Only two weeks ago I discovered I had this in my new cable lineup. Finally, I got to hear a (mostly) Latin mass, with sacramental music!!! So far I’ve caught one Bishop Sheen show, the one on communism. Wow, he was awesome. No wonder my mother didn’t want to watch him when I was a kid–“too opinionated” for agnostics wouldn’t you say?
I love the World Over and have heard terrific discusions there. Do you ever get the feeling that this is the only place you’re getting the truth? But it seems to be on at all different times–I don’t get it.
Also yesterday Fr. Angelus Shaughnessy gave a rip-roaring homily about abortion in the daily mass. It was bracing, like being smacked upside the head. My own pastors should be so clear.
I love Mother Angelica too, and since the Rosary is all new to me (as a convert) I tend to get hypnotised by it. Those girls do sound weird. Are these tapes recent or old? I haven’t seen a real nun in my town for years.
I tuned in to the G.K. Chesterton show, since I just finished re-reading Heretics and Orthodoxy, but I was kind of disappointed. It almost seems like the ex-Baptist host is inserting his own personality into the discussion, Protestant-style. I don’t know why but Catholics don’t seem to do that. I expected more biography of GKC himself and drifted away.
Fortunately EWTN does not avoid controversy in an attempt to make it palatable to non-believers. Orthodoxy draws in more people anyway. Liberalizing pulls in a few libertines but then drives everyone else away. So I think they’re on the right track and I hope they stay just the way they are.