Benny Hinn on DateLine NBC Tonight

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Did anyone manage to catch DateLine NBC tonight? They aired another full hour segment on Benny Hinn. They discussed his ministry, from miracle healings to lavish “lay-overs” in far-away exotic places, to exposing his finances. I found the story troubling, as the information presented seemed very damaging to him and his ministry.

Having been exposed to Benny Hinn in the late 1970s - early 80s, I never imagined he would get this popular. Back then he would periodically visit a local Assembly of God church near my hometown in Western New York. Two of my siblings eventually left the Catholic Church, in part because of Hinn’s ministry. One went on to become an Assembly of God Pastor.

I have never given to Hinn’s ministry, and have remained Catholic. After what I saw tonight, the only thing I can think to do is pray for Hinn and those around him, and especially for all those people that have given him money and support - that they do not turn from God because of all that he and those around him have allegedly done.

I wonder if anyone else has seen the show - if so, do you have any comments?
I actually caught the last hour of it. I was flabbergasted that a “man of God” could do such things.

There was an interview with the family of a little boy who was “healed” from an eye condition. You know what the little boy said? His miracle was a new pair of glasses. Imagine that!

I do not know much about the man or his ministry, I refuse to watch any religious programming other than EWTN or catholic programming.

All I can do is pray for this man, those who are part of his “ministry” and those he has taken advantage of, both financially and emotionally.
I too watched the DateLine on Benny Hinn. It’s very disturbing to me. I mean they showed the venues that he goes to. He could easily fill any sports stadium with his group of followers. And each of these people are donating money to him! It’s just crazy. On DateLine they described what he does as a form of hypnosis. Isn’t that sad? All of these people believing that they are encountering a man from God, when in fact they are encountering a man who lies to thousands and thousands of people, only to take their money, and buy two mercedes and a home that is now valued at 10million dollars!

God Bless,
I’ve seen a documentary about him here on Belgian television. I couldn’t believe my eyes!:eek: To give an example: a Pakistani family had recently moved to the U.S. and they went to one of his shows hoping he could cure their son’s terminal cancer. They had to “make a donation” in order for Hinn to “treat” the little boy. After the session, the boy seemed to recover, but one week later, they had to see a doctor, who came to the conclusion that the tumor was still there and had even become bigger. Then they wrote a letter to Hinn asking him what to do. He said that they had to send him a cheque of $2000 and then he would pray specifically for their son and ask the Lord to heal him.
Final result: the boy died a few weeks later and the parents were broke, both financially and emotionally.
I’m wondering whether there are laws in the U.S. against this kind of immoral deceit?
I did watch the show and since I already had my mind made up about Benny Hinn, they didn’t say anything that particularly blew me away. In all fairness I would like to point out that shows such as Dateline are often sensational and I wonder how accurate they are as far as “news” goes. (not very, my bet) Since I wouldn’t believe much that they had to say about the Catholic Church, I’m going to give Benny Hinn the same benefit of doubt. That, and my prayers. He may choose not to answer to Stone Phillips, but he will answer to God.
Tim in MI:
Did anyone manage to catch DateLine NBC tonight? They aired another full hour segment on Benny Hinn. They discussed his ministry, from miracle healings to lavish “lay-overs” in far-away exotic places, to exposing his finances. I found the story troubling, as the information presented seemed very damaging to him and his ministry.

Having been exposed to Benny Hinn in the late 1970s - early 80s, I never imagined he would get this popular. Back then he would periodically visit a local Assembly of God church near my hometown in Western New York. Two of my siblings eventually left the Catholic Church, in part because of Hinn’s ministry. One went on to become an Assembly of God Pastor.

I have never given to Hinn’s ministry, and have remained Catholic. After what I saw tonight, the only thing I can think to do is pray for Hinn and those around him, and especially for all those people that have given him money and support - that they do not turn from God because of all that he and those around him have allegedly done.

I wonder if anyone else has seen the show - if so, do you have any comments?
I only caught a few minutes of the last part of the show, but I have never liked the man or his methods. I have many friends and family members who like him and support him. It is deplorable that a man with his means and influence would sipher money from families so that he could perform his voodoo on them.

It’s amazing the hold he has on a multitude of people who blindly give to him. The same thing could be said for Jesse Duplantis. Ever seen him? We all have our shortcomings but this kind of robbery of good people is heartless. How many of these charlatans will be proven corrupt before people see that evangelists and faith healers should be investigated before donating money to them?

What disturbs me about the name it claim it doctrine,is it destroys faithAs Catholics we KNOW God can heal and do miracles,but they are done according to His will not ours.These folks mangle scripture to say what people are desperate to hear and they lose their faith in the process,that is a shame.God has a plan for everyone whether he heals them or not,even sufferring can and does produce good fruit.People want to wander off to teachings that run from the cross,we should pray for healing,but we should let God be God because He knows what is best.God Bless
Is it true that Benny Hinn is a Palestinian of Arab descent, who was born and raised (Eastern) Orthodox?
How can anyone take this man seriously? The way these people fall to the floor when he shouts at them"you are cured" Give me a break! Some people are so gullible. doesn’t the light go on in your head when you see the expensive suits this man wears and he leaves in a BMW? sounds like some of these pimp baptist ministers I see in the inner city,they clearly don’t represent Christ in any fashion.
You shall know them by their fruits. Actions speak louder than words. A show similar to Dateline did a show about this guy’s ministry before. He is a fraud. One night after services were over the crew stuck around and found all those envelopes that you put money into and you will recieve a miracle, all over the floor with the money gone. They found others in the dumpster out back. Then and even now he refuses to answer questions from reporters or others. Looks to me if someone had nothing to hide. he would gladly talk to the media to set the story strait. He was caught one afternoon at the gait to his house and he was driving a big fancy mercedes and the reporter asked him why he would drove such an expensive car and then ask supporters for thousands of dollars to supposedly heal. He came back with a very smart alec answer, and said, "What, do you want me to drive a toyota? God heals in his own time. If not then offer your suffering up to God for his glory. Also, this guy used to be based in Orlando Florida, He had to pack it up and move to Texas, wonder why that was?
How do you go about investigating the other TV evangelists similar to Hinn - Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Duplantis… They all seem crooked to me. Is it a call to the IRS, another Dateline investigation, congressman?
Is it true that Benny Hinn is a Palestinian of Arab descent, who was born and raised (Eastern) Orthodox?
True he converted to Pentacostlicism ie Asemblies of God while a teenager he was baptized and raised in the Orthodox prior to that.
The other Joker Jesse Duplatis was baptized and raised a Catholic.
Gee these men were born into apostolic churches with all the sacraments and they both opt out for pentacostlism and become money grubbing televanglelist. What’s the matter here?
True he converted to Pentacostlicism ie Asemblies of God while a teenager he was baptized and raised in the Orthodox prior to that.
The other Joker Jesse Duplatis was baptized and raised a Catholic.
Gee these men were born into apostolic churches with all the sacraments and they both opt out for pentacostlism and become money grubbing televanglelist. What’s the matter here?
Actually he is Lebanese and raised Catholic.
Is it true that Benny Hinn is a Palestinian of Arab descent, who was born and raised (Eastern) Orthodox?
Technically he is Armenian and Greek, if I remember him correctly. I know he’s Armenian because I’m Armenian and it burned into my brain when he said it. If he is Armenian then he likely was raised in Lebanon if he grew up in the Middle East; most of my people settled there or in the U.S.

EDIT: Armenian mother, Greek father, born in Israel, raised Greek Orthodox.
Benny Hinn is just typical of the “BEG-FEST” going on around us on protestant TV and revival type ministries. So many preachers out there are just begging for your money. Being a Christian is not about wealth, it is about our Trinity and obedience to God, belief in Jesus as a person of God. Money is just something we use to help give glory to God (OK, I spend a few bucks in Vegas too:rolleyes: ).If some preachers let money be the driving force in their ministry then please don’t through any stones. Us Catholics have numerous glass windows to break in our own house on this topic. The infamous heritic Luther was right about corruption in the Church that Christ founded. Luther was just wrong in that it was some of the members of the Church that were wrong, not the Church itself. The Church has and will continue to cleanse itself of that cancer whenever and where it occures.

If Benny Hinn brings some people to God then good for him. If he leads some away from God, well he’ll just have to answer to Jesus at his trial. Pray for Benny Hinn and those who follow him for the salvation and eternal life with God in heaven that all mankind deserves.

Benny may have the right motivation and bad execution of a good plan. Who knows? I don’t agree with his style but let’s just hope God has mercy on him and those who listen to him.

PS, I like to watch some of his theatre work as it makes me laugh and gives the Satuday Night live crew some good material for comedy work.
Technically he is Armenian and Greek, if I remember him correctly. I know he’s Armenian because I’m Armenian and it burned into my brain when he said it. If he is Armenian then he likely was raised in Lebanon if he grew up in the Middle East; most of my people settled there or in the U.S.

EDIT: Armenian mother, Greek father, born in Israel, raised Greek Orthodox.
Your absolutly right right Ghosty He was baptized and raised Greek Orthodox I have heard the crook give your version of his reliigious background in tv. Michael Thoma you really need to do your homework before correcting people wrongly just because you don’t like catholics doesn’t mean you have to identify every crook as having an association with him. And please its an inuslt to the Lebaneese people to cateforize this son of Satan as one of their own.
Wll thanks to Stone Phillips ole Benny is back under the microscope…so then is Katherine Kuhlman his “mentor” a so called Roman Catholic miracle worker…what exactly is Kuhlman’s status in the Church? Does Benny claim to be R.C.?Peace,
I don’t much care for Benny Hinn and his ilk. But, people may have been healed at his events…who knows? Can’t a person be healed by their own faith in God? I know they can.

Keep in mind that Dateline and the rest of our atheist/agnostic/humanistic media want to paint all faith filled people with the same broad brush of superstition and irrationality. These are the same people that heralded and promoted the “Jesus Seminar” in which “theologians” decided that the virgin birth and the resurrection are myths. As a person that has witnessed miraculous things I can say that there are people who absolutely refuse to consider the possibility of such things. They will call you a liar to your face.

Is Benny in a good guy? No, I don’t think so. Dateline knows this so they used Benny Hinn as cover for their real agenda. Make all people who believe in miracles feel silly and naive. Well, miracles do happen. And, as a Catholic Christian I profess them every time I go to Mass. If the virgin birth and the resurrection aren’t miracles then I don’t know what is.
Wll thanks to Stone Phillips ole Benny is back under the microscope…so then is Katherine Kuhlman his “mentor” a so called Roman Catholic miracle worker…what exactly is Kuhlman’s status in the Church? Does Benny claim to be R.C.?Peace,
Kuhlman has been dead for some time and I never knew she was a Catholic - as far as I knew she operated her own ministry and it was non-denominational.
I havent seen this program that you all are talking about but you know i must say watching benny hinn has helped me become more charismatic. His show helped me grow and become more open to the Holy SPirit even though he isnt Catholic! If he is doing this as a scam, it is on his hands not those innocent people. They are still praying to God and asking for these miracles. Sometimes I feel that we as Catholics need to learn from our Charismatic - Protestant brothers and sisters. Those Charisms were practiced since Jesus, are all biblical and recorded by the early church fathers. All we can do is pray for the man and leave it in God’s hands.
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