in selecting it. Who selected it? Why? We have no idea.
Jeanne_S makes my point above. The exploitation of Catholicism to advance secular agenda’s is rife.
A religious hymn of one religion just doesn’t fit a political convention. Why not offer a Muslim prayer? If they would not do that, then they should not have a Catholic hymn.
These types of complaints are just astonishing. Are Catholics not supposed to sing the Messiah because it was composed based on the King James bible? Ave Maria does not belong to Catholics. That’s the original Schubert melody but not Schubert’s words. Does that mean Catholics shouldn’t sing it either since it’s not a Catholic melody? This is complaining for the sake of complaining. It’s like the people who got bent out of shape because a high school girl wore a Chinese style dress to her prom. She was excoriated for “appropriating another culture”. Please, at least complain about something meaningful.
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This is what Pope John Paul II thought of the mafia exploiting it’s Catholic facade to legitimize it’s very unchristian agenda.

These types of complaints are just astonishing. Are Catholics not supposed to sing the Messiah because it was composed based on the King James bible? Ave Maria does not belong to Catholics.
Frankly, when I posted this news, I actually expected some hate. The fact that the hate is coming from fellow Catholics is sad.
These types of complaints are just astonishing. Are Catholics not supposed to sing the Messiah because it was composed based on the King James bible?
Would you support Muslim prayers coming from the White House? Conservatives would just about melt.
There’s something in the Constitution about no establishment of religion, I think. Religious freedom is for all religions. If I am Catholic do you think I should tolerate official support of Catholicism by government officials? I would not do so.
These types of complaints are just astonishing. Are Catholics not supposed to sing the Messiah because it was composed based on the King James bible? Ave Maria does not belong to Catholics.
Frankly, when I posted this news, I actually expected some hate. The fact that the hate is coming from fellow Catholics is sad.
Pope John Paul II’s angry condemnation of the mafia for using the Catholic ‘veneer’ to legitimize their evil agenda was ‘hate’?
Wait until the howls about any Muslim prayer service. I did not say it is specifically forbidden, I think it is inappropriate because they would not, under any circumstances, allow the same sort of consideration to all religious faiths. You know, practice freedom of religion.

A judge can’t make laws. But a judge can’t hang the Ten Commandments in a courtroom, either. It seems like the First Amendment can be violated without a law being passed, according to the Seuprme Court.

One archbishop said that: “there is but one rule for a Catholic wherever he is, and that is, to do his duty there as a citizen.” Catholics certainly can advocate for all religions and freedom of religion.
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That pecky document called the Constitution. Plus, “liberty and justice for all.”
Our founders acknowledged that even ‘musselmen’ must get freedom of religion.

Want more partisanship based on religion out of the White House? No thanks.
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I want more Catholicism within our pluralistic nation with freedom of religion and justice for all.
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