Hi Steve,While education of children, programs for the spiritual empowerment of junior youth, study circles and devotional meetings are all fine and good, they are hardly unique. We have been doing the equivalent for 2000 years.
Yes the pursuance of education of all age groups has most certainly been a cornerstone of ALL religions, not just Catholicism, I have seen the Buddhist monks take on their young counterparts on strenuous spiritual journeys and it is indeed noble, and this has been going on for millenia in Buddhism
Yet the reality of it is that all previous religious education revolves around the indoctrination of the children within the tenets of the Faith sponsoring that education.
How many religious education classes for children throughout history have actively PURSUED the most thorough education possible of all major global Faiths?
I want to go to a Muslim school, and I will likely not even hear of the Buddhist texts at all, go to a Catholic school in Australia and you will not learn much, if anything, about the Baha’i Faith either, certainly not until 12th Grade.
My point is not to ridicule in any manner, a Catholic school has the RIGHT to teach what it wants to teach its children (and we won’t even start the discussion on why it wouldn’t let my friends 9 year old son in because he was not Catholic, while all his friends who were Catholic were there), but I also have the RIGHT to teach in my school, ONLY BIOLOGY, nothing else…it does not reflect REALITY
There is so much more richness to life than just one Faith, children should be given the intellectual responsibility to make a conscious decision on the Faith they wish to practice BASED ON COMPREHENSIVE KNOWLEDGE, not by simply following the indoctrined traditions of their family…God has given us the faculties to explore reality to its fullest, “especially in this Age of knowledge”, so why are we foregoing this faculty and blindly following tradition?
Here in Vietnam, I see incredible poverty in some quarters, people are selling milkshakes on the street for less that 1 dollar, but heck, they ALL have an iPhone!! What an unbelievable age of access to all knowledge we live in. We should praise God that He has enabled us to DISCOVER His signs in all the atoms in the real universe. Why should we turn a blind eye?
True education is critical and opens the mind, indoctrination only serves to close the mind.
The Baha’i programs will never indoctrinate, but they are based on starting with initially finding the values common within all religions and encouraging the children to ACT. Homework is given where virtues are practiced, prayers are learnt, and a sense of the sacred is appreciated. No need to talk about any specific religions there, right? We all want to show forth Godly fruits, virtues, pray daily, and have a sacred appreciation for creation, and this is where the 5 year olds begin. This is then explored further and further as the children age into a full exploration of the lives and central tenets of all the major global religious Founders, starting with Abraham and ending with Baha’u’llah. This develops a sense of loving regard for GOD, and a desire to serve Him, simply through the use of creativity to express and practice the virtues which we have learned about…