Benny Hinn on DateLine NBC Tonight

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He’s not Palestinian Arab if he’s Armenian and Greek. He’s said himself that he’s Armenian and Greek, I saw it on Larry King Live. I’ve never heard him claim he was Palestinian Arab, though he might have. He’s a very shifty fellow.
where’s the Armenian connection? If both parents are Palestinian Greek Orthodox, which one is Armenian?

Now you got me peaked about this ‘anointed man of God’ bit…
Hey, I can’t help it if Benny Hinn’s stated family history doesn’t make sense! He also claimed his dad was at one time mayor of Jaffa, but that wasn’t true.

As for the anointed man of God - Hinn has several times warned his critics to leave the ‘anointed man of God’ alone. Apparently if you touch the anointed man God will strike you down and this was said about his critics (and the critics of a few other people I think. I’d have to look that up). I know he said the Hank Hanegraaff would be struck down. Hank has not been struck down. Obviously. Not that I would agree with Hank Hanegraaff on everything but his writings on the Prosperity/Word of Faith movement are pretty good (if overstated on the question of the movement’s origins).

When interviewed on a BBC documentary about Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke (sp?) Benny Hinn stated that God wanted him to have all his material riches. Without them he might burn out. Hmmm. That particular documentary followed all the people healed at one Hinn and one Bonnke crusade meeting. After further investigations it was shown that none of these people had received a miraculous healing.

I must shut up. NOW. Or I will yabber on for a long time (I rather dislike the prosperity/word of faith gospel and the way it is preached. Jesus was materially a rich man you know. Which is why Judas had to have a purse. It’s true. Paul Crouch said it on TBN!)
I,ll say this, Most of all the Bible Heros were also some of the greatest sinners. God is in control. He can use anyone He wants to and that includes Benny Hinn. Dont believe everything you read especially coming from the secular world. Most of it is only half truths. People also thought Jesus Christ was a lunatic. :eek: God Bless
I,ll say this, Most of all the Bible Heros were also some of the greatest sinners. God is in control. He can use anyone He wants to and that includes Benny Hinn. Dont believe everything you read especially coming from the secular world. Most of it is only half truths. People also thought Jesus Christ was a lunatic. :eek: God Bless
Okay… so what’s to stop all the REAL lunatics from using this very same cop-ou…er, defense?
I cannot believe all of the squabbling going on about Benny Hinn’s ancestry. Sheesh people! If you care so much about this, research your own. Who cares WHAT lineage he comes from? This thread is about a television program that aired an expose of him. That’s it!

I also come from a pro-Hinn, Copeland, Duplantis, you name it I could claim it background. But I don’t believe in this man’s ministry. It *is *possible however, that he may be accidently doing some good as well due to God’s grace in people’s lives though, so the best thing to do for a person who gets under your skin is to pray for them. - Maranajewell.

And for the record, I forget my own advise sometimes so please pray for me too! 🙂
I went to a Hinn crusade. Fascinating experience. I saw a miracle. His hair. It never gets mussed up. The wave always remains. That kind of hair care costs money. No wonder he has to rob the widows and orphans.
I love your post. I think it sums up the whole Hinn phenomena beautifully.
We Catholics really must realise the tremendous power of God that ocurs each time a sacrament is celebrated, especially the Mass. We can learn from the followers of Hinn to believe in God and in His power to save and heal. They follow a superficial, money grabbing man, we follow Jesus Christ and His Church. We must value this and show our faith in God. If we had the faith that the “Hinnites” have, just how much could God do through us?
People turn to cheap imitations because they don’t see the real thing. We must, by living our faith, show people just where God is to be found.

(PS The quote at the bottom of your post from Cardinal Manning is great.)
Just look at that, its all one big show! And he left the apostolic and sacramental Orthodox Church behind to do this? I think I will stick to Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist as a Catholic.😉
Dear Pious Redeemer. Your post on Benny Hinn requiring money puzzles me. We’ve seen him twice here in Toronto, although he has been several times. This is what I have observed:
  1. The healings never happen on the stage. The healings happen during the praise and worship part of the crusade. Or they even happen on the bus transporting people from Northern Ontario. And oh yes, people came from the Arctic to see him. They hired an airplane and then hired a bus! People are brought up on the stage to give testimony on their healings.
  2. Money is asked for but never required.
  3. Hinn has always maintained that the greatest healing of all is salvation.
  4. I asked one of the priests who started the Charismatic Renewal movement in Canada about Benny Hinn and about healing. He told me that Jesus did not heal everyone in the crowd. Of course. We all must die. But to die without faith is … I dunno … something I would not want.
  5. The experience of my friend is that she was not completely healed but she did not come away empty handed. After being slain in the spirit (and I am going to leave out a great deal here), she experienced the following healings:
The tumours in her brain were healed. This was confirmed at the hospital.

The tumour on her liver was not healed. And she died a few months later (with all her saint cards around her).

Her memories were healed. She came to resolutions about her past. This happened in a very dramatic way.

Her family was healed. The daughter in law was touched by Our Lady.

Her emotions and relationships were healed. She went to everyone she knew and confessed to them and asked their forgiveness.

Her spirit was healed. She had asked me to find a Charismatic healing Mass and take her there. When I finally found one, she was too weak to attend. Instead I took a photo of her and her two grandchildren. I went up to the priest and said that my friend was sick and that Jesus could heal her even though she was not there. Well the long and short of it was that I was given a vision.

I try not to judge someone like Benny Hinn, basically because I do not understand him and I do not understand how the Lord uses him. I do know this absolutely: the Lord will use those who say “Here am I Lord” regardless of who they are.

I am sorry for the loss of the little boy.
Pious Redeemer:
I’ve seen a documentary about him here on Belgian television. I couldn’t believe my eyes!:eek: To give an example: a Pakistani family had recently moved to the U.S. and they went to one of his shows hoping he could cure their son’s terminal cancer. They had to “make a donation” in order for Hinn to “treat” the little boy. After the session, the boy seemed to recover, but one week later, they had to see a doctor, who came to the conclusion that the tumor was still there and had even become bigger. Then they wrote a letter to Hinn asking him what to do. He said that they had to send him a cheque of $2000 and then he would pray specifically for their son and ask the Lord to heal him.
Final result: the boy died a few weeks later and the parents were broke, both financially and emotionally.
I’m wondering whether there are laws in the U.S. against this kind of immoral deceit?
It is possible to do mighty works in the name of Jesus and not be a disciple of the Lord.Not every one who says to me, Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, `I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.’
Matt. 7:21-23
It is possible to do mighty works in the name of Jesus and not be a disciple of the Lord.Not every one who says to me, Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, `I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.’
Matt. 7:21-23
Hi Matt.I hope that is not brought up to you or me on judgement day. I hope we are doing the will of the Father and not casting stones. :eek: God Bless
Protestants win Hands Down in the Entertainment department. They are up there with “professional wrestling”!
Protestants win Hands Down in the Entertainment department. They are up there with “professional wrestling”!
Hi River, Jesus also drew crowds where ever He went. People love to be touched by the hand of God and by His Spirit. Jesus entertained many with all His miracles. 👍 God Bless
For what it is worth, a lot of us Protestants think that Benny Hinn is a :whacky: con artist, not a “man of God”.

The odd thing that has struck me reading this thread is the :confused: :rolleyes: multiple accounts of his origins…Because he has also claimed to be a Methodist/Free Methodist pastor, & born in Canada. As a Methodist, I would be :clapping: delighted to :clapping:disown him completely…(not that I would wish him on anybody else!)
hat has struck me reading this thread is the :confused: :rolleyes: multiple accounts of his origins…Because he has also claimed to be a Methodist/Free Methodist pastor, & born in Canada.
This guy according to the information in this thread has more backgrounds than an art gallery - sumpin’ for everyone.
I am… Tiger Wo… I mean Benny Hinn…

Wouldn’t it be hilarious (and sad) if it turned out he was just some white dude who regularly got a tan and simply faked that accent for a buck??
I am… Tiger Wo… I mean Benny Hinn…

Wouldn’t it be hilarious (and sad) if it turned out he was just some white dude who regularly got a tan and simply faked that accent for a buck??
Well I doubt it because I watched his visit to his old school and talking to the friars there but I must say he certainly seems to have multiple claims to nationalities.
He’s not Palestinian Arab if he’s Armenian and Greek. He’s said himself that he’s Armenian and Greek, I saw it on Larry King Live. I’ve never heard him claim he was Palestinian Arab, though he might have. He’s a very shifty fellow.
I had the impression he has a Greek (Orthodox) background, was born in Palestine, lived in Israel, moved to Toronto Canada, attended Catholic schools somewhere along the way, and then went to his first healing meeting as a teenager and ‘converted’ to whatever that is over the course of time.
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