Being gay, lesbian, transgender

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Okay, so If god created us … why is it a sin to be gay etc? If god made us did he not decide that we be this way. Being gay, lesbian etc isn’t a choice it’s how your born. So why is it a sin to have a relationship with the same sex if it was god who created us all to be individual and different?
many times it is a choice or bad influence/surroundings. Also there are people who found healing from same sex attraction.
It is a choice.
I think we have to be clear that the attraction is not their choice…

CCC 2358: “The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. They do not choose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.”
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a combination of genetic, hormonal, and social factors determine ones sexuality, no one knows for sure but the thing is it is the act that is sinful not being gay, Single straight people have to refrain from sex also. I’m sure all sin comes from disordered desires of the mind/heart, lust for example can be contained or let loose the choice is there sin or not to sin is the question.
I think he meant that the lifestyle, and the homo sex, is a choice not the attraction itself.
Among the general population, 2.2+/-0.4% has SSA; among those raised by homosexual ‘couples’, 30% have SSA…that disparity strongly suggests a learning process rather than a genetic one.
As far as being Catholic is concerned we are required to rise above our base animal instincts and develop our spirits so that they become acceptable to God. When it comes to animal appetites we can be stretched to our limits but if someone is serious about their development they must employ self control whether they’re heterosexual or otherwise.
What makes you so sure a person is “born with it”
It is a choice.
I think we have to be clear that the attraction is not their choice…

CCC 2358: “The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. They do not choose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.”
That is not what CCC 2358 says. That is a pervious version of the catechism that was changed a couple years later.

CCC 2358 reads:
2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

List of changes made to the Catechism in 1997: Library : List of Catechism Changes | Catholic Culture

It’s important to be clear about what the catechism actually says.

The church teaches that same sex attraction is not a sin, but it is often experienced as a cross that can be born with the help of grace.
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Well you don’t wake up and just decide to be gay or lesbian. Just like you yourself don’t wake up and choose to be heterosexual? When you think of having sex with the same sex I doubt you say ‘I’m not doing it, it’s a sin’ I’m assuming you say ‘I don’t do it because I am not sexually attracted to the same sex species’?
I agree, it’s not a choice. You don’t wake up and decide who you are attracted to and wether you want to be gay or straight today.
If it’s a choice then why would people who are anything but heterosexual I.e gay, lesbian choose to be that way knowing the hard life they may have to endure for example being outcasted, bullied and murdered? I doubt it very much that they choose to have their lives destroyed by homophobic and wake up thinking this is fun let’s be gay today and be bullied and discriminated against
Sin when is it not a choice?

What complete blindness. After original sin we are drawn to all sorts of discorded vices. We have to fight that tendency. Homosexuality is also one of those perverse tendencies that we have to fight against. We are not born gay any than we are born murders ! We chose freely to deviate from the path that God has set out for us. This is the whole question of grace and virtue, vs. the devil, the flesh and the world !.
Again why would people choose to be gay if they know they can be murdered etc and have a terrible life caused by others if it was a choice? I believe that in life If you are kind happy and considerate to other humans and species of this earth that is all that matters. If your a good soul this too will also be seen by god for example helping the poor, giving to others, helping charities etc you can do all that and be gay and a good person. If your not hurting anyone by your sexual orientation then isn’t that important too?
If it’s a choice then why would people who are anything but heterosexual
A lot of young people rebel. When I was a kid, we might smoke cigarettes as teenagers or “huff” lacquer, or do other things to show our independence and stick it to the man.

Nowadays, nothing irritates many adults more than a boy getting into a dress and saying he’s gay. So they do it.

They get a lot of reinforcement from the media- programs like Will and Grace idolizing homosexuals, much like cigarette commercials made smoking cool and adult for us.

Once a young person gets involved in homosexuality or cigarette smoking, they become accustomed to it and can’t quit so easy.
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Okay so for example there was someone in my area who killed himself because he was gay and his parents were against it so he never came out until he left a note. he lived a sad depressed life because he felt he could not come out openly and say he was gay. He lived his life quietly and to keep others happy … which the end resulted in him killing himself. Isn’t allowing him to be who he wants to be and be happy more important than him taking his own life. Now his parents have lost a son simply because he couldn’t live his life how he felt he wanted to
People make so many bad decision without looking at the consequences. The desire for pleasure is the supreme goal.

The argument you make can be used for anything else. People may chose to rob a bank knowing that they run the risk of being shot or placed in prison, but the risk is worth it. The end is worth it for them. But that doesn’t make it correct. It is objectively speaking a disorder that needs to be rectified.

Perhaps you need to make yourself familiar with the Catholic teaching on this issue, before you continue down a path that is offensive to God.
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