Idk how many times I’ve said this on the thread, I don’t think there is one single factor that contributes to someone having SSA. Someone could have been sexually abused, could have had bad relations with father or same sex peers, could have been raised by a same sex couple, etc. There could be a genetic element to it as well but I tend to say it’s more nurture than anything else.
Some say it doesn’t matter what the cause is, but I feel like there’s a reason I feel this way and I want to be healed and to have it resolved. Though I’ve kind of accepted I’m going to have to deal with this throughout my entire life even if I get married.
Some say it doesn’t matter what the cause is, but I feel like there’s a reason I feel this way and I want to be healed and to have it resolved. Though I’ve kind of accepted I’m going to have to deal with this throughout my entire life even if I get married.