Many people are very strongly opinionated when it comes to their preference for the Church’s liturgy pre-Second Vatican Council, the Tridentine Mass.
My question is this: was the Tridentine Mass that was the norm for the Church before the early 60’s always celebrated perfectly in every way?
Did priests ever alter the Mass – i.e. skip parts, change the words, add or subtract anything, add their own personalities to it’s form, etc. in the same way that many have a field day with the NO Mass?
Or are those who remember the Tridentine Mass and strongly prefer it to anything they see today guilty of remembering through rose-colored glasses?
Was it truly unalterable, free from all abuse, and presented perfectly at each Mass?
You mean the Traditional Mass wasn’t always perfect??
OH NO!!!:bigyikes: :bigyikes: :bigyikes:
Of course it wsn’t always perfect. I served Mass for the better part of 10 years, all of it under the Traditional Mass, some of it prior to the revised Holy Week in 55:thumbsup: . and I will be the fiest to tell you it wasn’t always perfect. Heck we had one Priest who routinely showed up so drunk or hung over he could barely stand up and he often forgpt things or moved things around. I don’t think it was intentional, and we always manged to have two of us there, older servers, to kind of carry him through. He was a good man, but very sad and very weak. May he rest in peace.
But I will tell you, there were no five minute speed Masses despite the protestations of some who claim that the friend of a friend of their Grandfather told them about it. Kneeling close as we did, I could hear the Priest say the consecration and I never heard one say bread thou art and bread thou will remain or anything remotely like that as some such as Martin Luther claim and I never saw one skip entire sections of the prayers he was supposed to say, although some of them did say them very fast.
I also never saw any of the following:
1 Never saw a Church that did not have a Crucifix either on the Altar or in rhe Sanctuary
2 Never saw altar cloths that did not match the Liturgical season. As an example rainbow hued for Dignity Masses or black on Halloween I also never saw Mass celebrated without an altar cloth at all or using burlap bags instead, even when I was overseas in the military. Never saw a plastic table cloth with Little Kitty pictures used either.
3 Never saw incense being burned in a bowl and carried about the altar and then placed in the center of it during the Mass
4 Never saw the Holy Trinity referred to as the Creator, the Reedeemer and the Sanctifier
5 Never saw a Mass begin with an invocation to the elders, lighting tobacco and then using an eagle feather to brush the snoke in the four cardinal directions calling for blessings from the ancestors and the creator God.
6 Never saw the Epistle come from a book such as Solidarity With Nicaragua or The Co-Existance of Catholicism and Marxism
7 Never saw the Gospel proclaimed by a lay person, male or female, never heard the Gospel proclaimed from the aisle, while the Priest was moving about the church or while he was dancing or while members of the congregation danced or a dance troupe or even an acrobatic troupe performed.
8 Never saw a sermon delivered under any of the above circumstances and never saw one proclaimed under a banner that read things like, Choice for All, Female Ordination Now or Dignity Means You
9 Never saw corn tortillas, onion bagels raison bread or choclate cake used for the Host and duly consecrated by the Priest/ Never saw the gifts being stored and carried in clay pots, plastic pitchers, tupperwear, wicker baskets or a sack
10 Never heard the Our Father prayed with the words Our Father Mother here among, great is your name inserted
11 Never saw altar servers or members of the congregation commune each other
12 Never saw communion refused to someone because they did not or could not kneel at the altar rail
13 Never saw the altar servers or lay people either remove the Eucharist from the Tabernacle or repalce it there
14 Never saw people stand around and talk after receiving Holy Communion
15 Never saw the Priest leave the Mass before the final blessing, change into a barney costume and return to offer a Barney blessing
16 Never heard the congregation answer anything to the final blessing except amen.
Yet I have seen everyone of these things in the Pauline Rite, personally.