The approach of human rights for LGBT Catholics is fundamentally bungled. You certainly have the human right to dwell in a lifestyle of fornication. You certainly have the human right to have free, unlimited sex out of marriage. You certainly have the human right to live with unrepented sins and fake the Holy Sacrament of Penance.
However, Jesus did not talk about human rights at His time, but about entering the Kingdom. He told the adulterous woman “go and sin no more”. This is that simple! Go on with your life but abandon sin! Do not dwell in a lifestyle of fornication! Do not have sex out of Holy Matrimony! Repent your sin, the Kingdom is at hand. Receive absolution for your sin with a contrite heart and a firm resolution to never sin again. This is the message in a nutshell.
There is no such thing as an LGBT person without LGBT lifestyle. Those who say they are gay but don’t follow gay sex, deceive themselves and everybody else. The only evidence of you being LGBT is that you habitually dwell in it! Therefore you can’t repent your sin, because you identified yourself with it. This is the trap. You will continue living in fornication, adultery and unrepented sin. Which is your human right. But it is no way to enter the Kingdom.
That is why the church tells you do not fornicate, don’t be adulterous, don’t dwell in LGBT lifestyle, do repent your sin, but do not fake confession. My friend, a contrite heart won’t come from outside by legislation or human right. A contrite heart that feels deeply sorry for her/his sins is only coming from inside, from knowing Christ.