Best videos of a Tridentine Mass?

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I’m from the Philippines and I’ve only heard the Roman Canon prayed only once in the NO Mass. I admire the priest who prayed it, he makes profound bows during Consecration. He’s the only priest I know here in my country who bows during Consecration (This is my Body/ This is my Blood…"), then genuflects after which AFAIK, is in the Rubrics. Please correct me if I am wrong or is it an option for the priest to bow during Consecration.

The sad thing is that the shortest canon is always prayed here. Most Filipino Catholics here would only know either option 2 or 3. I think praying the Roman Canon often or at least during all Sunday Mass would be a good start. Is it possible to request it to the Bishop?
I’m a doctor, Kirk, not a lawyer. I’m afraid you’ve lost me.

Words mean things. Supreme and universal mean something. This isn’t like the democrats coming into congress and overturning everything the republicans did.

Or is it? :eek:
Doc, the popes cannot say to future popes,“Never married priests,” or “never the vernacular Mass,” or “never the Mass unless it’s this form.” That’s just how it is. Like it or not, the TLM could be suppressed. Yes, so could the NO. Or, even if not suppressed, the rights of priests to say it without reference to their bishops could be suppressed, despite Saint Pius’ use of the word “in perpetuity.”
I’m from the Philippines and I’ve only heard the Roman Canon prayed only once in the NO Mass. I admire the priest who prayed it, he makes profound bows during Consecration. He’s the only priest I know here in my country who bows during Consecration (This is my Body/ This is my Blood…"), then genuflects after which AFAIK, is in the Rubrics. Please correct me if I am wrong or is it an option for the priest to bow during Consecration.

The sad thing is that the shortest canon is always prayed here. Most Filipino Catholics here would only know either option 2 or 3. I think praying the Roman Canon often or at least during all Sunday Mass would be a good start. Is it possible to request it to the Bishop?
Our old pastor said it all the time.
Don’t make assumptions, Doc. I’m just an orthodox Catholic defending my Church. I told you I’ve always supported the Indult and I meant it.

What mailing list did you reckon I’d be on, “Liturgical Innovations Monthly?” “Altar Dancers Unlimited?” “Radical Lesbisan Nuns Who Refuse to Shave Their Legs Council?”
At least “Papolators Weekly,” “Audible Canon Review” and the ever popular, “A Little Bit of Latin But Not Too Much Quarterly.” :cool:
Ay, yi, yi, yi! I am an old man in my mid 50s. I watched this video. Kirk? Ok, my friend. You don’t want this. OK. But I have to tell you that after watching the video., given the option, , if someone in my diocese was to offer an indult TLM? There would I be. Where is the dialogue of those of us who got thrown out with the bathwater? I was a teenager when we moved from the TLM to the NO. Hey, I liked the TLM! I yearn for the TLM. Y’all do not in any way, shape, or form speak for me!

OK, I’m gonna start a new thread. A thread for those of us who were in our teens during VII and who DID not want to adopt Simon and Garfunkle and the Beatles! I’m not happy, y’all. I had this taurine foecal matter thrust down my throat in 1969.
Here in the Philippines, I’ve heard it only once. 😦
Wow, that’s hard to believe. Here in Las Vegas, the Philipino people stand out as very conservative Catholics. In fact, the ladies usually veil their heads.
Wow, that’s hard to believe. Here in Las Vegas, the Philipino people stand out as very conservative Catholics. In fact, the ladies usually veil their heads.
Same holds true here in my parish here in LA.
Doc, the popes cannot say to future popes,“Never married priests,” or “never the vernacular Mass,” or “never the Mass unless it’s this form.” That’s just how it is. Like it or not, the TLM could be suppressed. Yes, so could the NO. Or, even if not suppressed, the rights of priests to say it without reference to their bishops could be suppressed, despite Saint Pius’ use of the word “in perpetuity.”
Perpetuity seems to have an entirely different meaning than the obvious one, too.

Springtime. We don’t need to think. Let’s just hold hands and hug.
Ay, yi, yi, yi! I am an old man in my mid 50s. I watched this video. Kirk? Ok, my friend. You don’t want this. OK. But I have to tell you that after watching the video., given the option, , if someone in my diocese was to offer an indult TLM? There would I be. Where is the dialogue of those of us who got thrown out with the bathwater? I was a teenager when we moved from the TLM to the NO. Hey, I liked the TLM! I yearn for the TLM. Y’all do not in any way, shape, or form speak for me!

OK, I’m gonna start a new thread. A thread for those of us who were in our teens during VII and who DID not want to adopt Simon and Garfunkle and the Beatles! I’m not happy, y’all. I had this taurine foecal matter thrust down my throat in 1969.
Brotherrolf: I’m sorry, I’ve never been of any opinon, but that the TLM should be offered for those who want it. I’m just sick of the NO being run down by those who seek to praise the TLM (for example, did you just call it bull s&^t?!?!?!? The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?). And I don’t presume to speak for you.
Perpetuity seems to have an entirely different meaning than the obvious one, too.

Springtime. We don’t need to think. Let’s just hold hands and hug.
He can only grant it in perpetuity up until the point that another pope takes it away.

I am thinking. That’s canon law and Church practice. I don’t hold hands and I’m not a big hugger, so that’s an obvious strawman.
Good Lord, I can’t believe this! I went away to tend to my family, bake some bread, and do a little knitting. I come back and it appears that my remarks ignited a virtual firestorm. I don’t understand all this. I’ve never been exposed to people who think like this.

I have nothing against the older style Mass and I don’t mind it being offered. Personally, I’m very thankful for the newer version of the Mass. I didn’t know this was a controversial subject, however.
He can only grant it in perpetuity up until the point that another pope takes it away.

I am thinking. That’s canon law and Church practice. I don’t hold hands and I’m not a big hugger, so that’s an obvious strawman.
Strawman? Bah. Perpetuity has a specific meaning. Forever. And ever. Amen. Not, “until this point and then stop.” Maybe the Latin means something diff…

You need a hug, Kirk.
Good Lord, I can’t believe this! I went away to tend to my family, bake some bread, and do a little knitting. I come back and it appears that my remarks ignited a virtual firestorm. I don’t understand all this. I’ve never been exposed to people who think like this.

I have nothing against the older style Mass and I don’t mind it being offered. Personally, I’m very thankful for the newer version of the Mass. I didn’t know this was a controversial subject, however.
Yes, very controversial. Seems to spread into almost every thread in this forum, and many outside of it too.
I wont argue with that, but we are the Roman Rite, not the Byzantine Rite or the Coptic Rite or the Maronite Rite (all of which, btw, have organic liturgies). And I must say against that Latin is only one of the three languages used in the Liturgy, along with Hebrew and Greek. Vernacular is used at the homily, the specified part of the Mass when we are taught.

It is also interesting to note that the first things the protestant reformers did was to ditch the latin and turn the altars around.
Agreed. I was only responding to the perceived assertion that the use of vernacular in the liturgy is somehow a Protestant innovation. When Rome mandated the use of Latin for the Roman liturgy at the Council of Trent (brief bits of Hebrew, Greek, and vernacular notwithstanding), she understood the language as a unifying force against the spread of Protestantism. I personally think the return of Latin would once again contribute to liturgical and theological unity, but I wouldn’t label the use of vernacular in the liturgy as un-Catholic or even un-Roman.

God bless,

Chris, Byzantine Catholic and sinner
That is a beautiful video, it would be evil not to want that available for everyone.

This is not to say that the NO is bad, but there stands no reason to limit the Tridentine Mass. This thread is about the Tridentine Mass not about bashing the NO.

Why would anyone consider limiting the availability of the Tridentine Mass is beyond me.

Can anyone come up with a good holy answer. The only answer I have heard is that they didn’t understand it. With most people being able to read this shouldn’t be a problem anymore, heck even the little kids there understood.
God was being worshipped, isn’t that the whole point?
Proper worship of God.

In Christ
Wow, that’s hard to believe. Here in Las Vegas, the Philipino people stand out as very conservative Catholics. In fact, the ladies usually veil their heads.
I can’t believe it either…I did not know that there was a Roman Canon until I bought a Prayer Book. After sometime, I’ve heard the priest prayed it during Mass.

We even only have 5 Indult TLM for the whole country. Only one for the Archdiocese of Manila which I recently discovered. I also admire the Indult priest. He is quite young, yet very orthodox in his preaching. He defends the Catholic faith very well.

With regards to NO vs TLM. I was born in 1978. During my childhood days, I remember the NO as being reverent and solemn. IMHO, the NO Mass is becoming more and more community oriented than God oriented as the years goes by. It has the danger of becoming a mere social gathering/event rather than an act of worship.
Wow, that’s hard to believe. Here in Las Vegas, the Philipino people stand out as very conservative Catholics. In fact, the ladies usually veil their heads.
I can’t believe it either…I did not know that there was a Roman Canon until I bought a Prayer Book. After sometime, I’ve heard the priest prayed it during Mass.

We even only have 5 Indult TLM for the whole country. Only one for the Archdiocese of Manila which I recently discovered. I also admire the Indult priest. He is quite young, yet very orthodox in his preaching. He defends the Catholic faith very well.

With regards to NO vs TLM. I was born in 1978. During my childhood days, I remember the NO as being reverent and solemn. IMHO, the NO Mass is becoming more and more community oriented than God oriented as the years goes by. It has the danger of becoming a mere social gathering/event rather than an act of worship.
That is a beautiful video, it would be evil not to want that available for everyone.

This is not to say that the NO is bad, but there stands no reason to limit the Tridentine Mass. This thread is about the Tridentine Mass not about bashing the NO.

Why would anyone consider limiting the availability of the Tridentine Mass is beyond me.

Can anyone come up with a good holy answer. The only answer I have heard is that they didn’t understand it. With most people being able to read this shouldn’t be a problem anymore, heck even the little kids there understood.
God was being worshipped, isn’t that the whole point?
Proper worship of God.

In Christ

You want a ‘good and holy answer’ - I can give you a Biblical one. When Christ instituted the Eucharist he spoke the vernacular language of himself and the apostles. Not Hebrew, Greek or Latin.

When they in their turn received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and started preaching, each member of the crowd heard them IN HIS OWN LANGUAGE! Not Latin, not Hebrew, not Greek.

And when the New Testament was written under inspiration from the Holy Spirit - guess what, again it was in multiple VERNACULAR languages! Not all in Greek, or all in Hebrew or Aramaic, or all in Latin.

If speaking in the vernacular is good enough for Christ, and good enough for the Holy Spirit when communicating through the speech and writings of the Apostles then why is anyone saying it’s not good enough for any priest or parishioner alive to say or hear Mass in their own God-given vernacular language???

‘Proper’ worship of God doesn’t mean Latin. And vernacular does not mean lack of proper worship. Latin was chosen initially precisely BECAUSE it was the vernacular, and to get away from the then dead liturgical language which was old Greek.

Now I’ve looked at those videos - very carefully, because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I saw not that much to call beautiful or impressive in them. I saw a liturgy that was bloated with excess, overblown, ceremonious to the point that the meaning and the heart and soul of it would have been pretty much lost on me if it was all I’d known, and probably was on much of the congregation. I saw very few people who looked like they were doing more than going through the motions.

Frankly, I saw why at least some sections of the laity and clergy were happy to see the back of it with Vatican 2. I saw plenty of added fat that needed trimming.

One example - what was with the reading of the Bible in Latin and facing East in the Fulton Sheen Mass? Does God need to be taught from His own scripture? And would He not hear it just as well if it was said in the vernacular and facing the people? That in particular struck me as absolutely mystifyingly senseless.

Now the NO (or at least the abuses of it) have certainly pushed the pendulum too far in the opposite. But I don’t see anything particularly golden about the TLM either.
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