Beard or No Beard?

  • Thread starter Thread starter EsclavoDeCristo
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I have to say the beard all the way. My school celebrates the beard (well at least most of the men and about half of the women do). Every year we have an event called beard season and beginning in november all the men participating shave and then grow it until februrary. We have a contest at the end, with many categories like burliest, least growth, and best carved. So beards are the best and you can look just as presentable with one as without one.
I have to say the beard all the way. My school celebrates the beard (well at least most of the men and about half of the women do). Every year we have an event called beard season and beginning in november all the men participating shave and then grow it until februrary. We have a contest at the end, with many categories like burliest, least growth, and best carved. So beards are the best and you can look just as presentable with one as without one.
Man, that sounds awesome! Had I known about this in high school I may have looked into your college…who knows where I’d be today…😉
I usually grow a beard in starting in September and keep it until April. It usually looks scraggly for about a month until it fills in.

My partner has both a beard and mustache. He keeps it neat.
But I remember when Don Johnson on Miami Vice had the beard thing going…oh my how I loved that look. And if you are a fan of “LOST” I prefered Sawyer over Jack. I guess I always went for the raggedy look.
~ Kathy ~
I like the look of beards on some men. I think it depends on your face structure and how well you keep it neat and trimmed and all. 👍
Hey thanks for the funny thread and posts, this is a badly needed discussion. 😃

Beards are a symbol of the anti-social. Some, such as technical gurus, advance their careers with this image.

We should pass a law that the only men allowed to grow beards are those who are advertising their total unavailability to romance, for example priests.

From discussions I’ve had, I’d say 99.999% of the time men grow them because they are either too rushed in the morning to shave, or too cheap to purchase blades/razors.

And I’m wondering how many allergy problems are caused by moustaches. That’s why the only acceptable beard style should be the leprechaun-style beard with no interconnecting moustache. These have grown out of fashion around here but i say “Bring it back!”
At last! A format for sharing with the world my pet peeve about beards and possibly helping improve the appearances of hundreds, nay, thousands of men around the globe…thank you, Esclavo de Christo, for starting this thread! 😉

I like beards on men. However, I don’t like beards on men when, if they are going to trim them, clear too far up the neck and above the jaw line! It ends up giving men a “bullfrog” look, or if they’re slender, then it just looks too angular. The borders of the beard should come over the jawbone.

The End. :tiphat:
I think beards look great on men and I have never seen a man that didn’t look good with a beard. I think that beards make men look more distinguished as well as kind and humble. I am much more likely to perceive a man as friendly and honest if he has a beard.

I notice that sometimes in movies, an actor will have a beard for part of the movie and then he doesn’t (for some reason related to the story) for the rest of the movie. I always find that I liked the character a lot more when he had a beard.

Beards are manly and rugged as well as dignified and distinguished.

I’d love it if all men had beards!! 👍 :yup:
personally i’m against them, but i wouldn’t want to force my opinions on others:p:D
primarily dependant on the individual, whether it’s a smooth-goatie or a 3ft shag. I’ve had both,look good in both, but have seen some guys that definitely look better w/ a clean shave
So seeing how there are not enough non-serious threads here…I propose a very very very important issue. As a bearded man, I am wondering if I seem to be less professional than my clean shaving counterparts.

What do you think? Does a beard signify rough unkept mountain man or can a bearded guy look just as clean cut as a smooth faced guy?
A well trimmed beard can lend a professional and scholorly appearance.

A long messy and scraggly beard can make you look like a druggy biker dude.
Some people look good in beards. However, I know my gf would want to slap me if I ever grew a beard (though I have no desire to at all)

Oh, I like a bearded guy.

My father and my brother look great in beards, but my mother just detests facial hair…

Mama wins.

It depends on the face, the characteristics of the beard itself, and the level of grooming. I like neatly trimmed beards, but not messy-looking scraggly ones. And three looks I just can’t stand:
  1. Goatees
  2. Soul patch
  3. Couple of days stubble

Crazy Internet Junkie Society
Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag
It depends on the face, the characteristics of the beard itself, and the level of grooming. I like neatly trimmed beards, but not messy-looking scraggly ones. And three looks I just can’t stand:
  1. Goatees
  2. Soul patch
  3. Couple of days stubble
What’s a “Soul Patch”? Sounds interesting…
What’s a “Soul Patch”? Sounds interesting…
It’s a tiny little patch of hair just below the lower lip. To me, it always looks like the guy just forgot to shave that part.

Crazy Internet Junkie Society
****Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag
Beard, especially when you are talking to clean shaven Sola Scriptora protestants. HeHeHe

Lev 19:27 Nor shall you cut your hair roundwise: nor shave your beard. (DRB)
My Hubby has a very short and tidy goatee (not sure of the spelling). Anyway, he keeps it really short with a beard trimmer. It looks nice on him because he has a long face and it helps to hide a slight double chin (which he doesn’t deserve b/c he is relatively thin). Grizzly Adams beards? No way! Unless you live in the woods or are employed in a job that doesn’t require a clean cut look.
I guess all three. The man with a clean-cut beard that works for him is fine. I couldn’t stand one on my guy b/c I just don’t think the look would do anything for him… also it is scratchy. I don’t/cannot have one, so I guess that I would not be a very important source… but from a girl’s perspective facial hair doesn’t always work for some guys. Be careful and conscious. Ask mom/girlfriend/wife for their opinions first!
Some people look good in beards. However, I know my gf would want to slap me if I ever grew a beard (though I have no desire to at all)

it wouldn’t do you a bit of good… but I wouldn’t slap you!
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