I did not say that the catholic church discourages you from reading the Bible, I said that it DOES NOT ENCOURAGE you to read the Bible.Dear Oudave:
It’s off the mark for you to accuse the Catholic Church of discouraging us Catholics from reading the Bible. When I first met my priest to tell him I was interested in converting, the first thing he told me to do was to read the Gospels! I assure you that I am a BIBLE-THUMPING CATHOLIC!!! Ironically, the protestant church I was born and raised in was the church that discouraged independent bible reading. I guess they thought I would discover the truth…They were right! That’s why I’m Catholic!
Also, as for the classroom exercise in which a student whispers a story into another student’s ear and passes the story down to others…I used to teach high school English and Speech. I used this exercise only a couple times because more often than not, the story ended exactly the same way the story began.
What is your point in all of this, exactly?
In Jesus and Mary