Behavior at abortion clinic

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yes, but yelling wont make a difference. Love makes a difference in this situation.
i think the child in the womb would feel more “loved” if someone just got rid of the abortionist… before it was his or her “turn”…
Today I was at a yard sale next door to an abortion clinic. I saw 2 older guys (50’s?) peeking over a high stockade fence, yelling at a woman who was going in.

I couldn’t beleive my ears. Apparently these guys are Christians, because they were yelling stuff about God’s loving her so much that he sent His so to die for her.

Well, before they told her that, they screamed (!), “Don’t do it! Are you a loser?! Only losers go in there! Don’t be a loser!”

After that they added to stuff about God’s loving her.

Yeah, that approach is Christian. That’s an approach that will turn a scared pregnant woman around.

Don’t these clowns realize that it’s that kind of attack that will send the girls to the more comforting and kinder-feeling arms of the people inside the clinic?

What is wrong with people anyway, that they feel the right to attack someone like that? Let me tell you that they were not nice at all. If they were really on her side, you could never have convinced her.

I had nothing to do with the scene, and I wanted to go over there and give them a piece of my mind.

I don’t know what will stop a person from having an abortion once they’re heading in to get it, but I know that screaming strangers peeking over a fence, who are calling a pregnant woman a loser, isn’t likely to stop anyone.

They also had signs that said that 60-something babies were killed there last week. How do they get that information?

I agree with fighting to end abortion. But I don’t agree with the tactic I witnessed today.

What do you think? Were the men justified?
No. They were trying to stop her from committing a sin, yes, but they weren’t using a chartiable approach. Though they did tell her about God’s love. All in all, a poor way to correct a sinner. I don’t think they committed a mortal sin - maybe a venial sin - but I’m not sure. At any rate, I commend them for their effort to stop a sin. But I shun them for doing this in a poor manner. Prayer and penance is, as I find, the best method to fight evil. God bless!
The best strategy for showing people the victim is that being done by the Center for Bioethical Reform.

Yes, a truly massive movement would be good. But we need a leader and committed folks who won’t give up when they are slapped with multi million dollar lawsuits and are falsely arrested for First Amendment activity. Operation Rescue hoped to do just that-ignite a massive civil resistance. But when the lawsuits started coming, people got scared. Some like Joan Bell went to prison for many years. Then there were the Lambs of Christ.

In the courts there is something called the ‘abortion distortion’ which means that normal jurisprudence and laws suddenly go out the window whenever abortion is involved.
I don’t know what the answer is, but the compromise course laid out by the National Right to Life deserves no more support.
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