I’m curious to know if atheists and agnostics belive in some kind of afterlife. Not a supernatural heaven or hell situation but more a natural progression of our consciousness on another plane?
As for me: the answer is no. There is no evidence to show it, so to believe in such an afterlife is nothing else, but wishful thinking. Would be fun, though… just like heaven would be nice.I’m curious to know if atheists and agnostics belive in some kind of afterlife. Not a supernatural heaven or hell situation but more a natural progression of our consciousness on another plane?
Yes, you do.One of the reasons I ask is that energy - which is what we really are - cannot be destroyed - it only changes forms. I’m using energy and consciusness as meaning the same thing here - a self-awareness (I don’t know that “soul” would work), sort of in the Buddhist sense that our energy surives the death of our bodies because our bodies are only temporary repositories for our energy. Am I making sense?![]()
Um…wrong. Belief in the afterlife is about the soul, which is the non-materialistic part of the person (body + soul).Yes, you do.
But energy and consciousness are not the same, not by a long shot. “Who” we are is our mind, which is the configuration of our brain-cells (the zillions of connections among the billions of them) and that configuratoin is lost at death, when our brain deteriorates.
Any kind of belief in any kind of afterlife denies this. Of course there is not one iota of evidence which would support them. All the available evidence supports the materialistic hypothesis. As usual, that does not “prove” the materialistic approach, however it makes it very plausible.
And there is no evidence for it, nothing that could be examined, tested for and verified.Um…wrong. Belief in the afterlife is about the soul, which is the non-materialistic part of the person (body + soul).
The “scripture” is nothing but a collection of stories written across many centuries by fallible (and quite ignorant) people, and arbitrarily selected by other fallible people. Not much of an evidence…All ***what ***available evidence? Scripture is evidence; whether one chooses to accept it as evidence is another matter.
I’d say that the entire scope of human history in which it was taken as axiomatic by almost everyone who ever lived until modern secular white Western man is a pretty nice chunk of “evidence”. The arrogance, and ignorance I might add, of relegating the concept to the dustbin of obsolete historical curiosities because we have found an effective way to make predictive statements about chunks of matter is more postmodern than it is scientific, more gleefully destructive than it is open minded and honest. I myself suffered from this malady for many years and thought I was just being clear-headed and brutally honest, given the “evidence” we were presented with. I can be more objective now that I don’t worship a method of gathering and verifying data.And there is no evidence for it, nothing that could be examined, tested for and verified.
This is more reductive postmodern silliness with no basis in history or science, and completely lacking in evidential support. As near as science has been able to show, the old and new testaments are (to the ire of postmodernists) largely grounded in historical fact. A Catholic, for example, might believe they’re grounded in something else too. Your claim that the people who wrote the scriptures were “quite ignorant” (I’d really love to see you support that claim with “evidence”) betrays a very essential ignorance of history, the scriptures themselves (read 'em much?), literature, religion, poetry, theology, philosophy, historical science, education, hermeneutics (surprising given your postmodern stance), sacred texts, culture, sociology, psychology, etc., etc. Scientism is old and crusty philosophical fashion. All of the available “evidence” points to the truth of that statement. A robust scepticism is very useful, particularly on one’s own prejudices. People tend to be most prone to error in those areas. From one fallible crank to another.The “scripture” is nothing but a collection of stories written across many centuries by fallible (and quite ignorant) people, and arbitrarily selected by other fallible people. Not much of an evidence…
Again, there is evidence of an afterlife, and that comes from people who have had an out of body or near-death experience. No, not scientifically verifiable, but science by it’s nature is not equipped to deal with spiritual matters.And there is no evidence for it, nothing that could be examined, tested for and verified.
The “scripture” is nothing but a collection of stories written across many centuries by fallible (and quite ignorant) people, and arbitrarily selected by other fallible people. Not much of an evidence…
Well, if something is not scientifically verifyable, then it is just a story. The people who claim these may be very honest in their opinion, but that is neither here nor there. Honesty is a nice trait, but as a “tool” to obtain knowledge about the world it is useless.Again, there is evidence of an afterlife, and that comes from people who have had an out of body or near-death experience. No, not scientifically verifiable, but science by it’s nature is not equipped to deal with spiritual matters.
I don’t know what you are talking about. The other “genesis” stories are on par with the Bible in veracity.I find it fascinating that certain people will use a double standard when claiming biblical evidence to be false and other ancient writings (ones which cannot be verified by historical ‘evidence’) as, pun intended, “Gospel” truth.
Yes, this is called Scientism. It’s also very close to Logical Positivism, except that whereas you would say that “something” is “just a story” when not “scientifically verifiable”, the Logical Positivist had the good sense (and at this point undermined their very axiom) to claim that any sentence that was not amenable to the verifiability criterion of meaning was thereby rendered meaningless. This silly notion was dismantled by Quine, among others, himself a fan of logical positivism, seeking to reform it, but succeeding in destroying it. Quine was also a fan of “scientism”, as was I, for many years. Scientism claims that scientific knowledge is the only kind going, but here Quine cheated by positing a continuum of hard science with good responsible philosophy, eschewing any sharp demarcation whereby to distinguish the disciplines, thus salvaging much of traditional philosophy from an oblivious meaninglessness, along with his own system of thought from the dungheap of self-undermining nonsense. Quine had an inordinate amount of good sense for a philosopher, and as such, it is possible to engage his ideas intelligently. One important and, as I see it, deeply flawed aspect of it is his scientism. So, since you claim something similar, do you care to defend it?Well, if something is not scientifically verifyable, then it is just a story. The people who claim these may be very honest in their opinion, but that is neither here nor there. Honesty is a nice trait, but as a “tool” to obtain knowledge about the world it is useless.
It is “evidence” all right, but not evidence to the veracity of such claims, rather to the rampant superstition and outright ignorance of the claimants.I’d say that the entire scope of human history in which it was taken as axiomatic by almost everyone who ever lived until modern secular white Western man is a pretty nice chunk of “evidence”.
Those “predictive statements” are responsible for the doubling of life expectancy in the last 100 years. Those are responsible for allowing you to disparage them across the Internet using a high-tech computer. And also millions and billions of other improvements in our lives. (Before you or someone else will mention it, they were also “responsible” for the events in Hiroshima. Science and technology are value-neutral. Their usage is not - but that is whole different ballgame.)The arrogance, and ignorance I might add, of relegating the concept to the dustbin of obsolete historical curiosities because we have found an effective way to make predictive statements about chunks of matter is more postmodern than it is scientific, more gleefully destructive than it is open minded and honest.
That is your business. By the way there is no need to “worship” the method. It stands on its own feet.I myself suffered from this malady for many years and thought I was just being clear-headed and brutally honest, given the “evidence” we were presented with. I can be more objective now that I don’t worship a method of gathering and verifying data.
There are some facts which were supported by outside evidence, but not a whole lot. But that is not relevant. If a math book would contain thousands of valid proofs of thousands of theorems and one incorrect proof, the validity of the rest will not make the error disappear.This is more reductive postmodern silliness with no basis in history or science, and completely lacking in evidential support. As near as science has been able to show, the old and new testaments are (to the ire of postmodernists) largely grounded in historical fact.
Well, here is one for your edification: the Bible claims that the value of “pi” is exactly three. Even back then people had a better approximation for this value.Your claim that the people who wrote the scriptures were “quite ignorant” (I’d really love to see you support that claim with “evidence”) betrays a very essential ignorance of history, the scriptures themselves (read 'em much?), literature, religion, poetry, theology, philosophy, historical science, education, hermeneutics (surprising given your postmodern stance), sacred texts, culture, sociology, psychology, etc., etc.
There is no “scientism”. Science is the one and only endeavor which does not require a-priori acceptance of a claim. The claim is made and you are free to conduct your own experiment to see whether it is correct or not. Many times its claims are erroneous. But the process is self-rectifying.Scientism is old and crusty philosophical fashion. All of the available “evidence” points to the truth of that statement.
That is your only statement I can agree with. And urge you to follow it.A robust scepticism is very useful, particularly on one’s own prejudices.
Not a correct representation. I am talking about propositions concerning reality. The verifyability principle is a meta-proposition, which cannot be applied to itself.Yes, this is called Scientism. It’s also very close to Logical Positivism, except that whereas you would say that “something” is “just a story” when not “scientifically verifiable”, the Logical Positivist had the good sense (and at this point undermined their very axiom) to claim that any sentence that was not amenable to the verifiability criterion of meaning was thereby rendered meaningless.
You’re in more trouble than I thought. Here I thought we were talking about language and science, you know, theory. If you are interested in reality, please define it first. You’re also assuming a correspondence theory of truth. As such we are very clearly talking about theory. You’re referring to propositions. Shall we stick to first-order logic with equality? If so, can we agree on expressions, sentences, and formulas? Propositions are an unnecessary encumberance here. Finally, if you’re going to assume a correspondence theory of truth, please defend that. Thanks!Not a correct representation. I am talking about propositions concerning reality. The verifyability principle is a meta-proposition, which cannot be applied to itself.
To be precise: any proposition about reality is subject to verification if wishes to be taken seriously.
I don’t know any of us who think that other historical writings are the gospel truth. It rather depends on what they are saying.I find it fascinating that certain people will use a double standard when claiming biblical evidence to be false and other ancient writings (ones which cannot be verified by historical ‘evidence’) as, pun intended, “Gospel” truth.![]()
No, we were talking about a belief in some kind of an afterlife.You’re in more trouble than I thought. Here I thought we were talking about language and science, you know, theory.
To answer the original question. I don’t believe in an afterlife.One of the reasons I ask is that energy - which is what we really are - cannot be destroyed - it only changes forms. I’m using energy and consciusness as meaning the same thing here - a self-awareness (I don’t know that “soul” would work), sort of in the Buddhist sense that our energy surives the death of our bodies because our bodies are only temporary repositories for our energy. Am I making sense?![]()
So experience isn’t a reliable tool? Many would beg to differ. Besides, science has limitations; it cannot verify or deny everything. I would argue that science isn’t always the best yardstick for measuring objective reality.Well, if something is not scientifically verifyable, then it is just a story. The people who claim these may be very honest in their opinion, but that is neither here nor there. Honesty is a nice trait, but as a “tool” to obtain knowledge about the world it is useless.
I don’t know what you are talking about. The other “genesis” stories are on par with the Bible in veracity.
It depends on what you call “true knowledge”. To me this phrase has two possible meanings:May apologies. You were correct that I entirely missed your long response to mine. What’s more, I agree with everything you said there. With a couple of caveats: I don’t wish to denigrate science. I’m a scientist. But I still don’t see why this should hold you to scientism. That’s what it is, under any moniker you choose. I’m not concerned with whether or not you worship it, but if you think that science is the only source of true knowledge, that’s called scientism.
Sure. But let’s be precise about it. It is not a theorem to be “proven”, it is a principle to be used. Its veracity is established by the zillions of actual experiments conducted.It’s an interesting idea. But it requires evidence. I imagine you’d site scientific evidence. But, alas, it’s philosophy, and unless you’re a Quinean or something similar, you have no reason to hold it.
At best it would be a “hearsay evidence”, which is usually not admissible even in the court of law, even though the requirements there are much lower. As an evidence about reality it carries no weight whatsoever.I brought up the number of people who believe in an afterlife as a kind of evidence, not proof. So, the fallacy was in your interpretation, not my statement. My point was that “evidence” as you mean it is not the only kind.
This is where you lose me. The phrase “spiritual reality” is gobbledegook to me. It literally carries no meaning.We agree on the value of modern science. Let’s get to your real beef then. The afterlife in the Judeo-Christian tradition is a spiritual reality, not a physical reality in the way that science goes about investigating it.
The proper word would be “materialist”.As such, it is neither amenable nor beholden to scientific standards, since science can have nothing to say about it even in principle. That’s why I was interested in your definition of “reality”, since I have no doubt that it would have exposed you for your scientism. I don’t have a beef with your scientism if you can defend it.
No, it is not science. So is it just a personal conviction, which is irrelevant to everyone else, or is it an objectively existing “reality” (observe the quotes!) which is “binding” on the unbelievers? If it is the first, then it belongs to the “who cares” category. If it is the second, then some kind of a “verification” process is required.There is a subjective and objective truth to spiritual reality. The objective part is in morality and, possibly, arguments about God’s existence. But this isn’t science, as you know.
You should have said: “some philosophers”. Empiricism is alive and well. Precision is a virtue!And any attempt to reduce it that way also has a philosophical moniker attached to it. It’s called reductionism. And, as coincidence would have it, that completes the list of the two dogmas of empiricism which philosophers agree Quine dismantled.
Show me someone who “experienced” afterlife and came back to prove it. Movies and recordings preferred.So experience isn’t a reliable tool?
What other way is there, and why is it reliable?Many would beg to differ. Besides, science has limitations; it cannot verify or deny everything. I would argue that science isn’t always the best yardstick for measuring objective reality.
Which they usually are.For example, the universe is considered to be infinite…yet science is incapable of confirming or denying this. Some things have to be taken on faith; the only other choice is to dismiss the discussion as irrelevant and unimportant.
Archeological evidence for “walking on water”, for example?What I mean is that other historical documents are taken as fact, by some, while scripture is “just made-up stories”. There is quite a bit of archeological evidence for things that happened as told in scripture…yet it is dismissed, while other non-scriptural writings that have less evidence to back them up are many times taken to be more reliable.
No, it is not sad at all. It is called “accepting reality”. True, it would be nice to have another shot at existence. So what? It would be nice to be a millionaire, too. Lots of things “would be nice”. But one should not give up what exists for something that may not exist.I think it’s a bit sad to be tied down by science, as well as not having anything to look forward to after this life.