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Dear Oudave:

It’s off the mark for you to accuse the Catholic Church of discouraging us Catholics from reading the Bible. When I first met my priest to tell him I was interested in converting, the first thing he told me to do was to read the Gospels! I assure you that I am a BIBLE-THUMPING CATHOLIC!!! Ironically, the protestant church I was born and raised in was the church that discouraged independent bible reading. I guess they thought I would discover the truth…They were right! That’s why I’m Catholic!

Also, as for the classroom exercise in which a student whispers a story into another student’s ear and passes the story down to others…I used to teach high school English and Speech. I used this exercise only a couple times because more often than not, the story ended exactly the same way the story began.

What is your point in all of this, exactly?

In Jesus and Mary
I did not say that the catholic church discourages you from reading the Bible, I said that it DOES NOT ENCOURAGE you to read the Bible.
What is a Magisterium? Now that is a good question. It is what you do not have. It is the teaching authority of the Church. I don’t have time to expand now, but it is what prevent having false teachings. It is the opposite of having many different belief systems. Others on here can describe it much better than me, but it is the teaching authority given to the Church by Jesus Christ.
Once again I talk about trusting in the Bible, and you quote a book written by someone else telling you what you should believe. And you wonder why I think that the catholic church is misleading its people.

In Christian Love, Dave.
I did not say that the catholic church discourages you from reading the Bible, I said that it DOES NOT ENCOURAGE you to read the Bible.
If the bible is read everyday at Mass, wouldn’t you consider that “encouraging”?

Is it that you don’t think that there is some blatant comand for Catholics to read the bible. Maybe the Chruch does not have to instruct the obvious.
I did not say that the catholic church discourages you from reading the Bible, I said that it** DOES NOT ENCOURAGE** you to read the Bible.
Whose lies are you drowning in???
The Church BURNED a lot of “bibles” BECAUSE, they were corrupted, just the same as you would gladly do to every Joseph Smith “bible” and the JW’s “New World Translation” “bible”. They poison souls with countless errors and erroneous interpretations!
Here are just a few Catholic books written by Catholics, both Clergy and converts and the year published:
(Similar to your “How we got the Bible” written a few years ago.)

This one is about a Bible Scholar who fought conversion for 3 years, and finally came in to the True Church Of Christ, By studying the BIBLE!

A cursory look at the 1000’s of posts on this forum bears the lie you’ve been fed. Does it not?
Just on this thread, we’ve issued countless biblical verses, for heavens sake.
Now, BACKUP what you declared, please.
oudave said:
The leaders of the catholic church remind me so much of the pharasees written in scripture.

Thus Saith the Lord:
Mat23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes (that’s english for YOU OUDAVE) and to his disciples, 2 Saying: The scribes and the Pharisees have sitten on the chair of Moses. 3 All things therefore whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do: but according to their works do ye not; for they say, and do not.
Thus saith the Lord, OUDAVE. If they are Pharisees, What saith the Lord???
Read it slowly, then rip it out of your Anglican publisher’s bible! You besmurch the Lord’s words, in PUBLIC!
Once again I talk about trusting in the Bible, …And you wonder why I think that the catholic church is misleading its people.
Catholics trust the Bible, why do you think we preserved it for the likes of you? Who were those copiests in the 4th-16th century that preserved the Bible OUDAVE. WHO??
Were they Anglicans, were they Catholics, WHO exactly. Hint: Most of it was done in monasteries.
You preach by pretext, instead of context.
No, WE trust the Bible, we DON’T trust your interpretations. Why? Because you have not shown us ONE IOTA of proof that you have the authority to do so.
If some guy comes up to you in your car and says “Go on the red light”, what would you say?
!. Are you a policeman?
2. He says “No”.
3. OUDAVE says, no, the police on my driver test tell me to stop.
To us, you are the guy misinterpreting the red lite! Why, because you have no credentials whatsoever, that’s why.
Our UNANSWERED questions to you are still piling up.
Why can’t you give answers???
Once again I talk about trusting in the Bible, and you quote a book written by someone else telling you what you should believe. And you wonder why I think that the catholic church is misleading its people.

In Christian Love, Dave.
But, Dave, why should I trust your interpretation? I don’t think you get it. You read the Bible. You make your own assertions and then you tell us we should believe what you say. The Chruch has the authority invested to it by Jesus Christ himself and 2000 years behind it. I am sure, Dave, you would not boast that you know better then Jesus?

You are the one saying we don’t trust in the bible. But, no matter how many times we give you proof of this you still can’t seem to get it.

Believe me, you are the one who is misguided. Dave, take time to really learn about the Catholic Church. Then come back and debate. You have alot of homework to do. Good luck.

btw-- I have been to one of those non-denominational services. The pastor was very nice but I did not learn anything that I did not already know. Peace!
Once again I talk about trusting in the Bible, and you quote a book written by someone else telling you what you should believe. And you wonder why I think that the catholic church is misleading its people.
The wonder is how far you are straying from your KJ bible!
Once again OUDAVE:
Hebrews 13:7 Remember your prelates who have spoken the word of God to you; whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation
Hebrews 13:17 Obey your prelates, and be subject to them. For they watch as being to render an account of your souls; that they may do this with joy, and not with grief.
Hebrews 13:24 Salute all your prelates, and all the saints.
Who is YOUR Prelate?
Are YOU ours? If not we have to obey someone who is according to the Word of God.
Thus Saith the Lord!
I have a 1.5 HOUR video tape of 2 COC elders debating whether women are to wear head covering in their COC!
They argue ceaselessly **90min **from the KJ bible.
Why is that? Isn’t Scripture plain? Which do you believe?
  1. COC Elder “against”
  2. COC Elder “for”
    Let us know which elder is teaching falsely, please.
    And if one of them IS, why shouldn’t we believe you are as well?
    How can a COC elder teach falsely?
    One of them sure is!
Once again I talk about trusting in the Bible, and you quote a book written by someone else telling you what you should believe. And you wonder why I think that the catholic church is misleading its people.
You forgot to name the “BOOK” in the poster’s quote.
What was the name of the book he quoted?
If you say Magisterium, then you know NOTHING from those you say tell you about the True Church of Christ.
And, God bless them, they know next to nothing.
Could you please explain to me what you mean by catholic’s recieving an indulgence by reading scripture?
WHY do you expect us to answer YOUR questions when you refuse to answer ours??
It took 3 days of you posting and 3 times me asking simply what church you attend !!
Review the backlog of our questions, them give us some answers, please.
We are trying to learn from you by those very questions you are failing to answer!
The wonder is how far you are straying from your KJ bible!
Once again OUDAVE:
Hebrews 13:7 Remember your prelates who have spoken the word of God to you; whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation
Hebrews 13:17 Obey your prelates, and be subject to them. For they watch as being to render an account of your souls; that they may do this with joy, and not with grief.
Hebrews 13:24 Salute all your prelates, and all the saints.
Who is YOUR Prelate?
Are YOU ours? If not we have to obey someone who is according to the Word of God.
Thus Saith the Lord!
I have a 1.5 HOUR video tape of 2 COC elders debating whether women are to wear head covering in their COC!
They argue ceaselessly **90min **from the KJ bible.
Why is that? Isn’t Scripture plain? Which do you believe?
  1. COC Elder “against”
  2. COC Elder “for”
    Let us know which elder is teaching falsely, please.
    And if one of them IS, why shouldn’t we believe you are as well?
    How can a COC elder teach falsely?
    One of them sure is!
I don’t know, I am not a member of the COC
WHY do you expect us to answer YOUR questions when you refuse to answer ours??
It took 3 days of you posting and 3 times me asking simply what church you attend !!
Review the backlog of our questions, them give us some answers, please.
We are trying to learn from you by those very questions you are failing to answer!
I believe that I have answered all of your questions tnt, if not I am sorry and will try and get to them. Try not to be so angry, us talking about the Bible is a good thing, we might even learn something from it.
Once again I talk about trusting in the Bible, and you quote a book written by someone else telling you what you should believe. And you wonder why I think that the catholic church is misleading its people.

In Christian Love, Dave.
I hope you don’t think I said the Magesterium is a book. It isn’t. I am assuming that you are referring to when I posted a quote from the catechism. If it bothers you that the Catholic Church has a book to record its teachings and explanations for lay people, then you have a real narrow view. It is like saying a person can’t use a dictionary to look up the meaning of a word. I guarantee you that Catholics believe in the Bible. We think for ourselves. We are apostolic.

You just don’t want to see it right now and there is nothing anyone can say. God will take care of this. You are on your own journey. You will discover that your wife is wrong about some things she has told you about the Church. You will discover the weaknesses in your religion in due time. In the meantime, keep doing God’s will. We can never go wrong in trying to do God’s will.

I honestly don’t think you are ready to understand the Catholic faith. You can not disagree with it because you can’t even grasp it, yet. You disagree with what you perceive to be CAtholic teachings but you are wrong.

By the way, is the immaculate conception mentioned in the Bible. I don’t remember seeing it in there. How do you know what immaculate conception is if its not explained in the Bible? Are you trusting something else? What do you think it is? I know what it is based on apostolic tradition and teaching of the Church, but I wonder where you’ve found that phrase in the Bible. What is it?
Why don’t you trust the Bible? I do. You expect me to trust you. You say that Jesus was the only one immaculately conceived. I challenge you to prove this in Scripture. You can’t come even close to doing so because it doesn’t say Jesus was immaculately conceived. So, you are misleading. Thankfully, what you are saying isn’t recorded in a book and being distributed widely. If you had a type of catechism for your religion, you’d all be on the same page about your basic beliefs or at least you would know who was going astray or misunderstanding scripture.

Why do you expect me to trust you instead of the Bible? You say things like Jesus is the only person that was immaculately conceived with no verses in scripture at all to explain this. Come on, break out the Bible and prove to me that Jesus is the Immaculate Conception. I’m sure you don’t intentionally mislead, but you’ve been mislead and spread it on down the line. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a book to show you when you are mistaken? You do admit to being human and able to misunderstand parts of scripture, don’t you?
I don’t know, I am not a member of the COC
Come now, OUDAVE, be honest at least
  1. You believe exactly as the Churches of Christ believe.
    2 Here’s what you said:
    “It says on the front door and in the phone book: Benson Street Church of Christ. And NO we are not affiliated with any of the Church of Christ denominations.”
  2. BTW they are also “anti-denominational”
    Now tell us, should women have their heads covered in church??
    Not a hard question.
    What saith the Lord?
    You say that Jesus was the only one immaculately conceived. I challenge you to prove this in Scripture. You can’t come even close to doing so because it doesn’t say Jesus was immaculately conceived.
    That was a good question OUDAVE.
    And I have one:
    **WHAT do you believe immaculately conceived means? **exactly.
Once again I talk about trusting in the Bible, and you quote a book written by someone else telling you what you should believe. And you wonder why I think that the catholic church is misleading its people.

In Christian Love, Dave.
oudave,satan knew scripture too.You can’t read the Bible in context and come to the conclusion that you are in Gods Church.Satan used scripture to tempt Jesus he tried to twist it’s meaning to suit his own ends.Catholics love scripture,but we worship Jesus the Word who became flesh.Since you have never read the catechism,how can you say one way or another if there is misleading going on.Oh, by the way,speaking of publications,what about The Spiritual Sword?Heard of it?If you haven’t ask your pastor,My Grandfather Joe Steele was the editor until he passed away in 1997.The Spiritual Sword is the same thing,a booklet telling you what to believe and how to interperate scripture,the only difference is The Catholic Church is the only one given authority by Jesus to do so.God Bless
Could you please explain to me what you mean by catholic’s recieving an indulgence by reading scripture?
'Nother thread, Dave. Basically it means that the Church believes there are special spiritual benefits attached to the reading of Scripture. I belong to an association which expects each of its memers to spend not less than 15 minutes a day in the study of Scripture. I know that sounds trivial, but believe me, it adds up – and often we spend much more time than that with Scripture.
Come now, OUDAVE, be honest at least
  1. You believe exactly as the Churches of Christ believe.
    2 Here’s what you said:
    “It says on the front door and in the phone book: Benson Street Church of Christ. And NO we are not affiliated with any of the Church of Christ denominations.”
  2. BTW they are also “anti-denominational”
    Now tell us, should women have their heads covered in church??
    Not a hard question.
    What saith the Lord?
    You say that Jesus was the only one immaculately conceived. I challenge you to prove this in Scripture. You can’t come even close to doing so because it doesn’t say Jesus was immaculately conceived.
    That was a good question OUDAVE.
    And I have one:
    **WHAT do you believe immaculately conceived means? **exactly.
Mat 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was this way (for His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph) before they came together, she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.

Before they came together means before they had sex, Mary was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.
I have only heard it called the immaculent conception,
if there is another name for it I haven’t heard of it.
I like your passion, but don’t get so angry. I have that same passion for Christ.
In Him, Dave.
I did not say that the catholic church discourages you from reading the Bible, I said that it DOES NOT ENCOURAGE you to read the Bible.
Wrong again… As Father Sean said at Mass just last Sunday, we are all called to read the Bible and it is the first book we refer to. But then being a devout Catholic I already knew that.

You are also mistaken about the Immaculate Conception. Maybe you could read about it here…
Church Militant:
Wrong again… As Father Sean said at Mass just last Sunday, we are all called to read the Bible and it is the first book we refer to. But then being a devout Catholic I already knew that.

You are also mistaken about the Immaculate Conception. Maybe you could read about it here…
You just keep proving my point. I say that I follow the Bible and you tell me that I am not. You say that it is the catholic church that follows the Bible and not me. How do you prove this? by tellin me to read a book other than the Bible. So you are telling me that it took the catholic church some 1800 years to pronounce and define these things about Mary? I guess you can rip Rom 3:23 out of your Bible as well. I guess the catholic does change after all.
In the Constitution Ineffabilis Deus of 8 December, 1854, Pius IX pronounced and defined that the Blessed Virgin Mary “in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin.”
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