I think you’re right. If the majority of people stood outside clinics every weekend to protest abortion, it would get noticed. It will never happen. It’s just not the way the world works. You won’t get that many people to commit.kalt;3636452]
I understand all of your points, I do. And they are logical. But I am not suggesting that only a couple of people use my method, I am suggesting that a mass number of people use it. A couple of angry people come off as crazy. 500+ angry people, and it get’s noticed. I am not talking about a reckless mob action necessarily, but the power of sheer numbers. Look at the immigration rallies. They WILL get what they want eventually. Women’s rights mobs won because of that method. I am not above using those methods, they have worked in the past, and they can work now, for our benefit.
Mob scenes don’t work. Mobs can’t be controlled.
In the end, people in authority have to be on your side. If not, no number of people will get anything done. I don’t think that abortion will end by convincing the majority of people that it’s wrong. It will be the minority that fight to get what’s right done. (Think civil rights.)
This is a legal issue, and until the law is changed, very little will change, no matter what you do.
If it’s legal, people will insist on their legal right to an abortion.
It is extremely difficult to convince people that something that is legal is wrong. Look at slavery. It was illegal in the North, but legal in the South. Try to convince people in the South, then, that slavery is wrong. It took a war to end it, and even then the people didn’ t believe that it was wrong. Their minds were never changed.
And those slaves were people that they could see. They believed that their slave laws were morally upstanding and even fair to and protective of the black people. Try convincing a bunch of people that a person they can’t see, a person that looks like a cluster of cells, that can’t live on its own, is a person with rights, and that they, the person you can see, who looks like a person, who can live on her own, has no rights (as they will understand the argument).
That is the exact argument I heard a Catholic give for allowing abortion. She was a director of an abortion clinic, and she said, “If I have to choose between an embryo or the girl sitting in front of me, I will always choose the girl sitting in front of me.”
That woman was later excommunicated. But there is the argument.
Changing minds is never easy. If it’s legal, people will insist that it’s correct. Even using the example of slavery won’t work, because the pro-choice people don’t think that the unborn is a person with legal rights.
If you make it illegal, those people will still argue that the unborn shouldn’t have any rights, just as those in the South argued that ending slavery was wrong.
But what we’re really talking about here is a very local thing,. It’s about saving one baby at a time. You can help to change one woman’s mind.
If you hope to change minds, though, you can’t do it by looking like a lunatic.