Substance vs accidents as relating to the Eucharest first come to us through philosophy, but they are speculations of philosophy and cannot be proven, yet we accept them through supernatural faith and even by natural faith.
That is correct. Though the " speculations " are closely reasoned and seem impossible to deny - if you have studied the philosophy.
Where is the evidence that the substance which leaves the accidents at consecration is physical? I’ve been arguing with something non-physical that is attached to the matter (that is, the accidents).
Since you are having trouble accepting the philosophical explanation ,the best evidence would be that it is changed into the body and blood of Christ, which are substances. It would hardly be fitting for a mere accident to be changed into Christ. Also, if the substance is not physical, how could the bread have been physical before its substance was changed into the physical body of Christ?
In the matter- form structure of a substance, the substance is physical. You can’t separate the matter from the substance and still have a substance. Remember there are two levels of substance, the underlying matter-form structure ( the underlying substance ), and the substance with its accidents. Viewed the second way we have extended matter, dimensional matter. Viewed the first way we do not have extended matter, we have undifferentiated matter… We are talking about the same substance from two different angles, the inner reality and the sensible reality.
Let’s say we are shrunk into tiny people, and we celebrate a mass with a priest, and he raises the host after consecration. Let’s say this host is the smallest particle that bread can be. To divide it further would result in two things that are not bread. Can we say that **all **of Jesus’s body is in the right part of the host as the priest holds it up? If Aquinas would say yes, than he would believe in infinite bi-locations.
If the priest had divided the host into a single atom ( an actual impossibility ) and then divided this one atom, Christ would not be in either piece. Remember the teaching, Christ is present only as long as the true elements remain. And since the host is not potentially divisible infinitely, but only so long as the natural substance remains, an actual infinity of divisions is impossible. Theoretically, we reach the absolute limit of the last atom of bread. If we divide that, Christ departs.
On the other hand if the priest had only one host to consecrate but ten people waiting to receive, he could divide the host ten ways and Christ would be Wholely in each piece. Christ’s body is present in the species just as though it were the underlying substance or nature of a thing. Thus, a substance is " this thing " even if we start dividing it. It is fully under every part of " this thing, " just as the soul is fully in every part of man. Now this is a part of the miracle. Thomas explains this in S.T, part 3, q 76, a 1 and a 2. It is deep reading.
According to Thomas this is not bi-location but I can’t point you to a reference. Let’s just say Christ is in heaven as being in a " place, " and he is in the Sacrament, sacramentally - yet actually and physically. I don’t understand it either, I just accept it.