
A wedding in the midst of all this absurdity? Why would a couple who are so clearly bent on appearing hip to all the smut the world has to offer have any interest in doing something as banal and trite as taking marrige vows in a (snore) church?! Perhaps a weekend in Sin City (Las Vegas) is more appropriate–they’ll enjoy it more and avoid giving the erroneous impression that they are ready or understand what it means to be married.Actually I don’t think he’s abusing her but they do have an unusual relationship. From things they have said before, I get the feeling that she is attracted to women as well and that he gets some kind of kick out of that. In fact, he has once boasted about how at a party while she was drunk, she “made out” with another woman.
You think it would be right to just tell them I can’t be in the wedding at this point?