Beard or No Beard?

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DH has had a beard since high school. Since I met him in grad school, I’m not sure if he even has a chin:) . He keeps it long, but neat and clean. It was totally black when we met, but it’s mostly grey now, and he looks better and better to me every day. :love:
I chose option number three, so I must fulfill my obligation to explain. My husband is quite the hairy guy and can grow a lush full beard within a matter of days. Such a beard, if kept to a decent length (pretty close to the jawline, he’s got a well-defined jawline too) and well-trimmed (ie. not allowed to take over possession of the face like something from a horror movie), can be quite intriguing. DH grew a beard a couple of times over Christmas holidays and when he returned to work people noticed him in a very favorable way.

Now, my brother, on the other hand, could never grow a full beard, takes forever to grow any facial hair and when he does, it is very patchy and scraggly looking. It tends to make his face look unwashed. I also think it is rather off-putting if a man has different color facial hair than he does on his head.

In reference to the jawline comment above, some men with somewhat odd jawlines can also benefit from a good beard. Ever seen a man who’s freshly shaven after having a beard for a long time and think, “Man he shouldn’t have done that!”. My point…
But for Grace:
Beard, especially when you are talking to clean shaven Sola Scriptora protestants. HeHeHe

Lev 19:27 Nor shall you cut your hair roundwise: nor shave your beard. (DRB)
I always wondered about that one. What exactly does it mean to “cut you hair roundwise”? Would that have been the Roundheads of the Reformation in England?
But for Grace:
Beard, especially when you are talking to clean shaven Sola Scriptora protestants. HeHeHe

Lev 19:27 Nor shall you cut your hair roundwise: nor shave your beard. (DRB)
I never thought about this before, but an awful lot of Sola Scriptura Protestants are clean shaven. I wonder why?:ehh: I don’t recall having read anything about not growing beards in the NT and I would imagine that Jesus had a beard.

I like beards, especially well trimmed ones. My hubby is in the military so, sadly, he can not grow one. He retires in another four years, perhaps he will grow one then.

Just out of curiousity…Does the beard soften up as it gets some length or does it remain scratchy?
Just out of curiousity…Does the beard soften up as it gets some length or does it remain scratchy?
Mine softened up. I let it grow for over 8 months without trimming. It sure takes a lot less time to get ready in the morning that way :whacky: .
When growing a beard one should lather it up each day. This keeps it softer both for self and others.
Joe Kelley:
When growing a beard one should lather it up each day. This keeps it softer both for self and others.
what do you “lather it up” with? shaving cream? conditioner?
what do you “lather it up” with? shaving cream? conditioner?
Hot water and shaving cream.

Actually it is my brother’s idea. For several years he had to grow a beard each year for an Old Timers Celebration.
I think if you are a male, it’s okay to have a beard…if you are a female, well, that could present problems…
Hey!!! Is someone trying to get me kicked out???

Hahahahahaha!!! :rotfl:

Just kidding. I saw this thread title and thought there was a conspiracy to kick me out of CA forums. My last name is Beard!! Ha ha ha - that tickled my funny bone this morning.

Okay, I’m done. Everyone have a good day. And by the way, I like beards. 😃
beard = 10 minutes extra sleep everyday because you don’t have to shave. 10X365X60 (years from puberty to death for average adult male) = 219,000 minutes saved from shaving. (which is equal to 3650 hours or 152+ days freed up in your lifetime, plus money saved not buying razors or cream keeping our landfills empty) THAT IS 152 EXTRA DAYS OF SLEEP!!!

beards rule, and if someone doesn’t like it, the day they come over every morning and shave me is the day i’ll give 2 hoots what they think.
I couldn’t care less if people like or dislike my beard.
I am personally clean cut, but that’s because I was very involved in wrestling as a kid and any kind of long hair is a mistake on the mat, and I just kept up the philosophy that the shorter your hair, the tougher you were. I have nothing against beards.

Someone told me that beards went out of vogue during WWI because of the need of gasmasks for gas warfare. You could not get a proper seal with your mask wearing any kind of beard, so the beard was outlawed from the Army and men came home clean shaven and just kept up the habit.
I wear a beard, and it depends. I trim the moustache area and snip at stray hairs at least once a week, shave my neck (but not the underside of my chin and jaw) every few days as needed, and knock the whole thing back about once a month. When I let it get shaggy, it looks unkept - the ZZ top looks does not work in a professional environment, and neither does the perpetual 2 days of stubble image. In between there is a lot of room for variance, and of course, some guys can’t grow a decent beard, and some others really should.

DW made me shave before getting married and we both regretted it. Her, because she decided she liked me better with one but there wasn’t time before the wedding to regrow it. Then I regretted it because I was working in an correctional setting at the time where there were a lot of pedophiles (inmate workers) in the building my office was in, and I got too many comments about how young I looked without one (blech).
Hey!!! Is someone trying to get me kicked out???

Hahahahahaha!!! :rotfl:

Just kidding. I saw this thread title and thought there was a conspiracy to kick me out of CA forums. My last name is Beard!! Ha ha ha - that tickled my funny bone this morning.

Okay, I’m done. Everyone have a good day. And by the way, I like beards. 😃
funny…no but maybe we should start a thread like that 😉
my stubble is so coarse that I have to use single blade razors (twin and triple blades are hopelessly clogged after just a couple strokes) and two of those a day. Fortunately my wife endures my beard. 😃
Bobby A. Greene:
. . .

Someone told me that beards went out of vogue during WWI because of the need of gasmasks for gas warfare. You could not get a proper seal with your mask wearing any kind of beard, so the beard was outlawed from the Army and men came home clean shaven and just kept up the habit.
I worked several years as a civilian in an Air Force Lab. Some of the civilians, in rather high civil service grades, had experiments that required they fly on A F planes and the use of oxygen was routine. Beards were a battle between them and the AF brass. Some of the brass considered them a hazard to wearing an oxygen mask; the civilians insisted that when the beard was cut short and slathered with Vaseline the mask fit fine.

The decision was something to the effect that it was the civilian who needed the oxygen; he should know.
Bobby A. Greene:
…Someone told me that beards went out of vogue during WWI because of the need of gasmasks for gas warfare. You could not get a proper seal with your mask wearing any kind of beard, so the beard was outlawed from the Army and men came home clean shaven and just kept up the habit.
I’ve had a beard more or less ever since I got out of High school (they wouldn’t allow them there)

when I was young and skinny and youthful looking it gave me a little more gravitas
and now that I’m old(er) it covers up the extra chin;)

what I used to do when I had a job that required period fit testing for a gas masks was that I would switch to a goatee whenever I had to put the mask on. sort of the best of both worlds

I recently went back to wearing a goatee
I was hoping for the evil Spock look but when you get beyond a certain weight and amount of gray hair it looks more like Harland Sanders than evil Spock:o
I voted that is depends. My husband tried to grow a full beard last week… with hilarious consequences! No, well, let’s just say it didn’t look very good. I think it needed to be trimmed neatly under his chin, it was kind of growing down his neck. What with the hair on the back of his neck too, it was quite the mountain-man look! Not really the image you want if you’re a professional. But he trimmed it down to a goatee, which I think looks good (and he’s had one before).
My dad has a full beard, which is trimmed nicely. So it looks good. And he is more of the outdoors, fishing type, so it fits. It’s hard to imagine him without one, even though he hasn’t had it my whole life.
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