Belief... or lack thereof

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Hoo yes. Love is a very enjoyable glitch in the system. Makes us do all sorts of stupid and illogical things.

Spend money we don’t have, live places we don’t like, make promises we can’t keep. I know I’d be a hell of a lot richer if I hadn’t fallen in love. But then, being efficient (and rich) and being happy don’t really correlate.
Do you come here to be criticized? It must be love.

I would have thought you would understand that the cross symbolizes the depth of God’s love for Christians. Enjoyable??
Glitch? Ultimately Love is the transcendent reality of the Triune Godhead.
I know you hate these Biblical terms, but there is no better way to speak of the Truth.
What system would it possibly be glitchng? Nervous?- hardly. Instinctual? - quite the opposite really. A glitch perhaps in your plans? - That makes sense; a self-created man, writing the code to mould his life. You are fortunate to have been glitched in that manner. Yes happiness will follow, and through all the ensuing tears there will be joy.
There is nothing illogical about what we do under the influence of Eros. However, although frequently stupid, I’d agree, pretty much always conflicted, unaccepting of harsh realities, and primitive, our actions do have their logic. That’s why there’s a dwindling but still flourishing industry based on different forms of psychoanalysis. - to understand why we do what we do.

What you describe is not love in the Christian sense.
One is to give of oneself because everything one has has been given to them.
God loves everyone, so we are to love them as well.
So, love means keeping those promises you would rather not when it starts to hurt.

But as you say you are happy; may God give you strength, maintain and help grow the love that will lead to eternal joy.
these animals are made by the same creator who made us and share in part in some of his attributes as we do also.
These animals share the same natural evolution as humans… don’t they?
These animals share the same natural evolution as humans… don’t they?
find me an isolated island where for tens or hundreds of millions of years animals have evolved into different species not found anywhere else. natural evolution should be testable if you propose believing in it.
find me an isolated island where for tens or hundreds of millions of years animals have evolved into different species not found anywhere else. natural evolution should be testable if you propose believing in it.
sadly no good…

"All living marsupials - such as wallabies, kangaroos and opossums - all originated in South America, a new genetic study suggests.

Yep – the animals most famous for populating Australia actually started out on another continent altogether. But marsupials – a group of mammals known for toting their young in belly pouches on the females – are still common in South America, too.

The recent study used new genetic data about some of these species to trace the family tree."
sadly no good…

"All living marsupials - such as wallabies, kangaroos and opossums - all originated in South America, a new genetic study suggests.

Yep – the animals most famous for populating Australia actually started out on another continent altogether. But marsupials – a group of mammals known for toting their young in belly pouches on the females – are still common in South America, too.

The recent study used new genetic data about some of these species to trace the family tree."
Of course.
And animals started out in the ocean, so no island can be found to blah blah blah.

Show me kangaroos and Koalas in South America. Not to mention Platypus.

They are programmed to do this?
Simple answer is yes. Evolutionary Computing contains many different approaches.

One that comes to mind is starting off with a population of agents with some randomly initialized set of attributes. All of these agents might be on the same computer or distributed over a computer mesh. They do what ever it is that they do and then the results are evaluated against some success/fitness criteria. Some of the agents get “killed off.” Sometimes a number of agents may just randomly be killed off (bad luck for the agent). The ones that “survive” may have some of their attribute randomly combined with the attributes of another (sexual reproduction) and occasionally an attribute in the resulting agent may be changed (mutation) and the cycle continues.

There are also asexual schemes too and approaches based on other forms of bio-mimicry (ex: ant swarm algorithms).

The attributes that an agent has could be as simple as parameters or they could be operations. In case of operations the results the potentI’ll range of outcomes are less known.

Some describe this as a field with a lot of potential. But it’s also an area that can have high computational demand. Letting a population of agents run across an array of machines for days or weeks isn’t unusual. But the return on effort can at times be low with a lot of time and electricity being consumed on agents that might not reach a satisficing (not a typo, term coined by economist Herbert Simon) within the time/money cost that one might tolerate. WhIle there are computer scientist with interest in it at the end of the day funding is needed and the people that pays the bills want to make an investment and not pay for an exploration of curiousities.

Pardon my mistakes. Sent from a mobile device.
sadly no good…

"All living marsupials - such as wallabies, kangaroos and opossums - all originated in South America, a new genetic study suggests.
Looks like you just answered your own question.
Of course.
And animals started out in the ocean, so no island can be found to blah blah blah.

Show me kangaroos and Koalas in South America. Not to mention Platypus.
no, thats no good. Antarctica, S. America and Australia were stuck together and all these guys just wandered all around them. you need to find an isolated island that displays evolution if you want to consider believing in it, i would imagine, is that not true?
I’m not sure you know enough about the subject to have a reasonable discussion. Thanks for playing…
ok, i’ll do it for you. Madagascar is the oldest island, separated from africa 80 million years ago. the dinos were killed off 65 million years ago, presumably along with most other things. some say the giant reptiles became birds.
anyway, you would need to find a creature unique to Madagascar that evolved there in isolation until it is no longer related in any obvious way to animals elsewhere on earth.
no, thats no good. Antarctica, S. America and Australia were stuck together and all these guys just wandered all around them. you need to find an isolated island that displays evolution if you want to consider believing in it, i would imagine, is that not true?
Marsupials, yes.
Koalas, only in Australia.
Marsupials, yes.
Koalas, only in Australia.
"Koalas and Kangaroos Have South American Roots

Many of the poster animals of Australia—kangaroos, koalas, wombats and wallabies, to name a few—are marsupials, animals best known for carrying around their young in a pouch. Marsupials can also be found in the Americas; in the United States, the Virginia opossum is the only one, but there are doze…"

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it is still a marsupial. it has not yet left its designated type to become a different type of creature entirely.
for instance there were no human type creatures 6 million years ago. the first primates appeared 50 million years ago.
Madagascar has been an island for 80 million years so it should have produced totally new types of creatures not related to other creatures on earth.
"Koalas and Kangaroos Have South American Roots

Many of the poster animals of Australia—kangaroos, koalas, wombats and wallabies, to name a few—are marsupials, animals best known for carrying around their young in a pouch. Marsupials can also be found in the Americas; in the United States, the Virginia opossum is the only one, but there are doze…"

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it is still a marsupial. it has not yet left its designated type to become a different type of creature entirely.
for instance there were no human type creatures 6 million years ago. the first primates appeared 50 million years ago.
Madagascar has been an island for 80 million years so it should have produced totally new types of creatures not related to other creatures on earth.
oh well… so, then let me dumb it down a bit:
South America is such an Island!
It has produced marsupials!

(now you tell me that they are still mammals, which have been around since before the Dinosaurs became extinct, when the continents were not as we know them today)
Some might disagree. There is an area within Artificial Intelligence known as “Evolutionary Computing” about algorithms that evolve. I won’t go into details here but if interested I encourage you to check it out and reconsider what you said above.

They are programmed to do this?
Simple answer is yes. Evolutionary Computing contains many different approaches.
Ah. So one cannot have evolution without a programmer.

Curiouser and curiouser it gets.

Did you mean to offer an apologia for a Divine Programmer when you mentioned Evolutionary Computing? 😃
Did you mean to offer an apologia for a Divine Programmer when you mentioned Evolutionary Computing? 😃
You need a programmer if you need a particular result. Otherwise you will just get random results. Just like that topic which is not to be discussed.
You need a programmer if you need a particular result. Otherwise you will just get random results. Just like that topic which is not to be discussed.
Otherwise, what?

You don’t get evolution with computer intelligence? :confused:
Ah. So one cannot have evolution without a programmer.

Curiouser and curiouser it gets.

Did you mean to offer an apologia for a Divine Programmer when you mentioned Evolutionary Computing? 😃
Lol, please, stop making me smile.☺️

But I was aware of the parallel that could be made between Evolutionary Computing and the assertion that the world as we see it operate under rules set in place by something with intentionality. I’m totally fine with that. Just showing that there are grounds to argue that there exists programs that evolve. It can still be argued programs do not exists without some programmer to create the. Either directly or indirectly (like person making programs that make other programs). Though the programmer may not always know the outcome even with a a lot of effort.

While I haven’t referenced Evolutionary Computing before I have referenced what is known as John Conway’s “Game if Life” (computing topic “cellular automata”) as a computational system that some have used as a parallel for some other religious disposition. It is a zero *player * game often made from people anywhere from the level of novice to experienced researcher. The rules are set in place and then it just runs while the creator watches and usually doesn’t interact. Aso you might guess this could be said to be a parallel for deism where the “gods” of these systems may just be curious as to what will happen. It also shows how complex systems can emerge from a simple set of rules.

I think that the original “Tron” had some theme on this where the various programs of the system talked about whether or not there existed a User of the system. And then the user came and walked among programs, changed how things were run, and then ascended to where ever it is that he came from. Then the programs went on living until the system was finally shut down in the sequel (except that one program that “ascended” with him). It’s been over 30 years since I saw Tron, so check out a movie description yourself if interest. My memory of it is vague.
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