BEST American TV show of all time?

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My coworkers keep trying to get me to watch it. The little bit I’ve seen when in the same room as others when watching it just doesn’t interest me. I did like South Park’s parody, though.
Top 5

Columbo 70s episodes
The Twilight Zone original black and white
Dark Shadows
Woo hoo–Dark Shadows!

Interesting–Jeopardy. I have to say that it has a long life! I remember watching it in grade school, and that’s a long time ago!
No one has mentioned the classic
Captain Video and his Video Rangers.
I loved to watch Columbo wear down the killer with his persistent, annoying personality. LOL
The wrinkled-up overcoat, the stogie, and “just one more thing…” Classic Columbo.
Seinfeld all the way. Do any of you Seinfeld watchers belong to any Seinfeld groups on Facebook? Let me know…

I did love Breaking Bad. However, I cannot get enough of Better Call Saul. I think it’s better than BB.

Someone else mentioned Northern Exposure. I loved that show. Tried to get my kids to watch it a couple of years ago and they got bored. :confused:
My wife and I saw Peter Falk once in NYC, maybe 15 years ago. He was sitting alone in a diner eating a burger. Just a regular guy. Looked a little lonely.
I am sure Peter Falk saw a lot during his time
in Hollywood and had many stories to tell.
Falk was part of the John Cassavetes crew. I saw them on Dick Cavett Show once and they were over the top wild. If they were like that all the time Falk might have been burned out towards the end.

Columbo had the best guest appearances of any show. Twilight Zone too. Twilight Zone had them mostly early in their careers when they were still unknown. The 1970s Columbo episodes had them in their prime.
I would love them to revive the Columbo character because the shows are so outdated now. They would have a hard time finding an actor to capture Columbo character like Falk
did. They old shows did have good guest
appearances. I saw an episode the other morning with Johnny Cash.
I think anyone in modern day forensics would
cringe at some of the things Columbo does
and doesn’t do at the crime scene. One episode I saw they wheeled the body out before Columbo even walked over to look
at the body!!!
Falk was part of the John Cassavetes crew. I saw them on Dick Cavett Show once and they were over the top wild. If they were like that all the time Falk might have been burned out towards the end.

Columbo had the best guest appearances of any show. Twilight Zone too. Twilight Zone had them mostly early in their careers when they were still unknown. The 1970s Columbo episodes had them in their prime.
Yes, he ran around with a fast crowd!
There was buzz a few years ago about a Columbo movie. Mark Ruffalo’s name came up and he said he would be interested. He would be perfect for It. Similar look, size, mannerisms. Nothing ever came of it though.
Mark Ruffalo might be good, but he is kind of
tall I think. Hopefully, they haven’t given up on
the project.
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