Best videos of a Tridentine Mass?

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Now I’ve looked at those videos - very carefully, because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I saw not that much to call beautiful or impressive in them. I saw a liturgy that was bloated with excess, overblown, ceremonious to the point that the meaning and the heart and soul of it would have been pretty much lost on me if it was all I’d known, and probably was on much of the congregation. I saw very few people who looked like they were doing more than going through the motions.
That’s out of line. :mad: Would you prefer to qualify each of your accusations? I’m curious about what you consider to be excesses. The Mass is the lifting of the veil between heaven and earth… at each and every Mass we are brought to Golgotha AND heaven.

Is incense an excess? I recall its use being mandated by God in Scripture. The beautiful artwork on the vestments? Again, mandated by God in Scripture. Chant? Gregorian Chant is based on the chant modes used in the Temple. And these people were in the presence of God in the cloud. We come to Mass and we are in the bodily presence of the Creator of the universe Himself. St. John decribes what worship in heaven is like. The Mass seeks to mirror that worship. There’s great symbolism involved with all of our “excesses.” Try reading Revelation for yourself and figure it out. 😃

The Catholics in the French video were certaily not drones. Mommies made the sign of the cross on the foreheads of their children. The little ones peered at daddy’s missal. And maybe you didn’t figure out that the choir and CONGREGATION alternated verses when singing the Ordinaries. Singing is a very involved process. I hear Marty Haugen’s garbage week after week but that doesn’t mean I automatically sing along with it. :mad:
I think Fulton Sheen explained the TLM beautifully.

The ceremonies and movements and chants gives the respect due to God as it gives the people a “sense of the Divine or sacred. (Dietrich von Hildebrand)” That the Mass, with the language, ceremony, vestments etc, combined is no ordinary social event but really an act of worship. Well this is how I feel each time I attend the TLM.
That’s out of line. :mad: Would you prefer to qualify each of your accusations? I’m curious about what you consider to be excesses. The Mass is the lifting of the veil between heaven and earth… at each and every Mass we are brought to Golgotha AND heaven.

Is incense an excess? I recall its use being mandated by God in Scripture. The beautiful artwork on the vestments? Again, mandated by God in Scripture. Chant? Gregorian Chant is based on the chant modes used in the Temple. And these people were in the presence of God in the cloud. We come to Mass and we are in the bodily presence of the Creator of the universe Himself. St. John decribes what worship in heaven is like. The Mass seeks to mirror that worship. There’s great symbolism involved with all of our “excesses.” Try reading Revelation for yourself and figure it out. 😃

The Catholics in the French video were certaily not drones. Mommies made the sign of the cross on the foreheads of their children. The little ones peered at daddy’s missal. And maybe you didn’t figure out that the choir and CONGREGATION alternated verses when singing the Ordinaries. Singing is a very involved process. I hear Marty Haugen’s garbage week after week but that doesn’t mean I automatically sing along with it. :mad:
Well I gave one example - the Bible readings in Latin … in fact the use of Latin full stop.

As for congregation participation - I wasn’t implying that all attendees or anything like all of 'em were drones. I was just thinking what my own reaction would have been when I was younger. And there were a fair number of blank expressionless faces.

Nice to see the kiddie looking at the Dad’s missal, I agree. Point being I have never in my life NEEDED to look at a missal to try to understand what I was hearing, not even as a child. That’s because I heard every word of the Mass in my own native language and in words that I could comprehend more or less immediately.

Incense I don’t mind at all - overly ornate vestments I do. How many bits of clothing and vesture do you need to load onto a poor man to make him fit to celebrate Mass when the mere fact of his being sacramentally ordained is what really counts?

A chasuble, certainly (and a good quality one, not cruddy polyester) to signify the dignity of the office he holds and the worship he is performing. But gloves? Lacy albs? Multiple layers of ornate bibs and bobs? It looked overdone to my eyes.

Christ didn’t wear a dozen layers of lace and gold cloth - not ever in his life. And I bet you anything he doesn’t in heaven either.

And what’s with the cast of thousands in terms of additional priests and altar servers? And TLM supporters have the hide to complain about EMsHC. To me it doesn’t matter so much whether the servers are all in holy orders or not, there were an awful lot of 'em there. Were they really necessary? If they were, then that’s too much ceremony. And if they weren’t, why have them there? It’s somewhat baffling.

I’ve sung in choirs and heard plenty of church singing - it can be beautiful and dignified and Haugen-and-Haas-free WITHOUT being unnecessarily ornate or complicated.
cough cough

In case anyone didn’t see CathMass’s post

I beg you dear Christians to stop arguing. This forum is for Tridentine Videos and not debating. The moderators will shut it down if you keep up. Please, enough of this arguing for the sake of the thread and the original poster. I say this out of charity.

The argument will go around in circles and then people will say a whole load of things they don’t mean and end up getting annoyed. Noble simplicity and ornate ritual both have a place in the Church. Does denigrating solve anything or even provide a good discussion?
cough cough

In case anyone didn’t see CathMass’s post

I beg you dear Christians to stop arguing. This forum is for Tridentine Videos and not debating. The moderators will shut it down if you keep up. Please, enough of this arguing for the sake of the thread and the original poster. I say this out of charity.

The argument will go around in circles and then people will say a whole load of things they don’t mean and end up getting annoyed. Noble simplicity and ornate ritual both have a place in the Church. Does denigrating solve anything or even provide a good discussion?
Amen … and I take this opportunity to apologise to those TLM afficionados I may have offended.

Please do just realise that there are people who actually like the NO for its own sake for a number of reasons.

And no, in at least some cases it’s not because we’re deluded, bad cafeteria Catholics or unaware of what the TLM has to offer, so please don’t insinuate any of the above.
Amen … and I take this opportunity to apologise to those TLM afficionados I may have offended.

Please do just realise that there are people who actually like the NO for its own sake for a number of reasons.

And no, in at least some cases it’s not because we’re deluded, bad cafeteria Catholics or unaware of what the TLM has to offer, so please don’t insinuate any of the above.
Apology accepted. I certainly do not wish to imply that I am somehow against the Pauline Mass. I think it’s a beautiful rite of the Mass. In fact, the Pauline rubrics allow for greater flexibility in regards to the use of sacred music at Mass which I believe to be a GOOD thing. One of the things that I dislike about the Tridentine low Mass where I direct is that the priest will not wait for us to finish singing the ordinaries. I understand that it’s a low Mass and that our singing only serves to help the understanding of the faithful and all… but it really makes me thankful that such things don’t happen in the Pauline Mass. The silent canon offered at Gonzaga during our Chanted Masses notwithstanding, of course (so beautiful to sing the Benedictus after the consecration!!!).
Ay, yi, yi, yi! I am an old man in my mid 50s. I watched this video. Kirk? Ok, my friend. You don’t want this. OK. But I have to tell you that after watching the video., given the option, , if someone in my diocese was to offer an indult TLM? There would I be. Where is the dialogue of those of us who got thrown out with the bathwater? I was a teenager when we moved from the TLM to the NO. Hey, I liked the TLM! I yearn for the TLM. Y’all do not in any way, shape, or form speak for me!

OK, I’m gonna start a new thread. A thread for those of us who were in our teens during VII and who DID not want to adopt Simon and Garfunkle and the Beatles! I’m not happy, y’all. I had this taurine foecal matter thrust down my throat in 1969.
Kirk - take note. Here we have someone who likes the TLM, thinks the NO was a mistake, and guess what?

:eek: He saw the changes happen! He’s not just a stupid teenager who loves Latin because it sounds nice and is like Harry Potter! :eek:
Kirk - take note. Here we have someone who likes the TLM, thinks the NO was a mistake, and guess what?

:eek: He saw the changes happen! He’s not just a stupid teenager who loves Latin because it sounds nice and is like Harry Potter! :eek:
See the last few posts. I don’t object to an attachment to the TLM, I object to the constant denigration of the NO (which IS the Mass of the Church as well) and I object to those who cannot praise the one without sneering at the other.
See the last few posts. I don’t object to an attachment to the TLM, I object to the constant denigration of the NO (which IS the Mass of the Church as well) and I object to those who cannot praise the one without sneering at the other.
Amen. That’s not to say that we are not permitted to critique the weakeness of both rites–and it’s impossible to deny that both rites have them. Afterall, why fix what ain’t broke? 😃
What with all the rumor-bubbling on the subject, I’m ready to see what’s up with the Tridentine Mass. So to start with, are there any good videos available online of the TLM? Thanks.

There was a three-video set uploaded to this week which treats of Low Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal (a.k.a. the Tridentine Rite); those videos are some of the best TLM videos freely available on the Net, in my opinion:

**Introduction to St. Eymard’s method of hearing Mass by meditation on the Passion

Low Mass (1962 Roman Missal) with St. Eymard’s meditation as a voice-over

Low Mass without the meditation**

I’m hoping that the same publisher (Roman Catholic Sacramentals Foundation) is going to upload to one its Solemn High Mass videos as well.

Until then, you can watch a rather grainy video of a beautifully celebrated Solemn High Mass, filmed at an SSPX seminary in France (the chant in the video is gorgeous):

Sancta Missa – Holy Mass

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.


There was a three-video set uploaded to this week which treats of Low Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal (a.k.a. the Tridentine Rite); those videos are some of the best TLM videos freely available on the Net, in my opinion:

Introduction to St. Eymard’s method of hearing Mass by meditation on the Passion

Low Mass (1962 Roman Missal) with St. Eymard’s meditation as a voice-over

Low Mass without the meditation

I’m hoping that the same publisher (Roman Catholic Sacramentals Foundation) is going to upload to one its Solemn High Mass videos as well.

Until then, you can watch a rather grainy video of a beautifully celebrated Solemn High Mass, filmed at an SSPX seminary in France (the chant in the video is gorgeous):

Sancta Missa – Holy Mass

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

The High Mass video is wonderful.

Almost rivals my own TLM parish 👍

There was a three-video set uploaded to this week which treats of Low Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal (a.k.a. the Tridentine Rite); those videos are some of the best TLM videos freely available on the Net, in my opinion:

Introduction to St. Eymard’s method of hearing Mass by meditation on the Passion

Low Mass (1962 Roman Missal) with St. Eymard’s meditation as a voice-over

Low Mass without the meditation

I’m hoping that the same publisher (Roman Catholic Sacramentals Foundation) is going to upload to one its Solemn High Mass videos as well.

Until then, you can watch a rather grainy video of a beautifully celebrated Solemn High Mass, filmed at an SSPX seminary in France (the chant in the video is gorgeous):

Sancta Missa – Holy Mass

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

I don’t want to open up a can of worms here - but the priest in the Low Mass (with meditations) seriously sounds to me like he’s calling a horse race rather than saying Mass :o

Something to do with the tone of voice and the rapidity of his speech perhaps.
This is from an SSPX Mass in France…warning, it’s high quality, so even if you have a cable modem…it’s gonna take a while to download. With the Mass being in France, there are some “local adaptations” e.g. the priest reads the Epistle silently while another priest reads from the ambo in French.–St%20Nicolas%20du%20Chardonnet,%20Paryz.avi

Or directly from;
Thanks – I think. I downloaded the file (700 MB!) and can’t view it on my Mac! Anybody know what codec or other whatever I need for this file?
Thanks – I think. I downloaded the file (700 MB!) and can’t view it on my Mac! Anybody know what codec or other whatever I need for this file?

Use the Mac version of Mplayer to view that video; I downloaded the same file to my Mac (10.4.8), and Mplayer OS X worked just fine to view it:

MPlayer’s download page

Look for the text “MPlayer OS X 1.0pre8” under the “DESCRIPTION” heading, and then pick a link on the right from which to download it. Have fun!

In Christ.

I don’t want to open up a can of worms here - but the priest in the Low Mass (with meditations) seriously sounds to me like he’s calling a horse race rather than saying Mass :o

Something to do with the tone of voice and the rapidity of his speech perhaps.

Nah, don’t be afraid to call 'em like you see 'em here at CAF, at least in most threads. I suspect that this priest’s “style” of offering Low Mass (e.g. the pace of his words, his tone, etc.) faithfully reflects the manner in which he was taught to offer it in the F.S.S.P. seminary. He might also have been speaking with a bit more enunciation and volume (giving a feeling of amplified rapidity) because he was being filmed.

Actually, his pace is a bit slower than that of the priest-monks at Clear Creek Monastery when they celebrate Low Mass in the early morning. I don’t think it has anything to do with irreverence, it’s just a manner of going about liturgy with which we’re unfamiliar. Have you ever been to an Eastern Orthodox liturgy? At the Antiochan Orthodox mission parish in my home town, the prayers are all in English and they’re spoken much more quickly than the prayers at a typical vernacular Mass in a Roman Catholic Church in the USA, though that may have to do with the fact that there is nearly 250% more prayer-text that makes up an Orthodox Divine Liturgy compared to a Mass of the Roman Rite. By the way, the text of the Tridentine Rite of Mass is also longer than the text of the Pauline Rite (a.k.a. Novus Ordo).

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.


Use the Mac version of Mplayer to view that video; I downloaded the same file to my Mac (10.4.8), and Mplayer OS X worked just fine to view it:
That did the trick. Thanks for the pointer.
Beat me to it! BTW, for the link I provided, the Mass is that of the Last Sunday After Pentecost if anyone wants to know the propers. Coincidently, that Mass is coming up on the 26th of November.
That is a good answer Lily, but I disagree on one point, which is obedience\respect to God.

It certainly would be easier to participate in the Mass if I could do it at home recorded on my VCR. I could even get more people to participate in it, but participation does not mean respect or obedience.

What we should focus on is what is most respectful and obedient of God. This means the Mass should have the most amount of respect possible. This includes using incense, having gold, proper vestments, proper movement, silence, music set aside primarily for worship, language set aside primarily for worship.
It is not easy but we have to give the best to God.

It was not possible to do this when the Church was first forming, when even Jesus was under persecution, but did He stop them from using expensive perfume for His feet? No, the best must be reserved for God. So now when we live in a society where we can give more to God we should give the most.

We can have common language in our homes, common music in our homes, but the best must be for God. As it has developed we have seen that Latin promotes the most unity and respect which makes it best for worship of God.

In Christ

The NO is good, but only when it emulates the Tridentine in respect, when it falls into abuse which the more common then it must be corrected. I have never seen a NO done with respect since I was a Child and once at the National Catholic Family Conference.
The High Mass video is wonderful.

Almost rivals my own TLM parish 👍

NEWSFLASH!!! Exciting!!! That popular video of a Solemn High Mass celebrated at the SSPX seminary in France has been re-encoded to a much higher quality version, now available (as of this evening) on from the same user that uploaded the popular black and white video of the Solemn High Mass narrated by Fulton Sheen:

Traditional Latin Mass:
Feast of the Sacred Heart

The chant in that video was already a joy to listen to; this version now also truly displays the visual splendor of the Solemn High Mass according to the Tridentine Rite (1962 Roman Missal). Enjoy!

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

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