Being gay, lesbian, transgender

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Most conditions are not caused by a single gene but are influenced by a number of different genes that interact with someone’s environment. But considering how complex the brain is, it’s no surprise that the exact mechanism for a particular condition is not well understood. That’s why the cause of most psychiatric conditions such as depression or schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or OCD is also not well understood. It’s unlikely, however, that their cause is completely environmental.
ADHD can interfere with having children. As one article on ADHD pointed out:
Sex is no different from other activities that present a challenge for someone with ADHD. They can have trouble concentrating during sex, lose interest in what they’re doing, or become distracted.
Also, ADHD often causes serious relationship problems for people who have it. This often makes it more difficult for people with ADHD to find partners or spouses and when they do, they tend to have higher divorce rates.

The medications used to treat ADHD can also cause sexual dysfunction.
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The approach of human rights for LGBT Catholics is fundamentally bungled. You certainly have the human right to dwell in a lifestyle of fornication. You certainly have the human right to have free, unlimited sex out of marriage. You certainly have the human right to live with unrepented sins and fake the Holy Sacrament of Penance.

However, Jesus did not talk about human rights at His time, but about entering the Kingdom. He told the adulterous woman “go and sin no more”. This is that simple! Go on with your life but abandon sin! Do not dwell in a lifestyle of fornication! Do not have sex out of Holy Matrimony! Repent your sin, the Kingdom is at hand. Receive absolution for your sin with a contrite heart and a firm resolution to never sin again. This is the message in a nutshell.

There is no such thing as an LGBT person without LGBT lifestyle. Those who say they are gay but don’t follow gay sex, deceive themselves and everybody else. The only evidence of you being LGBT is that you habitually dwell in it! Therefore you can’t repent your sin, because you identified yourself with it. This is the trap. You will continue living in fornication, adultery and unrepented sin. Which is your human right. But it is no way to enter the Kingdom.

That is why the church tells you do not fornicate, don’t be adulterous, don’t dwell in LGBT lifestyle, do repent your sin, but do not fake confession. My friend, a contrite heart won’t come from outside by legislation or human right. A contrite heart that feels deeply sorry for her/his sins is only coming from inside, from knowing Christ.
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Who is the “you” in your post? Unless I’m mistaken, the person you are replying to is a straight woman.
Divorce is grave matter, and marriage is permanent, but people in abusive situations should not have to stick things out. Victims can have legitimate needs to separate and obtain a civil divorce.
Today a deacon gave a homily about domestic abuse. And one of the things he mentioned, especially in light of today’s Gospel reading, was that yes, marriage is insoluble and there are consequences for leaving one’s spouse to take another. But there is no marriage to break if there was not one in the first place. That people need the right spiritual and mental state to be able to enter into the sacrament. That’s what annulments are. They determine if there was never a marriage in the first place. That it’s a common misconception that the Catholic Church requires people to stay in an abusive relationship. That no one should have to stay in an abusive relationship.

Overall, it was a rather powerful homily. And I guess I’ll probably be thinking about it for a while.
I’m not sure what an “LGBT lifestyle” is. Some gay men I know like to go to the theater and the opera and like Classical music. One gay friend was in the military and likes square dancing. Some of them teach school, a couple of them were lawyers. My favorite activity is to go to Starbucks and read for a couple of hours with a cup of hot chocolate.
I assume they’re referring to being sexually active with the same sex.
So who someone has sex with constitutes a “lifestyle”? Is there such a thing as a “straight lifestyle” or “heterosexual lifestyle”?

And bisexual people are also attracted to people of the opposite sex whereas being transgender only has to do with gender identity, not with sexual activity. LGB have to do with sexual orientation, not sexual activity.
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Is there such a thing as a “straight lifestyle” or “heterosexual lifestyle”?
You only play with words and reason. It is an evidence to me that you are a player and no more. You certainly have the human right to be one. But would it lead you to the Kingdom?
Well all are called to chastity regardless of what sex they find attractive
Is there such a thing as a “straight lifestyle” or “heterosexual lifestyle”?
You only play with words and reason. It is an evidence to me that you are a player and no more. You certainly have the human right to be one. But would it lead you to the Kingdom?
It seems to me that a phrase like “LGBT lifestyle” is a good example of playing with words since it really has no meaning. Most of those who use it can’t really articulate with any precision what people in this supposed “lifestyle” do aside from saying something about the sex of the person they go to bed with. But that doesn’t seem like enough to be called a “lifestyle”. I think that this phrase is mostly an attempt by people who don’t know anything about LGBT folk to reduce them to a vague stereotype.
If god created us … why is it a sin to be gay etc? If god made us did he not decide that we be this way. Being gay, lesbian etc isn’t a choice it’s how your born. So why is it a sin to have a relationship with the same sex if it was god who created us all to be individual and different?
It isn’t a sin to have predispositions to homosexuality as God allows. That said: It is a sin against the 6th Commandment if one acts on the inclination. We are ALL tempted, no matter what our weakness. However, the temptation is an opportunity for grace if we resist. However, if we give in to the temptation for any reason, then our sins stain our baptismal garments and we must repent if we are to be with God as His children.

We don’t need physical gratification or carnal pleasure. But, it is tempting nonetheless. What we do need is God above ALL things. So, we must choose: The flesh or God, but we cannot have two masters.
Thou shall not commit adultery is the 6th commandment in the Catholic numbering.
It seems to me that a phrase like “LGBT lifestyle” is a good example of playing with words
I referred to gay sex or any positional Kama Sutra exercise among gay persons. Practicing an LGBT lifestyle is to have gay sex and have it frequently. Apart from sex there is no such thing as LGBT identity, so apart from sex the concept of LGBT does not make any sense.

What is at issue here is not your human right to follow an LGBT lifestyle. But being part of it, how would you be able to repent with a contrite heart? This puzzles me a lot! What is at issue for a Catholic is how would your lifestyle lead you to the Kingdom?
The T in LGBT stands for Transgender and doesn’t have anything to do with having sex. It has to do with gender identity. L, G, and B have to do with attraction, not activity.

And in reply to the rest of your post, I’m Lutheran (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and the church I attend doesn’t have a problem with gay sex. The ELCA even allows its pastors to perform same-sex marriages. I’m curious about Catholicism and respect the right of Catholics to their beliefs even if I don’t always agree with or understand all of them.
I’m not sure what an “LGBT lifestyle” is.
Traditionally speaking, there is or was a homosexual lifestyle- although lesbians really don’t have that much to do with it at all. Although nowadays, we have like “online” ways for people to meet- back when I was a young man in the 1970’s we didn’t.

The homosexual or gay lifestyle was about gay bars and bookstores, theaters, nightclubs and bath houses. The homosexuals would come for the evening, cruising the area- looking to meet people of a similar bent.

They had all kind of codes to recognize each other, and were pretty much involved in it.
I’m Lutheran (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Thank you for letting me know. Then we have no business with each other. I respect you and your religion, but it is a Catholic forum. Bye.
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