This is a problem we all have. My will instead of Thy Will.I believe
This is a problem we all have. My will instead of Thy Will.I believe
It’s not a sin to be gay. It’s homosexual acts , same as any sexual acts outside of marriage.why is it a sin to be gay
First, please accept my condolences on the loss of this person you knew. Even though we as Catholics are to look at homosexuality as being disordered, there are many in the world who act without charity or kindness.Isn’t allowing him to be who he wants to be and be happy more important than him taking his own life. Now his parents have lost a son simply because he couldn’t live his life how he felt he wanted to
Concupiscence is not a sin itself. Neither are impulses or intrusive thoughts. Someone who is an alcoholic might never get rid of impulses or intrusive thoughts about drinking, but he can set his will against falling into drinking. Part of that would be to refrain from indulging fantasies about drinking, and fantasies are not intrusive thoughts.Statement "Being gay is not a sin’ is misleading. - It is like saying ‘being a thief’ is not a sin, well, no - unless you actually steal, you will not be punished for your desire to steal, but if you already desire to steal, even though you don’t act upon it you still have to answer to God for it.
Our Lord points out the hard reality saying “But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.” - [Matthew 5:28] - Even if no physical act has taken place, the defective desire of the will needs to be corrected, otherwise, we will have to answer for the perverse desires of those tendencies.
I have to comment on this again, as I feel this is a bad analogy. A person might be attracted to the same sex without desiring to act upon it, the same way a cleptomaniac might have impulses to take but no actual desire to steal. The direct comparison of someone with SSA to a thief or someone desiring to be a thief doesn’t work for this reason unless we assume the person is also willfully desiring to act on homosexual behavior.Statement "Being gay is not a sin’ is misleading. - It is like saying ‘being a thief’ is not a sin, well, no - unless you actually steal, you will not be punished for your desire to steal, but if you already desire to steal, even though you don’t act upon it you still have to answer to God for it.
There you go, a birth defect not a learnt behavioura birth defect