What does “seeing spiritually” mean?
That you thought about it? You dreamed about it?
I suppose one could say seeing is as ‘understanding’. I was speaking then about understanding the spiritual realm. Of course it entails all that I am, mind, body, soul and spirit. So yes I can dream have visions,think, and feel about spiritual things.
I understand your denial of the spiritual realm. I suppose that is like me not ‘seeing’ , understanding Darwinian, naturalistic philosophy. Yes,there is a lack of knowledge, even experience,on my part in mostly due to me not believing it. That is what I was trying to say earlier, that if you don’t believe , you probably won’t understand or seek to understand the matter( though the potential and need be there). Hence the true saying, "My people perish for the lack of knowledge’’. That could be implied to mean in the natural world (it’s knowledge and its death). However it was explicitly written to mean spiritual knowledge (of God) and physical and spiritual death (lack of spiritual vision).
I see your rock as being a ripple of a bigger rock: human curiosity, meshed with human imagination, bounded by lack of knowledge.
Indeed, it seems then we are both told we have at least lack of knowledge, due to a lack of vision, even faith. me of your naturalistic philosophy and you of the spiritual realm.
How would you know that there are forces beyond human at work?
How would anyone know?
Gotta have the tools, even senses for it, just like in your paradigm. And of course the desire, and faith for it.
And, if there are false religions, there may very well be no true religion.
Absolutely logical in your paradigm of no spiritual realm.
I don’t know how this addresses what I said…
Could be a freebie. I think it does apply to your question, “is it likely that humans got it right with Jesus Christ? Or is he just another figure preying on that gullibility?”. I would think in determining that one would examine whom Jesus is, and have to come to a conclusion.
That is a possibility (that Jesus the man never existed in history- as temporarily once believed by Ben Hur), although not one supported by most experts of the subject, even the non-believers .
Shows me how closely intertwined my faith and knowledge are, or how little I was equipped to naturally “see” the spiritual, or how deluded was not to see it.
And perhaps there’s no such thing as a God and that capability and enlightening are not infused at all. They’re just inherent to our level of reasoning.
Of course, that is the nature of your paradigm. Some call it delusional ‘thinking’. Man is certainly capable of that. Understand, thank you.
You’ve been taking notes from
Pascal, I see…
Not really, but your analogy begged for such rationale. I feel we do have free will, can decide for one paradigm or the other. But I would add all have already decided. The decision to re decide in favor of God is only possible thru Him enabling it. And of course gambling is a no no. He calls to faith, to know, hence not a "gamble’’. He even says be ye convinced, one way or the other, be hot or cold not lukewarm, or disconnected, as a gambler is.
I agree, there are many positive things.
But are they worth living a potential lie?
Could you not get to them through some other means, thus avoiding such a lie?
Agree. Like the above, do it cause your are fully in. I mean do it, believe it, not so much because of what we get out of it, but because it is right, truthful, factual etc.
If, after death, all we have is more of what we had before life, then there’s some assurance and peace in there, too…
OK .Took me a minute but is that like saying we did not exist before we were born, so what is the big deal of going back to non existence? Actually for some, even many, that would be desirable, due to difficult life circumstances, and events, and conditions. So if you are correct, sure, that could “peaceful”, free from life problems. I do not think there is one human being that at some point didn’t just want to cease from being, escaping a ‘momentary’ pain, humiliation etc…Like the airline commercial,“ever just want to get away?”
But Jesus even says it would be better if some had not been born, stressing that there is an afterlife, and apparently it can be better or worse than life on Earth. So everybody operates on some kind of faith as to what happens after we die, accompanied by assurances,peace etc… Just that both views can’t be right. Just that one is a false assurance a false peace. As we have mentioned, for many understandable yet perplexing reasons, a human can be quite "deluded’’, to use a word that has been applied to theists.